Experimenting with Hashbase.io and DAT, P2P blockchain hosting, a fungible hosting service for the peer-to-peer Web
- Based on Boris’s tweet and Paul Frazee’s tweet, I am trying out hashbase.io via this post: Introducing Hashbase, a fungible hosting service for the peer-to-peer Web.
- You can find me at hashbase.io/Roland
- I tried to post a usb bicycle light omni outliner but seemingly failed:
- dat url: https://datproject.org/dat://452efd34932b8624967729bf208dd0eca934a7f7a93fd085e1ee52b591c15c6d/contents/BIKE-LIGHTS
- hash base url: https://hashbase.io/Roland/bicycle-lights
- It seems stuck at “Upload progress (97%)”
- Here’s how it should look: