REPOST: Hugin/Mugin 1.0 - J2ME Flickr uploader for Series 60 Nokia cameraphones
Just re-posting this because the URLs have changed and people are looking for it. NOTE: that it may no longer work because flickr have changed their authentication APIs and this software is UNSUPPORTED!
Here are the files:
From Roland Tanglao's Weblog: Hugin/Mugin 1.0 - J2ME Flickr uploader for Series 60 Nokia cameraphones.:
LATER: I have added a Public Hugin/Mugin Flickr group. Please post your comments there.
After a prolonged testing and development period, Hugin/Mugin (Hugin and Mugin are Norse gods that Simon likes! This program was formally known as FlickrLive) is available for general release:
WHAT: Hugin/Mugin is a J2ME Flickr uploader for Series 60 cameraphone phones. It enables almost real time uploading (e.g. with a 30 second delay on the Canadian mobile carrier Fido's GPRS network) of photos from your phone directly to Flickr. No muss, no fuss, no chain of pain. It comes as two midlets: one to configure called Hugin/Mugin Settings (Flickr userid, password, tags, etc.) and one to actually upload called Hugin/Mugin
WHO IS THIS FOR: Power Users, techies and geeks. Sorry, but with the current cameraphone state of the art, I can't recommend this to normal people!
HOW TO INSTALL: download this Hugin/Mugin Zip file (60 K zip). Unzip it and transfer the .jar and the .jad files to your phone. Install it by opening the Jad.
HOW TO USE: Run the configuration midlet, Hugin/Mugin Settings, and put in your default tags, title, camera resolution and flickr id and password. Then when you want to take a photo, run Hugin/Mugin. Click to take a picture and upload!
SUPPORT: none, ok, best effort :-) which means leave a comment here or on your blog and I'll do my best to answer any questions
TESTED ON: Nokia 7610 ONLY! I believe it should work on other Series 60 phones like the 6600 and 6630 but I don't know for sure.
REQUIREMENTS: Series 60 Nokia phone AND some kind of mobile data service like GPRS, EV-DO, 3G, 1X, etc.
SOURCE: will be available tomorrow when I have time to post it and it will be GPL'ed
AUTHOR: Simon Lewis, my programming maven (really! Simon can and has almost programmed everything from CORBA frameworks to apps from Lisp to C, C++, Java, Smalltalk etc.) friend in the UK; I didn't write one line of code. I'm just the product manager :-) which means I just did the testing and helped with the requirements.
PROBLEMS: More details in the release notes tomorrow with the source but J2ME on the 7610 doesn't appear to let you upload true 1 megapixel images. Instead you get pixelated 640x480. Sad but true! Still it's cool to have pixelated 640x480 images uploaded to Flickr in pseudo real-time. I hope that by releasing the source tomorrow that somebody will be able to work around this.