I've downloaded this now and I am patiently awaiting my Gateway ID! Go Raccoon go!

FROM NRC - Phone Software:


Apache Modules

The following Apache modules have been built in: mod_alias, mod_auth, mod_autoindex, mod_dav, mod_dav_fs, mod_dir, mod_log_config, mod_mime, mod_rewrite, mod_setenvif and last, but definitely not least, mod_python.

Mod_python integrates Python for S60 with Apache and thus you can create content using Python scripting and also Python Server Pages. As it is possible to write your own Python extension modules, the entire S60 API is in principle available, even though the source for the Symbian port of Apache httpd is not yet provided.

The port of Apache httpd is based on version 2.0.52 and the port of mod_python on version 3.1.3.

In order to be able to browse to your mobile website you need to have an account on our gateway. Simply send a mail with the subject Raccoon Account and we will create one for you. If your name and preferred email-address are not evident from the mail headers, then specify them explicitly in the email body.


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