I’d like one of these to go :-) please!

From Moblog Enterprise Solutions | textamerica 2004:


Textamerica built its first moblog platform in 2002, making it available to the public worldwide in the first quarter of 2003. Since that time textamerica has gained a unique understanding of what both the public & commercial enterprises want and can gain from a moblog service and moblogging in general. We have also come to understand and subsequently develop the formula and platform which directly equates to and encourages mobloggers to continually post more images more frequently. The result of this knowledge, work and experience is that we are now in a position to offer you access to and use of the world's most flexible, unique, reliable and advanced moblogging platform. This platform is Scaleable, Modular, Localizable & Highly Adjustable. It is configured to process text, still images and or video submitted by SMTP or MMS. We presently limit video to formats 3GP, .MOV and MP4, however it can be adjusted to accept video in any format you desire.


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