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Me:: Do this on or before Feb 25, 2025 (USB download removed as of Feb 26, 2025) 2024:: UMA Technology:: How to De-DRM Kindle Books Using Calibre
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love. <-- 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Me:: A bot that runs once a day using Github actions amazing! Thanks for the open source code! I need to run my own bot on my Mastodon server to post art daily! Simon Willison:: 2023:: Building Mastodon bots with GitHub Actions and toot
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: It is a disappointment with the Chrᜁstian church that appears to be more whᜁte than Chrᜁstian, and with many whᜁte clergymen who prefer to remain silent behind the security of stained-glass windows. <-- 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Me:: a quick, fun way to graph and explore datasets with R GitHub:: rolkra/explore:: R package that makes basic data exploration radically simple (interactive data exploration, reproducible data science)
Me:: I didn't know cron was deprecated in macOS! Shinichi Okada:: The Complete Guide to Cron and Launchd on macOS/Linux
23 years+++ of blogging! So long ago! Decentralized blogging is still too hard, centralized blogging via youtube, ig and fb is seductively easy! In reality, I started in 1999 but my Radio Userland blog from 1999 appears to be gone from the internet. The earliest archive of my blog on the internet archive :-) Roland Tanglao's Weblog: Friday, November 30, 2001
Me:: Use Orbstack instead :-) lol Hayk Simonyan:: STOP using Docker Desktop: Faster Alternative Nobody Uses
Joan Westenberg:: Fᜂck the Cult of Productivity
Me:: tab continuation in your terminal, eg Warp, in your programming editor, Cursor, and in your text writing surface, grammarly, is here but is it a bubble?!? Allen Pike:: The Era of Tab Continuation
Me:: Just for fun, generate a random date that I can use to search my flickr archive for posting photos to Stack Overflow:: Generate random date between two dates and times in Javascript
Me:: I think my telus DSL modem/wifi router is in bridge mode! Need to double check someday :-) eero support article:: How do I bridge my upstream modem/router combo device?
Me tl;dr-ing:: Summarizing using LLMS is good when volume is a good predictor of importance which isn't often the case. Still true in 2025? May 2024:: Gerben Wierda::: When ChatGPT summarises, it actually does nothing of the kind. – R&A IT Strategy & Architecture
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: There is also great disappointment with the federal government and its timidity in implementing the civil rights laws on its statute books <-- 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
The OM Systems OM-3 will be a very small 'h' hit simply because of its cool in camera real time while shooting (and post in camera) adjustment of photos and videos. but at $USD2000 it's too pricey for it to be a capital 'H' hit (the X100VI is $USD1600!). People already have a water resistant camera namely their iOS or Android phone and all the other features are already on phones soooo.... #ProbablyWrongPrediction
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: If they are ᜀmerica’s angry children today, this anger is not congenital. It is a response to the feeling that a real solution is hopelessly distant because of the inconsistencies, resistance, and faintheartedness of those in power. <-- 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: Like life, rⷶcial understanding is not something that we find but something that we must create <-- 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
HOW TO: to randomly open a jpeg larger than 12MB:: `find . -name '*.JPG' -type f -size +12M -print | sort -R | head -1 | xargs -n 1 open` super user-unix:: How can I find files that are bigger/smaller than x bytes?
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: When some members of the dominant group, particularly those in power, are rⷶcist in attitude and practice, bitterness accuses the whole group. <-- 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Me:: A useful writing assistant that speeds common writing tasks up by 25% ?!? Fred Vogelstein and Om Malik:: Google's NotebookLM AI will change my life-maybe yours too
Me:: I agree! Maybe not tear up the IP laws but just sell all the jailbreak things :-) ! Cory Doctorow:: Canada shouldn’t retaliate with US tariffs; Picks and Shovels Chapter One (Part 6 – CONCLUSION) (15 Jan 2025)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: Constructive social change will bring certain tranquility; evasions will merely encourage turmoil. <-- 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: We forgot what we knew daily in the South: Freedom is not given, it is won. <-- 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Recipes that work:: Tortang Talong Manyaman/Masarap :-) It's basically a roasted egglant omelette with fish sauce; Barb adds 1 tablespoon of fish sauce and 1/2 tbsp of cornstarch to help the binding Iankewks:: Tortang Talong (Filipino Eggplant Omelette)
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: The fight is far from over, because it is neither won, as some assert, nor lost, as the calamity-ridden declare. <-- 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: Until the disproportionate political power of the reactionary South in Congress is ended, progress in the US will always be fitful and uncertain <-- 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
David Crawshaw's LLM hello world gets into a loop abut deleting duplicate files
Me:: 'Hyperchrome' is just a fun filter LOL Pearla:: Professional Camera App with Film Simulations
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: the alliance of Southern r⒜cism and Northern reaction has been the major roadblock to all social advancement, 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Gitingest:: Turn any Git repository into a simple text digest of its codebase. This is useful for feeding a codebase into any LLM.
Me:: Centralized APIs will break see also ᜁG Dave Winer:: Twᜁtter had an API too. It didn't make a difference. And AT Proto won't either unless there are proven systems that people are actually using that peer with Bl🧲esky's servers, so those users can't be sold to the billionaire.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: The great majority of Americans are suspended between these opposing attitudes. They are, uneasy with injustice but unwilling yet to pay a significant price to eradicate it.”, 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: The segregationist goal is the total reversal of all reforms, with reestablishment of naked oppression and if need be a native form of f⒜scism.”, 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Mariann Edgar Budde:: ‘Contempt is a dangerous way to lead a country’ | The Guardian
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: Significant progress has effectively been barred by the cunning obstruction of segregationists”, 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Me:: Yes please :-) Eines Tages! 292 grams so pretty light? $CDN 157 on sale! HOKA Women's Speedgoat 5 Mid GORE-TEX Trail Running Shoes. | SportChek
Me:: I find browser extension development problematic because they require a lot of implicit knowledge, there's no simple 1 file hello world for example! 2023:: Geoffrey Litt:: For your next side project, make a browser extension
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: The legal structures have in practise proved to be neither structures nor law. ... Legislation that is evaded, substantially nullified and unenforced is a mockery of the law. 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: Wh⒤tes, it must frankly be said, are not putting in a similar mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their their sense of superiority that the wh⒤te people of America believe they so little to learn <- 'Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?', 1967.
Recipes that work:: I used Barb's home made chili oil instead of chili crisp and it was also good! tl;dr Marinate cut up chicken in 6 Tbsp Chii Oil, 1 Tbsp honey , 1Tbsp Mirin and then 30 min at 400 Robin Miller:: Honey-Chili Crisp Chicken
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.:: Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Things that work:: I've been using RNI Films iOS app for at least 6 years for black and white conversion of iPhone, Android and 'real camera' photos! Love the Tri X High Contrast Filter! RNI Films: Photo & RAW Editor on the App Store
Me:: Komoot doesn't know about the Dunsmuir viaduct bicycling path instead it directs me to use the Central Valley Greenway which is better than Google Maps but not optimal Bike ride from Revolver to St. Joseph’s | Komoot
Me:: use flexoki's high contrast colour scheme for future data visualizations?!? Flexoki — Steph Ango
Me:: Everybody is 'technical' in one or more domains and provides 'value' (value and productivity are bogus concepts since they are so arbitrary) and can learn more domains Sasha Laundy:: 'Technical' skills
Me:: it's family background and luck more than 'meritocracy'. The authors' proposed 'moderated causal model' makes sense Ian R. Hadden, Céline Darnon, Lewis Doyle, Matthew J., Sébastien Goudeau, Andrei Cimpian :: Why the belief in meritocracy is so pervasive - ScienceDirect
Me:: The entshᜁttification rot is everywhere because software is everywhere! Ed Zitron:: Never Forgive Them
Graydon Hoare:: 50 Years in Formal World: Mainstream Computing's Mirror Universe
'Cotton' she said to him 'I am Satoshi Nakaoto' <-- LOL quote from Steve Berry's Novel The Atlas Maneuver, page 70
Me:: Trʊdeau Derangement Syndrome (because irrational?!?!) victims: D🄐nielle Smᜁth, St🄞ckwell D🄐y and all the usual C🄞nservative suspects Max Fawcett:: Trʊmp’s threats expose the tr🄐itors in our midst | Canada's National Observer: Climate News
I am really going to have to try another app for bicycle route finding. Not impressed by Google Maps and Transit app. Google Maps once more steers me wrong (recommended Nanaimo and Victoria instead of Lakewood - Strava:: Zum Pho Dundas :-)
Me:: Will H5N1 or mpox go pandemic? We don't know at the moment. Donald G. McNeil Jr. :: My book: The Wisdom of Plagues is out in paperback. It has a new chapter with a few things…
Me:: Nvidia GPUs don't work currently on Raspbery PI and you need a Linux kernel patch for AMD GPUs 2024-11-19:: Jeff Geerling:: AMD Radeon PRO W7700 running on Raspberry Pi
Me:: Secular Monks is a scary but accurate phrase for many men Derek Thompson:: The Anti-Social Century - The Atlantic
Me:: while it lasts :-) add cooked,wiki in front of an recipe url to get a no fluff reader mode style recipe Recipes that work:: Elise Bauer:: Pasta Carbonara
Me:: we have great conversations but no way of truly capturing them I agree 2020:: Max Krieger:: Chapter 1 | Chatting with Glue
ahmed-musallam:: How to compress a PDF with ghostscript
Me: Spreadsheets are the number 1 programming language. HTML is number 2 because not everybody can code in HTML unlike spreadsheets Tim Carmody:: HTML Is Actually a Programming Language. Fight Me | WIRED
Manton Reece:: no agents & unattended algorithms - AI prompts vs. agents
Recipes that will probably work :-) :: Pailin Chongchitnant:: Vegan Pad Thai Recipe (that Thai people actually eat)
Recipes that work:: Caroline's Cooking:: German red cabbage with apples (Rotkohl)
Me:: ja1lbreaking is still a thing?!?!? checkra1n: run linux on your iOS 14 or lower iPhone currently iPhone 6 and older
Transit app didn't realize I was on 10th; GPS issue on my old phone?)& kept telling me I needed to do a right on 10th and Google Maps steered me to non safe routes like Clark Drive Strava:: Zum Telus :-) #Trocken
Me:: We can suppress any viral disease if we have the will via: multiple vaccinations, clean air, Five years of the COVID-19 pandemic: An interview with Dr. Arijit Chakravarty
Me: He's a c⭕n man, r🅐cist and lᜁar. Those 3 things should be linked at the top of every story. 3 links to 3 3 web pages of one liners with every c⭕n and lᜁe and r🅐cist statement. Dan Froomkin: President 45 and elect 47 coverage needs to change and here’s how | Press Watch
'If you make the decision to automate, still ask the questions and seek the friction.' Fred Hebert:: Local Optimizations Don't Lead to Global Optimums
Me:: Value is in the action triggered by a metric or alert not the metric or alert itself, agreed! 2021:: Fred Hebert:: Plato's Dashboards
Me:: tl;dr Natural Language Processing-based test automation strategy is best for web apps Leotta, Ricca, Marchetto, Olianas:: An empirical study to compare three web test automation approaches: NLP‐based, programmable, and capture&replay - 2024 - Journal of Software: Evolution and Process - Wiley Online Library
Me:: Support and maintenance people like Brienna Hall make the world go round :-) (and of course I'm not naive enough to think that all the other non support people are not just as important. Everything and Everybody in a team counts). I am glad this article glorifies the support staff because most of the time they receive 0 glory and 100% aggro :-) despite playing a vital role! Ben Cohen:: WSJ:: It’s the Most Indispensable Machine in the World—and It Depends on This Woman Support Engineer
Me:: For once I'd love to see a movie that #FlipsTheSwitchThatsInTheHouse e.g. 🇺SA Spєcial Forces go rogue and dєtonate a nuke in Mⓐnila and a Fᜁlipina played by Dolly De Leon saves the world or something :-) Jemar Tisby, PhD:: 'H⭕mestead' is a disturbing and not great movie
Anselm Eickhoff:: Hello World! Software is too hard. Distributed state is too hard. Software is places, not apps. Humanity needs simulation. | garden computing
Me:: Belated condolences to the family of the creator of wood s lot, the best literary blog ever!!! February 2017:: Steve Dodson:: Mark Woods, RIP. :
Me:: 20 best overproduced npr-style shows er podcasts :-) Marnie Shure:: The 20 Best Podcasts of 2024 - The Atlantic
Me:: Dave's blogroll from is on bluesky, go dave-feedmaster go! on Bluesky:: My 'little feed reader' on bluesky is ready for you to follow.
Me:: like everything else the language of climate change is too often defined by those in power in the global North far away from places most affected by climate change which currently are less developed countries Sanzida Alam Lisa:: The language of climate change: Can global terms capture local realities? | The Business Standard
Me:: HowTo disable Enhanced Visual Search off on your iPhone/iPad: Settings > Apps > Photos > slide 'Enhanced Visual Search' to the left to disable it Jeff Johnson:: Apple Photos phones home on iOS 18 and macOS 15
What kinds of quality don't you care about? Me:: I don't care about pixel quality. I often don't notice teeny tiny pixel level details in software that make others go bonkers Terence Eden:: Most people don’t care about quality
Me:: file this under d⭕minant hegemony gotta d⭕minant hegemony :-) Yes, 🇦mericans are much richer when it comes to stuff than Japanese people (according to rich 🇦mericans like N⭕ah Sm🇮th LOL), easy for N⭕ah to say from his position of privilege, stuff and the ability to 'innovate' is priority 1. Doesn't health, safety and quality of life and less inequality for all matter to entitled, wealthy 🇦mericans :-) ? Evidently not ?!?!
A: use backslash K in a regular expression (regex) to remove any text matched before it CRandER:: How to replace the last occurrence of a substring in ruby? - Stack Overflow
my ruby script that's responsible for my flurry of recent blog posts is called blog_all_open.rb.. It calls blogthis.rb to create blog posts in jekyll format with a nice slug from my all open list items in my 'blog this' checkvist list 74286 after you type 'y' to approve it
Me:: The link is everything :-) and AI summaries lose this everything-ness Dec 6, 2024 Collin Jennings:: When AI summaries replace hyperlinks, thought itself is flattened | Aeon Essays
Me: It would be wonderful if we all could write and modify software that's better than today's world of mass software development which is spreadsheets and things like Hypercard Geoffrey Litt:: Malleable software in the age of LLMs
Me:: Hoooray for easy to deploy matrix servers! June Clementine Strawberry:: Introduction - conduwuit 🏳️⚧️ 💜 🦴
Me:: Mathematica + Machine Learning is better than other systems?!? Not convinced but willing to be proven wrong :-)! Stephen Wolfram 2024-12-09:: Writings Useful to the Point of Being Revolutionary: Introducing Wolfram Notebook Assistant
Loaded the Ontario anti-bicycling Bill 212 comments (most of which are against the bill ie for bicycling) CSV file into SQLite using the amazing #datasette ! This means you can use SQL to make queries if that's your jam. Hope it's helpful!
Me:: I believe Typora on Windows erroneously changes unicode characters to US-ASCII or so it seems to me :-) Normalize Unicode github: issues/2443
Ryan Broderick: If you want to be part of a c⭕nservative social network fine ....You're giving them 10% of your revenue to fund their culture w🇦r and they're going to keep locking your audience behind their walled garden. There are many alternatives and they're all fine Kottke:: “S🇺bstack Is At It Again”
Me:: A r🇦pist is a r🇦pist is a r🇦pist and should not hold public office Anna Wharton who should leave s🇺bstack:: What Would A Woman Do To An Unconscious Man If She Thought No-One Would Find Out?
Me:: So how do traditional media stay relevant? Provide their own 'AI' 'agent'? OM:: Musings on Media in the Age of AI
Me:: yes please I want this for our balcony, I too want to save 30% in energy! Kottke: Balkonkraftwerk: a German word meaning “balcony power plant”...
Hardly any snow at Cypress this winter so far (and in 2014 and last year) is yet another sign of climate change - Cypress Nummer Fünf des 2024-25 Langlaufsaisons :-) #FreeTheHeelFreeTheMind #XcSkiing #Skate... ¦ Nordic Ski ¦ Strava
Me:: uv run allows you to run python scripts without requirements.txt Simon Willison:: Building Python tools with a one-shot prompt using uv run and Claude Projects
Me:: there is no safe crossing of Clark at E. Georgia, use Frances instead! Transit app wrong again :-) (Transit app war falsch :-) Kein SafeCrossing bei E. Georgia, safe crossing ist bei Frances!) Zum... ¦ Ride ¦ Strava
Rui Carmo:: 'portable no iPadOS restrictions :-)' computing via a single board Radxa Zero Computer using bluetooth to an iPad
Me:: Kai Cenat, Adin Ross, Jynxzi, and Sketch on Twitch, Kick, and Rumble <-- The fringe, no desire to be part of this because I fear they might be rɨght-wing-like-alternative Twɨtters?!?!? Ted Gioia:: Mainstream Is Now Fringe, and Fringe Is Mainstream
Me tl;dr-ing:: Filipino tech enabled Acapulco-Manila trade starting in the 1500s until the 1800s aka Philippines<->Mexico Spanish empire was built with Filipino tech as well as the usual colonial oppression :-) Andrew Christian Petersen for his PhD in 2014:: Making the first global trade route : the southeast Asian foundations of the Acapulco-Manila galleon trade, 1519-1650
Riding through Winston at the end of the Central Valley Greenway is still terrible because of construction for the last 2 plus years!- Zum Moodswing gift card dropoff :-) ¦ Ride ¦ Strava
Me:: Everybody can and should prototype: Simon Willison:: Preferring throwaway code over design docs
Tantek post from 2018:: Post Positive things Promptly PPTP :-)
Me:: 2030 is when folks don't realize they're browsing a fake internet using GenAI generated pages raganwald 🍓:: 'How long before G⭕ogle goes back to showing you search results, but every result on the front page is generated in real-time by GenAI? How long before a large population of users think that they're browsing `the web`, but it's all fake pages written just for them at that moment?' -
microsoft/markitdown: Python tool for converting files and office documents e.g. PDF, Word, Excel, Images, Audio, speech transcription, html including Wikipedia, csv, json, json, xml to Markdown.
Me:: ML should belong to governments like nuclear fission and fusion Alexander Hartley:: To Whom Does the World Belong? - Boston Review
Me:: Centralized social media are like Mainframes and Malls I agree Ted Gioia:: Are Social Media Platforms the Next Dying Malls
$ycophants gotta $ychophant :-) or something
Charlie Stross: quoting Scitechdaily: 'Needle-Free: New Nano-Vaccine Effective Against All COVID-19 variants' - The Wandering Shop
Me:: DHGDH :-) The revolt against experts has been very calculated and very R🇪publican – Kevin Drum
Ducky Sherwood:: oral minocycline significantly helped 89% of long COVID patients 2024-12-07 General – Pandemics in British Columbia
Me:: Generative AI is hard to use (Super subtle nuance: Code Interpreter can't make API requests; Canvas can't access uploaded files) like Excel but you only need to use a small portion of their features to benefit Simon Willison:: ChatGPT Canvas can make API requests now, but it’s complicated
Alex Samuel:: Should You Write with Gen AI? Me tl;dring: yes but don't use it for the first draft, instead ask it to give you an outline or better yet revise your first rough draft
Me:: what's the cheapest 64GB laptop that will run Llama 3.3 70B ? #AskingForAFriend :-) Simon Willison:: I can now run a GPT-4 class model on my laptop
There is no safe crossing at 20th and Clark/Knight. Transit app's Vancouver bicycle directions still steer you into dangerous situations.
Guangchuang Yu:: How to use ggimage to plot PNGs instead of points in ggplot2
Rclone: command-line program to manage files on cloud storage.
Michael Nielsen: How to be a wise optimist about science and technology? Do work on non-market safety. Do work on differential technology development, especially how to better align civilization with DTD. There's a hubris in pessimism, agreed!
Om Malik and the other guy :-):: Will A.I. Eat The Browser?
Tablecruncher – Lightweight CSV editor for your Mac via a toot from Alex Samuel
Greg Wilson:: The Third Bit: Afraid of Change
Nic Morales:: Cost of Convenience, a Wireless Shifting Review -
Dead Internet Souls | ★❤✰ Vicki Boykis ★❤✰
Jason Velaquez:: Bluesky may have the juice, but we don't have to drink the Kool-Aid
Fred's ImageMagick Scripts: SHUFFLE Randomly shuffles positions of square sized tiles in an image.
c - How to add spacing between characters in text using VIPS? - Stack Overflow
Add full colour mode to vips_text using pango · Issue #2194 github libvips/libvips
github libvips issue: Changing color of background on vips_text · Issue #1119
How vips_text support unicode characters like (๑S . Y๑) and (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) #1231
s427/MARL: Mastodon Archive Reader Lite - a lightweight single-page app to explore the contents of your Mastodon archive file
Best Instant Tonkotsu? : r/ramen
Greg Wilson:: gvwilson/lanimret: Record ASCII terminal session with audio and then play back
Elena Rossini:: If Big Tech social platforms are junk food and the Fediverse is a healthy home-cooked meal, then what is Bluesky?
Joel Tjintjelaar:: Art, the Artist, and AI - BWVision
How to Convert Audio to Video for Youtube Upload Using FFmpeg - Bannerbear
Tanya Reilly:: Being Glue — No Idea Blog
Yes, That Viral LinkedIn Post You Read Was Probably AI-Generated ¦ WIRED
Irene Y. Zhang: The Moral Implications of Being a Moderately Successful Computer Scientist and a Woman
John Johnston in Scotland: AppleScript Fun with Claude
Information patterns and narrative structures in content ¦ Lauren Pope: La Pope Ltd
VCR pytest
When will the long voice interface winter end? I say 2030! Why Speech to Intent is so Vital for Voice « Pete Warden's blog
Inala, Wang, Drucker, Ramos, Dibia, Riche, Brown, Marshall, Gao: Data Analysis in the Era of Generative AI
Rising Tides: Wendy Nather on Resilience, Leadership, and Building a Stronger Cybersecurity Community Today we don’t have a manufacturing model of software development; we have a literary model
OSF preprint: Hicks and Hevesi: A Cumulative Culture Theory for Developer Problem-Solving
Social media users probably won’t read beyond this headline, researchers say ¦ Penn State University
Escape the Algorithm: Meet Social Reader, Your Personal Feed ¦ Distributed Press
Christine Lemmer-Webber: How decentralized is Bluesky really? -- Dustycloud Brainstorms
Erin Kissane: against the dark forest
Ianiv Schweber: How to turn on hearing aid mode in airpods2
Howard Rheingold from 1993: Disinformocracy and Disinfotainment ¦ Patreon
Pinggy - Simple Localhost Tunnels Share your websites and apps in seconds!
Men and Women Perform - by Timothy Snyder
Interactive Dashboards with Shiny - R for the Rest of Us
Guide to Linux jq Command for JSON Processing ¦ Baeldung on Linux
Transit app is now a bike app, too
Matt Dancho: tidyplots better than ggpllot2? An example: free_r_tips/091_tidyplots/091_tidyplots.R
Textrank for summarizing text
Programmer’s Survival Guide for a Zombie Apocalypse ¦ by Aleena ¦ Code Like A Girl
Chris Wellons, Nov 10, 2024: Everything I've learned so far about running local LLMs
Pelicans on a bicycle generated using various LLMs
How I ship projects at big tech companies ¦ sean goedecke
How to Add Drop Down List in Google Sheets - Coefficient
The Department of Everything ¦ The Varieties of Travel Experience ¦ Issues ¦ The Hedgehog Review
How computers got shockingly good at recognizing images - Ars Technica
typora-community-plugin/typora-plugin-note-snippets: Use slash command to autocomplete note snippets
MDN Browser Support Timelines
r - How to assign geom_point colors based on string values by creating a colour column with a logical vector - Stack Overflow
r - How to: Label points in geom_point with a text string like a player's name - Stack Overflow
The 3 AI Use Cases: Gods, Interns, and Cogs ¦ Drew Breunig
Against Disruption: On the Bulletpointization of Books ‹ Literary Hub
Clear Is Kind. Unclear Is Unkind. - Brené Brown
How to convert Lumix GM5 / GM1 / GF7 from Japanese to English (2024 guide!) — Micro Four Nerds
Language Education Is Broken
Checkvist: How To Split one item into two items - Questions / Suggestions / Feedback - Checkvist Friends
ggplot2 Facets in R using facet_wrap, facet_grid, & geom_bar ¦ DataCamp
Collapsible Sections work in jekyll blogs and github pages but you need a markdown="1" attribute in the details tag and markdown="span" in the summary tag
What is Pydantic and how can it help your next python project? ¦ by Bryson Meiling ¦ Oct, 2024 ¦ Python in Plain English
‘The data on extreme human ageing is rotten from the inside out’ – Ig Nobel winner Saul Justin Newman
Matt Dancho's ggalign example R script has some fun colours and graphs
Bodensee / Lake Constance circumnavigation / ride around the lake Strava routes & GPX files for anybody riding around the Bodensee in the future! Do not follow, for planning only! To help make up for the lack of GPX files from Radweg Reisen and my lack of map / wayfinding skills
Cycle the Camino de Santiago ¦ Leon to Santiago Bike tour
Smarter than 'Ctrl+F': Linking Directly to Web Page Content
Got my 6th COVID and yearly flu vaccination text message at 3:05p.m., made an appointment for 5:05 p.m.. All done! Yay! #GoScienceGo!
Revolt of the NYC Delivery Workers
Homepage - Access Guide
Extract Month and Year from timestamp in BigQuery using SQL EXTRACT, YEAR, MONTH, CONCAT, CAST, LPAD
Count Thunderbird SUMO questions by week using a CSV file using mlr aka miller by 1st creating a unix time column w/strptime and then creating an iso_week column from the unix aka epoch time w/strftime (bonus: create a SQLite file using sqlite-utils)
statuses API methods - Mastodon documentation
We are all pure bloggers or at least we could be :-)
Safe Vancouver Bicycle crossings
Constructive conflict is a superpower.
Bodensee Bicycle Ride with Radweg Reisen tours: Fabulous except for bad wayfinding
Online playground - marimo
Re-projection of fish-eye images (aka 'defishing') using Hugin ¦ Mu-43
S27:E2 - The Journey from Sound Engineer to Software Engineer (Alejandro Aspinwall) ¦ CodeNewbie Podcast
The Climate Has a Posse: On the Power and Peril of the New Greenwashing Emoji
Thoughts on 'generative AI Art'
Know your (documentation) audience ¦ Another Rodeo
OAuth from First Principles - Stack Auth
How to insert a CSV into a SQLite database
Ben Pobjoy's Tips for Long Walks — Ridgeline issue 187
The Silicon Valley Canon: On the Paıdeía of the American Tech Elite – The Scholar's Stage
Create an internal CLI |
The most underrated book in software engineering management
A dataframe is a bad abstraction. Trading away robustness for simplicity… | by Niels Cautaerts | Medium
Readability: The Optimal Line Length – Articles – Baymard Institute
The Case of Metro Vancouver’s Lost Electric Railway | The Tyee
No More Blue Fridays
TBM 302: Why Reflexive Thinkers Need to Take More Breaks
The July 19th CrowdStrike Windows Glitch Explained | by Dinah Davis | Jul, 2024 | Code Like A Girl
What I learned from the ‘Microsoft global IT outage’ | by Kevin Beaumont | Jul, 2024 | DoublePulsar
The serious science of trolling LLMs - lcamtuf’s thing
Dungeons & Dragons taught me how to write alt text – Eric Bailey
December 2020: Ventilation made easy | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
GitHub - h2non/imaginary: Fast, simple, scalable, Docker-ready HTTP microservice for high-level image processing
“Tokyo Riddim” and the Legacy of Japanese Reggae | Bandcamp Daily
Make better documents. - Anil Dash
Andrew Odlyzko: The decline of unfettered research from Oct 1995
Why Learning GA4 Is So Hard – And What To Do About It
The advent of robotic hall monitors - lcamtuf’s thing
(the software crisis)
GitHub - medialab/minet: A webmining CLI tool & library for python.
Hydro Moc AT GORE-TEXî 1TRL X Burton Mine77 Shoes- Merrell
Bicycle science - how bikes work and the physics behind them
Notes on Scaling Social Media Data Collection | DAIR
Data Hacks - Learn How to Handle Data
The Death of the Junior Developer
Tamales, adobo, leche flan – Spanish, Mexican dishes Filipinos took as their own, along with New World fruits such as tomato, avocado, and papaya | South China Morning Post
GitHub - charmbracelet/freeze: Generate images of code and terminal output 📸
How to run a 100% local, fully private LLM with llama.cpp 🔥 | LinkedIn
Lessons learned: Flickr API limit of 1 API request / second means running 12 threads in parallel then I need to delay at least 1 second between API requests (assuming my code needs 1 second to do its thing) and get the bare minimum metadata & flickr ids are larger than ruby max int which breaks ruby sorting
2008 smuglispweeny: 'We Can Live With the Way You Handled That' aka sometimes the software you get is actually what you wrote in your spec :-)
Ambient Co-presence
feh --randomize is great for viewing random images; not great for making collages, use imagemagick instead
Tested positive for COVID 19 on May 3, tested negative on May 10, 2024, fever for one day, headache and sore throat 4 days, gone after 5
How to find old threads in outbox.json from your Mastodon archive using jq (lo-tech solution is better again i.e. always faster to edit and search using emacs or visual code)
How to get links to images and audio files using wget on a Wordpress blog: aka a tale of trial and error and httrack was better in this case :-)
How I used httrack to backup my Wordpress blog
Pipe characters aka 'or symbol' aka '|' must be escaped with a backslash to prevent being interpreted as a table in Markdown
The Trap of Soulless Productivity: Hazel Weakly: instead humans are wired to be productive by sharing, loving, growing
The Trap of Soulless Productivity | Hazel Weakly: instead humans are wired to be productive by sharing, loving, growing
Bobby Tables but with LLM Apps - Google NotebookLM Data Exfiltration · Embrace The Red
They're Looting The Internet
knqyf263/pet: Simple command-line snippet manager
August 2008: The importance of Exuberance in User Experience at Commonsense Design
The Life and Death of Hollywood, by Daniel Bessner
'PIG' Community Search Engines: Event & Chat Artifacts as Research Building Block - SoP 2024 RFC - Summer of Protocols:
The Brazilianization of the Internet - by Drew Austin
Kobold letters, aka phishing links that are only visible in forwarded emails – Lutra Security
How To: Remove non Thunderbird Knowledge Base Articles From Google Analytics page view report CSV using 2 Kitsune API calls to get en-US TB URLs and scraping using Mechanize to get the localized URLs
Working code :-) get-localized-sumo-kb-urls.rb
How To: Get all links with a CSS class and open them to find out redirects for translations of Thunderbird Knowledge Base articles using Ruby and Nokogiri
USB Spellcraft: It appears that macOS Sonoma14.4.1 fixes the 14.4 USB-A issues with myDell Thunderbolt 4 WD22TB4 hub
How to use cURL to send HTML email with Gmail | Change(b)log
USB Spellcraft: magic spell from March 20 no longer works; plugged in USB-A devices into old Anker USB 3 hub and plugged Anker hub into USB-C port of the Dell Thunderbolt 4 WD22TB4 hub
How To: Bicycling Clark Park to Dami Korean Restaurant
Open-source is a chainsaw
USB Spellcraft (formerly v**doo): Thunderbolt dock USB ports stop working after macOS Sonoma 14.4 update: WORKAROUND: unplug USB-C cable, power down dock and Monitor with USB-A hub, power up re-attach USB-C cable
Is there a command line utility for rendering GitHub flavored Markdown? - Stack Overflow
Remembering what you Read (using: progressive summarization) Zettelkasten vs P.A.R.A.
Simon Willison:: Interesting ideas in Observable Framework
Probably Wrong Prediction: (stolen :-) from Asa Dotzler) Apple will sell less than 6 million Vision Pros before March 11, 2029
Lenny Rachitsky:: Gmail - My podcast tech stack, workflows, and lessons—plus a giveaway!
Managing Class Data in Google Sheets using QUERY
Open sourcing our server
How To: Bicycling Clark Park to 88 Supermarket
Carlos Fenollosa - Blog
Happy belated 20th Birthday Flickr :-) Thanks for the excellent API and storing my 500,000 photos
Moderate people, not code |
Copy of Covid for Therapists presentation for MFTs
Who are knowmads? - Education Futures
Angelos Keromytis: Characterizing Self-Healing Software Systems
jsvine/waybackpack: Download the entire Wayback Machine archive for a given URL.
The Pulse #75: Will US companies hire fewer engineers due to Section 174?
Why We Can't Have Nice Software - Andrew Kelley
Stowe Boyd: Wired: June 2015: What Will a Corporation Look Like in 2050? | WIRED
Mike Hoye: Echoes Of The I | blarg
Rebecca Solnit · In the Shadow of Silicon Valley: Losing San Francisco
Vision Pro — Benedict Evans
Social rules - Recurse Center
Have Clojure UIs Taken the Wrong Path? Part 1 - Thomas Cothran, Software Developer
3 ways to send emails with only few lines of code and Gmail - Ruby - Part 2 - DEV Community
2024: More humility, more facts, less broad judgment, less speculation aka lessons from Julia Evans
yonder/python-musical-midi: Python tools for procedural music generation with MIDI. -
The Best Method of Defishing a Fisheye Photo – Lonely Speck
missing the point of webassembly — wingolog
SQLite Date and Time Functions – explained | Random Neurons Firing
Magic Lantern Nightly Builds
Format pretty reports
It's All About Repetition, Repetition, Repetition: How Lies Work
What is supertokenism and how can organizations avoid it?
liam_on_linux | 'A Plea for Lean Software' by Prof. Niklaus Wirth
Meghan Markle And Prince Harry UK Royal Reporters Coverage Compared To Kate Middleton And Prince William
Julia Doubleday January 2023: Billionaires at Davos don't think COVID is a cold
Julia Doubleday - How the press manufactured consent for never-ending COVID reinfections
Cabel Sasser in Elk: 'Wordpress advertises that you can cust...' | Elk
roland in Elk: 'More Julia in '24!->'my approach to criticism is to try to stick as closely as possible to Facts About My Personal Experience...' | Elk
Nobody cares about your blog.
S*bstack Has A N*zi Opportunity - by Ken White
Largest Dataset Powering AI Images Removed After Discovery of Child Sexual Abuse Material
How to Analyze Large Text Datasets with LangChain and Python
Opinion | My Life With Long Covid - The New York Times
Online Depth of Field Calculator
Venkatesh Rao: Camera not an Engine aka intelligence is a function of big data plus very small code; modern 'AI' versus Good Old Fashioned AI aka 'GOFAI' Will we look back on this like we do Prolog and the Japanese 5th generation AI project?
Living at the speed of spiders - Relevant Information
Why millennials are dreading becoming mothers - Vox
A Coder Considers the Waning Days of the Craft | The New Yorker
I hereby pardon all junior engineers
roadrunnertwice | Why Git is hard
New talk: Making Hard Things Easy
iMessage, explained - JJTech
The Beatles Are Still Charting the Future of Pop. It Looks Bleak. - The New York Times
Review: Documentary ‘Menus-Plaisirs — Les Troisgros’ Is Worth Watching - Eater
Getting Started with Sentiment Analysis using Python
Why Navajo is one of the most difficult languages on Earth - Big Think
The Best Way to Reheat Pizza (and Some Things You Should Never Do)
Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology
Emily F. Gorcenski: Making God The millenarianism and manifest destiny of AI and techno-futurism
Tim Smith in Elk: 'it turns out all that you have to do to g...' | Elk
Nick Cave - The Red Hand Files - Issue #248 - I work in the music industry and there is a lot of excitement around ChatGPT. I was talking to a songwriter in a band that was using ChatGPT to write his lyrics, because it was so much 'faster and easier.' I couldn't really argue against that. I know you've talked about ChatGPT before, but what's wrong with making things faster and easier? The Red Hand Files : The Red Hand Files
Opinion | Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like. - The New York Times
Manifesto for posting online in 2023
Who Controls OpenAI? - Bloomberg
AI Technology Guzzles Water: Enough to Fill 2,500 Olympic-Sized Pools
Intro to text classification with Keras: automatically tagging Stack Overflow posts | Google Cloud Blog
The Women Who Saw 9/11 Coming - The Atlantic
Accessibility training will not save you
dergachev/csv2sqlite: Ruby script to parse CSV file(s) into a database.
100R — computing and sustainability
Consumer data protection and privacy | McK*nsey
We are drowning in Google's magnanimity -
Demystifying the Kubernetes Iceberg: Part 1 | Anton Sankov's Blog
How Close Is That Photo to the Truth? What to Know in the Age of AI - CNET
David Fincher's new movie 'The Killer' is sigma cinema
Debt, Depreciation, and Sustaining Engineering Work
a lot of things are true. - by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
The forbidden topics
Fast and Portable Llama2 Inference on the Heterogeneous Edge
Scripting News: Saturday, November 11, 2023
I Chased the Ghosts of the Army's Forgotten Black Bicycle Troop - Men's Journal
Metaprogramming in ruby - DEV Community
scripts/ at main · babolivier/scripts
My 12 Favorite Problems - by Ted Gioia - The Honest Broker
Dept of Thomas - Am I doing this right? Three factors that make learning with and about LLMs difficult
Quartz Hosting
Will We Kill the Humanities? - by John Warner
How OpenAI is building a path toward AI agents
Ian Betteridge - On Steven S🇮nosky's post on regulating AI
Is Tr*mp’s 'Brave New World' Coming Soon?
Why WebAssembly Will Disrupt the Operating System - The New Stack
Indian Ocean has world's largest gravity hole. Now we know why - Big Think
Obsidian Importer now converts Apple Notes to portable, durable files - Obsidian
G.M.’s Cruise Moved Fast in the Driverless Race. It Got Ugly. - The New York Times
tl;dr: The Trad office is dead!: The secret experiment behind the Expensify Lounge
How recursion got into programming: a tale of intrigue, betrayal, and advanced programming-language semantics | A Programmers Place
Utilitarian philosophy considered harmful aka Ted Gioia: Why I Ran Away from Philosophy Because of Sam Bankman-Fried
Ubiquitous connectivity and duplex applications – Alarming Development
bruno is a non evil Postman :-)
Visual Studio Code is designed to fracture
AI generated images are biased, showing the world through stereotypes - Washington Post
When AI doesn’t speak your language - Coda Story
Introducing anomalize for timetk in R (For Time Series Anomaly Detection)
Embeddings: What they are and why they matter
research!rsc: Running the “Reflections on Trusting Trust” Compiler
Julian Oliver in Elk: 'Very useful list, The Eight Stages of...' | Elk
How do you even web dev without node? A quick introduction to test-driven web development using just the browser – Baldur Bjarnason
Introduction - The Rustonomicon
Introduction to Debugging - The Debugging Book
It’s the Algorithm: A Large-Scale Comparative Field Study of Misinformation Interventions | Knight First Amendment Institute
The People in Your PKM - Wild Rye
Software Heritage Statement on Large Language Models for Code – Software Heritage
New Statistics Tutorial | Mad (Data) Scientist
order questions by increasing id instead of decreasing id using +created #1
To get csvs-to-sqlite to work, hardcode pandas dependency to 1.4.0
Inject My PDF: Prompt Injection for your Resume
Child Safety on Federated Social Media
My E-Reader Setup - videah's blog
The Third Bit · Concept Maps
Community Tech/SVG translation - Meta
Build an image search engine with llm-clip, chat with models with llm chat
archaeCLIP: or building a visual search engine for archaeology - X-Lab
Steve Wart in Elk: '@roland okay I figured it out ;-)The dot...' | Elk
Got my 5th vaccination today: Moderna bivalent booster for 2023 plus the 2023 flu vaccine, go science go! #VaccinateThePlanet
Talk at Sunday Assembly Silicon Valley: “What could go wrong?” - decomposition ∘ al
Centaurs and Cyborgs on the Jagged Frontier
The 11 biggest myths about Israel-Palestine - Vox
Understanding Discourse Trust Levels
Cozy Community Software — Open Indie
Prefixing the World - by Jonathan Rowson and Perspectiva
Scheme in the browser: A Hoot of a tale -- Spritely Institute
I prefer not to admire problems • Buttondown
McKinsey Developer Productivity Review - Dan North & Associates Ltd
Cynthia (Arty) in Elk: '#SDExpo #Presentation: A Public #Handbook: Building trust with the team, customers, and beyond #CustomerSupport #GitLab' | Elk
An Exploration of the Twitter to Mastodon Migration | by Matthew N. Nicholson | CUInfoScience | Oct, 2023 | Medium
Running Vicuna locally: the complete idiot's guide to basically running ChatGPT on your own laptop for free - unique hazards may exist
Josh Simmons in Elk: 'Stop defining people by what they’re n...' | Elk
Sol: bb.q Chicken or Ajuker Fried Chicken, both by lougheed stn; mia's reco: rib & chicken in marpole
Can browser choice screens be effective? - Mozilla Research
Evaluating LLMs is a minefield
ruby/ruby.wasm: ruby.wasm is a collection of WebAssembly ports of the CRuby.
Rob Campbell 🐳 in Elk: 'rebooted my windows machine this morning and was treated to a brand new horror on my taskbar, Copilot (Preview)! I killed it with fire and you can too.' | Elk
The future of Offpunk: UNIX command-line heaven and packaging hell
jmorganca/ollama: Get up and running with Llama 2 and other large language models locally
Now is the time for grimoires - by Ethan Mollick
Thunderbird Support 'barcode' based on Operating System, antivirus, if any, email provider and userChrome customizations if any
The death of unity
Bricolage | Some notes on Local-First Development
The Feedback Wizard by Steamclock
Mike 🏴☠️🎈 in Elk: 'Decker, HyperCard rebornhttp://beyondl...' | Elk
Jessamyn: 'Important tech tip for Slack u…' - Mastodon
Open Interpreter running locally:
How to create a 2 second fps video using ffmpeg from lots of JPEGs e.g. from Canon EOS RP
RMagick doesn't support smush to align horizontal images at the bottom but MiniMagick does; you need gravity set to `south` to anchor images to the bottom ie. `south`
bash - Renaming files in a folder to sequential numbers - Stack Overflow
Today's Large Language Models are Essentially BS Machines - Ryan McGreal
GitHub - phosphor-icons/homepage: The homepage of Phosphor Icons, a flexible icon family for everyone
How To convert all the Grafista glyphs to 101px X 101 px images: by running a script from fontforge (from Stack Overflow: How do I convert a TTF into individual PNG character images?
Running my own LLM | Nelson's log
ChatGPT gets code questions wrong 52% of the time • The Register
Grafista has glyphs with codepoints that are invalid Unicode codepoints e.g. Hex B0001 but which can't be rendered (they render as black boxes) by imagemagick using the pango renderer. Help please!
A jargon-free explanation of how AI large language models work | Ars Technica
Advanced Ruby: Behind the Magic
In-Depth Guide :: RMagick - Add Text To An Image (With Word Wrap)
Why Women Volunteer for Tasks That Don’t Lead to Promotions
Reviewing ways of running 'that script' - jreyesr's blog
A jargon-free explanation of how AI large language models work | Ars Technica
What's New in Emacs 29.1? - Mastering Emacs
Beautiful Right to Left example of pango
April 1 - June 30, 2023 infographic of Thunderbird SUMO Support Questions using the imagemagick 7.x ashlar best fit option
Thanks to all of you for the over $3000 in donations to the Cypress Challenge Pancreatic Cancer ride
rush:: a cross-platform command-line tool for executing jobs in parallel
`git config --local http.postBuffer 524288000` appears to have fixed my macOS Ventura `git push` hang, see Git push hangs when pushing to Github?
Please donate to my ride up Cypress Mountain on July 30, 2023, the Cypress Challenge. 100% goes to Pancreatic Cancer Research
NixOS Explained
64 Types of Dark Pink - Simplicable
How to use SQLite to search all the Firefox and Thunderbird kb articles including the HTML (sadly Markdown not available)
Plotting Points on a Map Using a Spreadsheet | mattcen's mumblings
How to schedule Python scripts with GitHub Actions - Python Engineer
RUST tests in comments: doc tests and doc comments
ChatGPT and other 'AI' models representational bias: misrepresentation, underrepresentation and overrepresentation; extrinsic harms: representational, performance disparities from 'On the Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models' (2021)
sample code for the SUMO Kitsune API
Leonid Rozenblit and Frank Keil: The misunderstood limits of folk science: an illusion of explanatory depth: Expertise takes time and energy and feedbadk otherwise we suffer the: illusion of explanatory depth (IOED)
Pandas Killers
(1) Drop #249: Of Course I Talk To Myself…Sometimes I Need An Expert Opinion
What is CodePen, and how to use it?
WSL systemd kluge no longer needed in Windows 11 because systemd is built-in
May Wong:The Myth of Maintenance Mode:We don’t build organizations that support the culture of maintenance...I wonder if this is also why Support is chronically undervalued and underfunded.
Samantha Slade: Difficult Conversations and Talking Circles: A response for those longing for healthy team dynamics
The age of average aka kinfolk, airspace, five over ones, people's choice, wind tunnel cars, same type in media, same clothing everythere, etc everywhere
Simon Willison: ChatGPT lies. Me: so how can we trust its output to truly be helpful even if we are experts in the domain of discourse? And therefore know how to fact check it?
Install ImageMagick with JPG, PNG and TIFF Delegates - Ubuntu (20.04)
Emily Bender: you are not a stochastic parrot / Judith Butler, are we more actualized with AI? from: NY Magazine you are not a parrot
I have rejoined Thunderbird
Paul Kedrosky and Eric Norlin: Society's Technical Debt and Software's Gutenberg Moment
Misidentifying talent
Introducing the Enhance Blog Template — Begin Blog
Why I Will Never Use Alpine Linux Ever Again | by Martin Heinz | Mar, 2023 | Better Programming
The Waluigi Effect (mega-post) - LessWrong
Frieda – Alarming Development
The surprising ease and effectiveness of AI in a loop
-'In God we trust. All others must bring data'Almost Bare Bones WebR Starter App
How real-time data can unlock revenue streams, limit churn and build rich digital front-end CX
Matt Birchler: The Shocking State of Enthusiast Apps eg for Mastodon on Android
Noosphere, a protocol for thought - by Gordon Brander
Payak 2023: I thought I was fastest evah but I wasn't. The cold (-8) and unwisely stopping just before the end for a drink (oops) made me slower
The Friedman Archives Blog: AI: The Alarmists are Worried about the Wrong Thing
Large language models are having their Stable Diffusion moment
Rust - Tao of Mac
Doc Searls Weblog · Is Mastodon a commons?
Collections: On ChatGPT – A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry
How things are made – Music for Deckchairs
Stephen's Web ~ Redesigning higher education in the spirit of donut economics ~ Stephen Downes
GPT-4 Technical Report (PDF)
Small is Beautiful End-to-end encrypted Kitten Chat - Feb 16, 2023 on Vimeo
The 14 most important data science skills (To get a $50,000 increase in salary)
On POSSE and IndieWeb | Joel Auterson
How the COVID 'lab leak theory' lost me - Los Angeles Times
Building a Rust service with Nix
Darren, thank you for your creating compellingly constantly!
People don’t change their minds, regardless of evidence –
Jason Eckert:The Ultimate Linux ARM64 Workstation (spoiler: Mac Studio with a 20-core M1 Ultra processor and 128GB of RAM)
Steph's french fry recipe! yum!
sips: Scriptable image processing system | Simon Willison’s TILs
Awesome Mastodon | awesome-mastodon
david-mccullars/text_rank: Ruby implementation of TextRank solution to ranked keyword extraction
Don't Panic: Against The Butlerian Jihad on AI - by Rohit
chat-gpt/bookmark.js at master · jcubic/chat-gpt
What the Mastodon ecosystem needs to scale | by David Slifka | Mar, 2023 | Medium
2022-12-26 Programmers who write code with AI helpers make more mistakes, a new study says • Mezha.Media
The Fediverse is Already Dead | Nora Codes
Console #145 -- An Interview With Marc Scholten of IHP - batteries-included web framework
Kevin Marks: 'Instead of using the terms “A…' - say something like “tech companies use massive data sets to train algorithms to match images of human faces.”
Waffle Plot | Kwan Lin
TheFox/flickr-cli: A command-line interface to Flickr. Upload and download photos, photo sets, directories via shell.
Good conversations have lots of doorknobs
Let's build a Chrome extension that steals everything
DvorakDwarf/Infinite-Storage-Glitch: ISG lets you use YouTube as cloud storage for ANY files, not just video
Ray Nayler: Don't be afraid of your own depth
How to Write Essays That Spread - Divinations - Every
Social threat modeling and quote boosts on Mastodon
How To label an image with an emoji using ruby rmagick with imagemagick? A: Use an XML entity escape e.g. &x1234; with the pango text renderer
March 2, 2019: has the current podcast boom busted yet? Fast forward to February 13, 2023 and yes it has!
ME :-) 'It's March 2, 2019: has the current podcast boom busted yet?
Install X11 on MacOS X; and, using gtk+
Santiago on Twitter: '11 ways ChatGPT saves me hours of work every day, and why you'll never outcompete those who use AI effectively. A list for those who write code: 1 of 16' / Twitter
13 February 2023. Canteens | Land - by Andrew Curry
<3 Deno
Inside the Heart of ChatGPT’s Darkness
circle/ at master · seanbaxter/circle
The Specter of 2016 - by Timothy Snyder - Thinking about...
'Pandemic-Proof' Architecture: Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Orpheum - A Rich Life
The Four Horsemen of the Tech Recession – Stratechery by Ben Thompson
Scientists discover receptor that blocks COVID-19 infection
Inspired by Darren and Derek, I created a real-time daily flickr worldwide barcode website using ruby, a rust static web server and ngrok
Dave Winer: Mapping port 80 to 1339 on ubuntu
How To refresh an image in place on a web page using JavaScript
Cantonese Lessons and Community | Cantonese Connection
SoftCreatR's Imagemagick Easy install for Ubuntu and Debian aka 'imei' worked for me on my Raspberry Pi 400 running Debian bullseye
Software and its Discontents, Part 2: An Explosion of Complexity | Kellan Elliott-McCrea <-- we build custom, complex software stacks which makes it unnecessarily hard for new developers
How I use ngrok to put datasette for my flickr 2020 photo metadata on the internet
How I use ngrok over SSH on my MacBook Air to edit my blog on my Surface Book 2
mhoye: 'Whenever I hear about M*sk losing 200 billion dollars I remind myself that there are people in the world who could simply end global hunger outright, on a whim, people who would be revered as our highest saints until the end of human history, who just decide they can't be bothered to do that, and that's why we need a wealth tax.' - Mastodon
How To get ngrok working with SSH on WSL
Stop feeding the hype and start resisting – Iris van Rooij
On Analogy-Making in Large Language Models
The Internet Transition
They Whiteboarded Me | List of companies that use whiteboarding, live-coding or other high-pressure interview tactics for evaluating software engineering candidates.
Invasive Diffusion: How one unwilling illustrator found herself turned into an AI model -
OpenAssistant Roadmap - Google Slides
There is no secure software supply-chain. - by John McBride
Ruby & (Ampersand) Parameter Demystified - Skorks
Software and its Discontents, January 2023, Part 1 | Kellan Elliott-McCrea: Blog
There’s no going back, let’s adapt to our pandemic present and future – Words by Josh Simmons
Lazy Person's Guide to being a NewsMaster Part 1 REVISED: Use PubSub to track your URL, name and keywords | Bryght
iO-808 Tutorial
The Third Bit · Software Design by Example 15: Code Generator
Illustrated Introduction to Cross License Collaboratives
Deploy your own Shiny app server with debian | R-bloggers
Command Line Awesome
The tab programming language.
The Last Word On Nothing | Happy 10th Birthday Finkbeiner Test!
Principles over Process - Silicon Valley Product Group : Silicon Valley Product Group
🎙️ MacWhisper
The Fediverse unlocks a world of composable distributed apps - Voices of Open Source
Fed chair Powell on the U.S. labor shortage: COVID (400K working age USA-ins died), retirements, missing immigrants
Lights Out. ephemeral nature of our work | by David August | Dec, 2022 | DataDrivenInvestor
Deciphering Glyph :: Potato Programming
ChatGPT and Knowledge Strategy. Building low-cost cognitive assistants | by Dan McCreary | Jan, 2023 | Better Programming
- of Bryght's corporate site: Brave new Web 2.0 is about expression and remixing | Bryght
Archetypes Revisited — Roden Newsletter Archive
Grace Hopper and Howard Aiken The Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator, Copyright 1946
2021:Some opinionated thoughts on SQL databases - Made of Bugs
FAQs (includes “rage-inducing simplifications”) - Teri Kanefield
We Need a Revolution in Clean Indoor Air | The Tyee
Vintage Apple's Byte magazine PDF archives
12 resolutions for programmers [2023 update
Reverse Prompt Voodoo – OUseful.Info, the blog…
Ten Facts About ChatGPT | Welcome to TeachOnline via Stephen Downes
The slab and the permacomputer
Permacomputing | viznut
Scaling Mastodon: The Compendium | Hazel Weakly
Deductive vs. big-bang book structures - without bullshit
LLMs: a bleak future ahead? - lcamtuf’s thing
Travellers crave getaways but now weigh risks of lost baggage, poor weather, illness | The Star
Howard Rheingold Mind Amplifier - Can our digital tools make us smarter?
The WELL: State of the World 2023: Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky
platform collapse
The rise and fall of peer review - by Adam Mastroianni
Mobile Phone Security for Activists and Agitators | RM: OpSec
Customize Mastodon to Change Your Post Character Limit — sweetmeat
Computational Art: 2022 Wolfram Language Winners—Wolfram Blog
Starship: Cross-Shell Prompt
Use Cases · ngs-lang/ngs Wiki
Console #88 -- Kitty, MVT, and React Spectrum
Lefsetz Letter » Blog Archive » The Escape Artist
The Accidental Taxonomist: Taxonomy Definition
The Kubernetes Handbook: A Comprehensive guide of 100 Q&A | by by Abhishek Gupta | Dec, 2022 | Medium
Thank you Element! Leaving after being laid off after 2 years #ElementLifeboat
10 cool Apple Watch tricks you’ll wish you knew earlier | by Nikhil Vemu | Mac O’Clock | Medium
Hiring and the market for lemons
The tragedy of the commons is a false and dangerous myth | Aeon Essays
Tim Smith: 'My particular favourite undera…' - Mastodon
Maslow's Hierarchy is Bullshit - by patty krawec
Dec 27, 2018: Hopepunk, explained: the storytelling trend that weaponizes optimism - Vox
The Fourth Tradition is the humanist tradition · The Third Bit
Happy New Year 2023 / Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr :-)!
Two great Adobe audio tools – vowe dot net
Aaron Parecki
Journalism is a public good. Let the public make it. - Columbia Journalism Review <- We are all journalists and software developers
Lite XL, a Super Fast Editor Written in Lua
Writing Is Magic - Marc's Blog
Interfacing Huginn with Mastodon. | by The Doctor | Medium
Richard Corsi, PhD, PE (Texas) on Twitter: '1/ If we'd only take inhalation dose of virus-laden aerosols seriously. In Canada - COVID-19 funding/person in 2020 was $770/person (much lower now). COVID-19 fatalities nearly doubled between Oct '21 and Oct '22. Wait for it ....' / Twitter
Boris Mann: '@roland the instructions fit i…' - Tools For Thought Rocks!
My Year Of The Linux Desktop - Tao of Mac
Lessons in empathy: How to respond to someone with cancer - without bullshit
Why it breaks your brain to take a compliment - The Oatmeal
The Verge: Why Signal won’t compromise on encryption, with president Meredith Whittaker
Stop Talking to Each Other and Start Buying Things: Three Decades of Survival in the Desert of Social Media
mhoye: 'The stochastic-parrot brainworms have gotten to the ACM. ' - Mastodon
User Generated Content and the Fediverse: A Legal Primer | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Harold Jarche: GPT-3 through a glass darkly
How much I’ve spent so far running my own Mastodon server on AWS
Do not buy three decades of loo paper, nor depart today for Barnard’s Star (Interconnected)
Participatory Governance and the Fediverse
With 'Immunity Debt,' Democrats are Having their Ivermectin Moment
A simple Twitter archiver
A Bloomberg terminal for Mastodon – Jon Udell
The Compassionate Programmer · The Third Bit
Start, test, then stop a localhost web server in a Bash script | Simon Willison’s TILs
Greg Wilson: Sessioncasting: Teaching Programming with Replay, Voiceover, and Branching
Matthew Saunders: 'The first in this series is an…' - Roland's Mastodon
- Let’s use spreadsheets to rewire apps and make new ones (Interconnected)
Idyll Documentation | An overview.
Shakedown Complete: The Story Behind Bill C-18’s Shameful Legislative Review Process and the Race to Mandate Payment for Links - Michael Geist
Over-engineering Secret Santa with Python cryptography and Datasette
Rebroadcast: Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt on democracy, social media and how to fix America's 'ailing' institutions | On Point
Adactio: Journal—Declarative design
How to Setup and Use Logseq Sync
Disillusioned With Democracy - Teri Kanefield
Tailscale Funnel is a reverse proxy service complete with TLS cert, DNS, public IP address and HTTPS server that seems perfect for small, experimental software on the internet like snac2
Playing with ActivityPub -
When your database is an HTTP client – Jon Udell
The cloudy layers of modern-day programming | ★❤✰ Vicki Boykis ★❤✰
Overview | Introduction to the Mastodon API using CircuitPython | Adafruit Learning System
Understanding a Protocol
What if failure is the plan?. I’ve been thinking a lot about failure… | by danah boyd | Dec, 2022 | Medium
AI Homework – Stratechery by Ben Thompson
denise | A guide to potential liability pitfalls for people running a Mastodon instance
I Want a Memory Diagram Generator · The Third Bit
Christine Lemmer-Webber:The Heart of Spritely: Distributed Objects and Capability Security
The architecture of Mastodon
jenn schiffer: 'these kids are so used to bots…' - aka 'the cool babe zone™'
How To: Make libffi6 work with Github actions and Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04
Datasette Client - with SQL Cells / Observable Ambassadors | Observable
What I Want for Code in Textbooks · The Third Bit
The Feast House
Make artofwhere tights with gray patches and pink aka adventures in issue oriented development
Basic scatterplots in Threlte | Saaientist
grunfink/snac2: A simple, minimalistic ActivityPub instance (2.x, C) - snac2 -
rhysd/actionlint: Static checker for GitHub Actions workflow files
Knowing and Doing: November 2022 Archives
Experimenting with Federation and Migrating Accounts | by Kris Nóva | Nov, 2022 | Medium
Simon Willison: Massively increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive documentation and automated tests aka issue oriented development including tests for documentation!
Massively increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive documentation and automated tests
A Scheme Primer
andygrove/bdt: Boring Data Tool
Mark Bernstein on Tinderbox – The Informed Life
Beautiful Racket: Why language-oriented programming? Why Racket?
Dell UltraSharp 38-Inch Curved USB-C Hub Monitor – U3821DW | Dell USA
Rahul Gopinath: Hosting your own ActivityPub instance for free
The Underlying Technology Shibboleth
My bio: November 2022 for Mastodon
Embedding Web Examples using Jotted | Thejesh GN
Export a Mastodon timeline to SQLite | Simon Willison’s TILs
Why I Stopped Using Bullet Graphs (and What I Now Use Instead) | Nightingale
Time is an illusion, Unix time doubly so...
GitHub Pages: The Missing Manual | Simon Willison’s TILs
Milky Eggs » Blog Archive » What happened at Alameda Research
Scaling Mastodon in the Face of an Exodus | Nora Codes
The Distributed Computing Manifesto | All Things Distributed
What is YunoHost? | Yunohost Documentation
Datasette Powered Investigative Journalism |
ToolsForThoughtLogSeq/publish.yml at master · ToolsForThoughtRocks/ToolsForThoughtLogSeq
Mastodon migration FROM TO was smooth, thanks developers!
Robin Wieruch: Web Applications 101
Generating artwork with Haskell - Ben Kovach
Tailscale - Pop22
android - SQLite group by/count hours, days, weeks, year - Stack Overflow
I've set up my own personal mastodon instance at, is my handle
Linux Ubuntu Installation Steps on Old MacBook Air Mid- 2012 | by Carla Martins | Code Like A Girl
microblogpub's microblog
The IndieWeb for Everyone | Max Böck
Anthchirp/mastodon-defederate: Aiding small Mastodon instance admins by tracking larger instances' server blocklists
timhutton/twitter-archive-parser: Python code to parse a Twitter archive and output in various ways
Creating Terminal Based Screencast Movies With VHS – OUseful.Info, the blog…
Dynamic DNS (DDNS)? -How it Works and Why Use It?
Honk If You Like The Fediverse! |
Running the numbers on the journey to insight - McGee's Musings
How to upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS - nixCraft
Installed Ubuntu 22.04? Do These Things Next! - OMG! Ubuntu!
AppImage incompatibility in Ubuntu 22.04 - Development - Joplin Forum
foundational history and basic truth of Micromobility in 10 commandments. | LinkedIn
Home invasion
val town
Geoffrey Litt on Twitter: '1/ 'Build an app with a spreadsheet' is a mainstream idea now (Airtable, Glide, Coda, Notion, etc) but I believe there's still so much room to push this model further. Quick list of some (lesser-known??) projects that I find thought-provoking in this space:' / Twitter
Pluralistic: 09 Nov 2022 Delegating trust is really, really, really hard (infosec edition) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
Notes on Fediverse Protcols and Implementation:
Sanju Sinha on Twitter: 'A lot of Machine Learning (ML) I learned during my Ph.D. was from youtube. I didn't have a guide to do this effectively and thus here it is: A complete guide to studying ML from youtube: 13 best and most recent ML courses available on YouTube. 👩🏫🧵⤵️' / Twitter
A Scheme Primer
A Quick Fix For The Verified Status for Github on your Mastodon Profile - Jan Wildeboer’s Blog
Laurie Garrett on Twitter: 'There's a cottage industry is tearing apart the @ProPublica + @VanityFair 'expose' of the origins of #SARSCoV2 -- so many reports on the inaccuracies & failures in the story, it seems hard to imagine more. But @janeqiuchina is a Chinese-speaking writer, & this thread is intense.' / Twitter
My 'leaving' Twitter update as if it matters really or anybody cares :-)
github: issues/92
gh: Update API usage to Tweepy 4.x · Issue #92 · micahflee/semiphemeral
Roland Tanglao 猪肉面 on Twitter: 'i am in love with PureScript because of the awesome book 'Functional Programming made easier': What am I missing? Is this going to be like learning Ruby where I learned something that was briefly super popular but is no longer mainstream?' / Twitter
pengx17/logseq-publish: Logseq Publish Action
Documenting the Now
Install ImageMagick with JPG, PNG and TIFF Delegates - Ubuntu (20.04)
My current 'leaving' Twitter plan as if it matters really or anybody cares :-)
Loading Twitter Birdwatch into SQLite for analysis with Datasette | Simon Willison’s TILs
imagemagick How To make a montage of images from average colour: 1st get average colour by downsizing to 1x1 ; 2nd upscale with a fixed size; this results in images in this case with 20x20 which at 80x24 leads to 1600x480
The Socialist Case for Blockchain
How To fix WSL ubuntu 22.204.1 error `nsenter: cannot open /proc/27/ns/time: No such file or directory` DamionGans/ubuntu-wsl2-system-script issues/36
Donate A Mask
cmdr2/stable-diffusion-ui: Easiest 1-click way to install and use Stable Diffusion on your own computer. Provides a browser UI for generating images from text prompts and images. Just enter your text prompt, and see the generated image.
A guide to slow looking | Tate
How to create a heatmap in R - Data Science Tutorials
Support Driven Expo 2022: Day 1 Notes – Learning (Lib)Tech
Easily automate deleting your old tweets, likes, and DMs with Semiphemeral
Marc Hedlund on Twitter: 'I found it easy to set up @GoHugoIO on @render. One benefit of this is that Render will publish a build after every commit, so you can easily publish from an iOS device using @WorkingCopyApp.' / Twitter
Clothing and the colonial culture of appearances in nineteenth century Spanish Philippines (1820-1896)
jennybc/debugging: Talk about general debugging strategies. How to be less confused and frustrated.
Access Google Sheets using the Sheets API V4 • googlesheets4
r-lib/asciicast: Turn R scripts into terminal screencasts
Regular Expression Matching with a Trigram Index
How to set up Python in 2022
How to install ruby 3.1.2 on raspberry pi
Brent Victor from 2012: Learnable Programming
Thoughts from a Not-So-Influential Educator · The Third Bit
How to resize images and make an animated GIF in one step using imagemagick
TfT Hacker - Exploring Tools for Thought and PKM on Twitter: '1/ Tana is.... Tana is not... What is Tana to me? A lot of buzz about @tana_inc & people patiently (impatiently) waiting for their invite for early access. Many compare Tana to Notion and Roam, but Tana is its own thing and in its own class. #TfT' / Twitter
Lazarus Long on Twitter: '@TheAtlantic @jdkstern13 Regarding elastomerics...they fit extremely well, even with no fit testing. Optimal to have it, but way better than N95s at fit. 26 yearsof elastos. No infections.' / Twitter
From Imagemagick fonts not found in OSX
WSL fonts:: How to install fonts for all users using WSL?
imagemagick montage issues on macOS and WSL
How To:: resize and make animated gif with imagemagick in 1 step
Clerk – Nextjournal
Cleaning data with sqlite-utils and Datasette - Tutorial
I wish my web server were in the corner of my room (Interconnected)
Probably Wrong Prediction: Autonomous Vehicle 'winter' is coming in less than 5 years for G*link and other AV companies
Omar Rizwan on Twitter: 'something weird about how old-school Xanadu/hypertext concepts seem to dramatically /privilege/ 'plain text', as this well-understood basic layer that all your links and transclusions sit on top of and interconnect' / Twitter
Defining Dashboards with Metrics | Rill
How to resize images to Twitter animated GIF dimensions and then make an animated GIF using imagemagick
How to use gganimate We are R-Ladies on Twitter:: Here is some sample code to generate a random walk, create a line plot, and layer in the animation. I love how it's simple to layer within the #ggplot2 framework.
How to Draw and Use Polygons in R | FlowingData
X ONE | ERGO-HealthTech
August 2022 How to Run Stable Diffusion Locally to Generate Images
Beginner's TypeScript Tutorial | Total TypeScript
We love to hate Clippy — but what if Clippy was right? | by tash keuneman | Sep, 2022 | UX Collective
Use Super Collider to make music from photo geodata and average colour?
Got my 4th vaccination today: Moderna bivalent booster, go science go! #VaccinateThePlanet
WIP: q, xsv, graphext, dirtylittlesql, Tools for handling large CSV files from Simon Willison's mega replied to thread; CSV the universal data structure
Tad: A fast viewer for CSV and Parquet files and SQLite and DuckDb databases that supports large files. <-- Nice alternative to (in no order), graphext, knime, visidata, datasette, xsv, csvkit, R tidyverse with arrow, python pandas / dask, as well as the traditional grep / uniq / cut / sed / awk / sort / uniq etc
J. K. G. Hopster, C. Arora, C. Blunden, C. Eriksen, L. E. Frank, J. S. Hermann, M.B. O. T. Klenk, E. R. H. O’Neill & S. Steinert:Pistols, pills, pork and ploughs: the structure oftechnomoral revolutions
Introduction - Counterexamples in Type Systems
Build a Bike Patch and Flat Kit in 2022 | Reviews by Wirecutter
Sticker Drop on the App Store for iOS 16 - lift your fav part of an image and turn it into a digital sticker
Russell A. Poldrack: Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century
Learn Kubernetes using Red Hat Developer Sandbox for OpenShift | Red Hat Developer
Me:: I don't believe in this propaganda nor do I believe in `S🇾stemic ⒜ltruism`! Meditations On M*loch | Slate Star Codex
Leah Elliott: Contra Chr*me – a webcomic – How G*ogle's browser became a threat to privacy and democracy, a 2019 re-do of Scott McCloud‘s 2008: G*ogle-commissioned Chr*me comic
Replit - GhostWriter Beta and AI Mode
The travesty of liberalism — Crooked Timber
Who Can It Be Now — Real Life
Me:: 2022: Nope, wrong in 2022 and 2024 2015:: The Electric Car is going to take over the world soon - Geoff's Blog
(...) — USB, Thunderbolt, Displayport & docks
The Datasette Ecosystem — Datasette documentation
Zack Scholl: croc Fast, simple, and e2e encrypted file transfer between any two computers. <- so many great CLI tools so little time. See 'Previously'
Why This Computer Scientist Says All Cryptocurrency Should “Die in a Fire” ❧ Current Affairs
Stephen's Web ~ Dog Whistles, Covertly Coded Speech, and the Practices that Enable Them ~ Stephen Downes
Basic Cantonese A grammer and Workbook, Yip and Matthews
I have 3 laptops and 2 Raspberry Pis: one or more of them is always online, couldn't I use them as my own CDN to serve a static website?
Free hosting from for profit companies like Heroku, Slack etc doesn't work. Don't depend on it! Only viable long term solution is for the UN Black Helicopters :-) i.e. the government needs to offer hosting
War and Industrial Policy Zltan Pozsar - Credit Suisse Plus
Vanbikes: Vancouver's Bicycle People & the Fight for Transportation Change, 1986-2011 - Highly Recommended
Cypress Challenge 2022: a few minutes slower than the last 'real' one in 2019 but happy!
New tools for thought are a wee step forward from wikis and mindmapping because they are open source, easier to host and share unlike past tools like wikis
What skills shortage? <- There is no vocational skills shortage, just a leadership and real aka soft skills shortage
C3049 doorway to the Lufthansa office at C4100 (who handle lost luggage) is NOT in a secure area and it is to the right of the oversized baggage counter in international at YVR
Megan Carpenter via Tara Robertson via Nancy White: Stop Assuming Good Intent; instead: I’ll give you grace if you give me effort
Feed Firefox Support Questions to GPT-3 by following Simon Willison's HowTo and see what 'answers' it comes up with?
Tested positive for COVID 19 on May 16, tested negative on May 27, 2022, no fever, just headache and sore throat day 1, headache was gone day 2, sore throat took a week to go, felt tired
Interactive Multiple File Search and Replace using fd aka fdfind and sad instead of sed; use sd for just stdin replacement; also check out diff-so-fancy
City of Vancouver accident data on Datasette lite at
Thanks to Simon Willison's you can now query any SQLite data with CORS headers anywhere and share the query URL with others so it can spread virally :-)! (e.g. 2021 Firefox SUMO Support questions) on any web browser including desktop, iOS and Android
Matt Webb: Interconnected:Apps are too complex so maybe features should be ownable and tradable <-- give the people want they want: apps made out of secure composable configurable components
Drummer by Dave Winer is my current favourite for twitter threads
Presentation tips to look more prepared and organized <-- tl;dr Put up title slide before beginning; post slides online; have one photograph ready beautiful tl;dr slide; have a hashtag for your talk; post/tweet about just beforehand
Pearl Leff: In Praise of Memorization <-- YES I mostly agree AND instead of memorization I would say deeply learning something (which often involves some sort of memorization) and then writing it down, filing in a place you can remember and then forgetting it :-)
The Untold Story of SQLite with Richard Hipp <- with billions of tests
Stack Overflow: Can't use font awesome in R aka 'extra step to get fontawesome 4.7 to work', my previous blog post from January 9, 2022 about 4.7 won't work without it
Firefox users should be able to keep the pre-Firefox 89 UI if they want but the reality is this isn't possible since we don't have proper layering and abstraction in all software not just Firefox
2021 SUMO Firefox Desktop Support Questions in a SQLite file: 317 questions on June 4, 2021 about Firefox look and feel changes in Firefox 89 (used DB Browser for SQLite, csvstack, csvs-to-sqlite)
Free computing e.g. at github actions isn't free; free cloud computing considered harmful (because environment: see Steven Gonzalez Monserrate January 27, 2022: The Cloud Is Material: On the Environmental Impacts of Computation and Data Storage via The Staggering Ecological Impacts of Computation and the Cloud via Kottke
P*tin s*cks and War s*cks!
Heather Hedden on Taxonomies: Taxonomy helps level the field and make more people good at searching (got to read her blog and book, The Accidental Taxonomist!)
Why We Hate Your Security Reports aka Why your support questions are not detailed enough and written clearly enough for us to fix the problem quickly together
The Atlantic: The Plan to Stop Every Respiratory Virus at Once: 6 air changes / hour in every room
Don't Look Up is my pick for movie of the year 2021
Paul Virilio: Inventing the Shipwreck - what future disasters are inherent in today's technologies? (e.g. the shipwreck was inherent in the invention of the ship)
Use fontawesome to display awesome characters for Firefox support tags (antivirus, operating system, certificates, addons, etc) but currently the R fontawesome package only supports fontawesome 4.7 even though the current version is version 5 and 6 is in beta
Firefox Support Question Art: Stack images for operating system, anti-virus, sync,email, gmail, cookies, certificates. bookmarks, javascript, addons, youtube, facebook, chrome, chromium, webrtc, zoom, duckduckgo, microsoft, google
Gina Apostol's Bibliolepsy - got to read this
- API change? woe_id is now woeid?
What art should I make from the 25000 Firefox Support questions from 2021?
Happy Holidays 2021-22 Got my 3rd shot (Pfizer) on Dec 9 2021 #vaccinatetheplanet
Thej: Extract Data from HTML/XML/JSON using Xidel
Zettelkasten — How One German Scholar Was So Freakishly Productive: One idea per post, and link to a previous post with context
Vancouver: The Good Parts
City of Vancouver Places to Eat Outside in the winter when it's not raining and when it IS raining
Jake Archibald: How to win at CORS
Peter Welch from 2014: Programming Sucks<--- it does until it doesn't :-) i.e. we get secure verified software for all layers and components and something better than spreadsheets for so-called 'non programmers'
Greg Wilson: A Critical History of Logo and Constructionist Learning - 'I believe very strongly that we will only get through the next fifty years if we start to care about each other and our collective future more than we do right now'
Photography Off the Scale (edited by Tomáš Dvořák, Jussi Parikka) calls for a reconsideration of both scholarly and artistic approaches and concepts in the face of our contemporary image excess.
I made artofwhere leggings from my red-ish and pink-ish flickr photos 2019-2020
Dave Winer's Drummer proves that the best way to blog is through an outliner
Make the legs for artofwhere tights using red pink flickr 2019-2020
New informal rules: name the R script the same as the output graphic, post it to flickr and use a small dataset using red pink average colour example from 2019-2020 flickr average colour
How to create an ggrepel plot of R's 657 plotrix colours of the average colour of my 2019-2020 flickr photos, x axis is time in unix seconds since 1970 using R, y axis is the average colour using the plotrix colours
How to create a smaller dataset with just a flag to indicate whether average colour is present, plotrix average colour, date taken in unix time, yyyy-mm-dd
How to create an encircled plot of R's 657 plotrix colours of the average colour of my 2019-2020 flickr photos, x axis is time in unix seconds since 1970 using ggalt and ggplot in R, y axis is the average colour using the plotrix colours
How To: Parse Times from flickr and how to Use a specific timezone with R and lubridate e.g. `America/Vancouver` (broken in lubridate 1.7.4 to 1.7.9)
ggplot2 ggalt geom_encircle() sample plot of average colour
Cypress Challenge 2021 - Tour de Cure 2021 160km 'century ride' formerly known as the Ride to Conquer Cancer - Bicycling as therapy and to fund cancer research
Cory Doctorow :: August 25, 2020 :: How to destroy surveillance capitalism ; tl;dr break up the monopolies
More DIY COVID fan plus filter from @DavidElfstrom $CDN55 plus tax! We are all E12Ts now part 8888 or something :-) Bonus link: Michael Kalus's DIY fan setup
DIY Air Filters For Classrooms? Experts Are Enthusiastic — And A Citizen Scientist Makes It Easy <--- we are all epidemiologists e12ts:-) now via this tweet: Great article with Dean Richard Corsi @CorsIAQ on how to build a cheap, effective air purifier. Included are instructions on how to build an air purifier yourself. <-- not sure this will be the most effective but I bet something cheap and cheerful like this will work well!
Fragment: Tools of Production – ggalt and encircling scatterplot points in R, ggplot2 and Python <--- geom_encircle() looks great to circle photos average colour?!? also geom_lollipop and dumbell! both look useful
- epic treatise on scheduling, bug tracking, and triage
Tim Harford (via Simon Willison) The Tyranny of Spreadsheets <--- don't use them in life and death situations <-- 1500 people died in England because of spreadsheets <--- real moral of the story is don't use anything in production without tests?
Jon Udell: How to make Unicode sparklines in python, metabase and postgres aka The Tao of Unicode Sparklines <--- super portable, works in HTML tables, tweets, psql console etc links to examples e.g Ruby, python
The Coast Salish History Project is a worthwhile cause to donate to
jon undell's blog:: workbench:: A beautiful power tool to scrape, clean, and combine data <--- uses jupyter and python underneath! Looks great! Better than tools like datawrapper that are proprietary right? what am I missing?!?
Hosting SQLite databases on Github Pages using a virtual filesystem via Simon Willison
Robert Jago - Renaming places: how Canada is reexamining the map <--- Rename BC to S'ólh Téméxw?!?
(All) DNS Resource Records <-- doesn't have ALIAS records?!? <-- Alias records are a non standard way to alias apex domains
How To Improve Your Community Engagement Skills <-- 'Give this link a read and let me know if you have any trouble getting the account removed' <--- 'Personalization, Friendly, Knowledge, Resolution (and followup)'
What Does the (node.js) Event Loop Sound Like? Music from code (like music from GPS I did back in 2010 with my N900)
logseq for personal knowledge management looks promising for personal knowledge management and more
Please donate to my ride up Cypress Mountain in August, the Cypress Challenge. 100% goes to Pancreatic Research
MirNs at the New Media Gallery in New Westminister! Highly recommended if you can get a 1 hour slot, extended until 01August2021
Go Habs Go! Go Carey Price go! Habs in 7
Heat Dome 2021 over BC is very much like what Kim Stanley Robinson predicted in Ministry for the Future
June 21, 2021: Early Edition Special: Indigenous People's Day: CBC Vancouver Early Edition
Walter Vannini: Coding is not ‘fun’, it’s technically and ethically complex <-- like anything complex right?
Dave Winer's UserLand's Instant Outliner from the 2000s coming back in 2021? (bonus Jon Udell blog post about Instant Outliner)
Got my 2nd dose of the Astra Zeneca Covid 19 vaccine today. Go science go!
The Canadian Government should implement all 94 TRC calls to action. That would be a good start to healing, anything less is unacceptable
@arnalLabrador:you can do these simple steps to change our country:
I still won't be indoor dining until over 50% of the population has 2 vaccinations even though it's allowed as of May 25
Links to help me make a small reproducible example for my if_else() tidyverse R issue
Probably wrong prediction: We will have forgotten about outdoor dining by 2025 just like we forgot why steam radiators are so hot
Our son is a real artist
On the benefits of sharing your work Composer and performer Kamala Sankaram discusses creating your own path and the diversity of opera! (I love opera!)
Simon Willison's github scraping is officially supported by Github who call it 'Flat Data'
Kim Stanley Robinson's Response to the Ministry for the Future Seminar
Cory Doctorow: Crooked Timber's Ministry for the Future Seminar <-- must read essays on climate change
Stratechery: Cloudflare Durable Objects exist on the edge where the user resides and can be easily moved anywhere
reallifemag: The Sounds of Silence
Not sure why R's if_else() fails! R type system misunderstanding? Misunderstanding of NA?
My Mom died 8 years ago: May 5, 2013
Old DNS settings caused this blog not to update
Just blog; I do not care whether you call it TILs or whether it is 188 characters or 5 pages
Three weeks since my first dose of the Astra Zeneca Covid 19 vaccine and I feel fine!
What3Words s*cks for emergency response?
How To install Imagemagick on Ubuntu 20.04 with JPG, PNG and TIFF support aka 'delegates'? Why isn't this in the default install?
Good 'ole emacs for bulk renaming using dired mode and query replace plus other renaming tools
Unpatent it, manufacture it, vaccinate the planet
HowTo add the 657 built in R colors to the flickr dataset (you need rowwise())
Please help Vancouver restaurants by dining on their patios and getting takeout (do not use U*erats or S*ip the dishes if you can!)
What3Words API - any location to 3 words that represents a 3 metre square
The Data Journalism Handbook Towards A Critical Data Practice free PDF! or 49 EURO for the book
Not an imagemagick bug but an unclean data problem: one of the rows is missing an average colour because there was no thumbnail in flickr
Why do I need two extra three byte values to make a 222x222 png using imagemagick (and why didn't this surface in 2016? 64 bit boundary issue? Padding issue? Little Endian? Big Endian?)
Photoshop-less way using printf and magick (imagemagick version 7) to convert an RGB file created by xxd without a header to a PNG
Got my first dose of the Astra Zeneca Covid 19 vaccine today. Go science go!
Photoshop-less way using ffmpeg to convert an RGB file created by xxd without a header to a PNG
Average colour according to imagemagick resize of my flickr photos Jan 1, 2019 - Dec 31, 2020
How To Use Imagemagick Version 7 convert to to resize an image to get average colour
What information visualizations and metrics should I create from my flickr photos and metadata from 2019 and 2020?
2.9 times as many photos in 2020 versus 2019: Due to wordwrap/end of line issues, i took less photos than i thought :-)
My 2019 and 2020 flickr data 1 table SQLite and 1 file CSV version
My 2019 and 2020 flickr metadata: How To make a 1 table SQLite version
My 2019 and 2020 flickr data now available as a 2 table SQLite database. Next step:datasette real soon now :-)
How To retrieve flickr photos meta data in a 2021 Stylee! Been doing this since September 2010! Now with Ruby 3.0 'except'
Kim Stanley Robinson's: The Ministry for the Future: terrible novel but great ideas like giving $USD100K to everybody so highly recommended :-) !
How to Vancouverite in the rain: Always carry raingear because we live in a temperate rainforest
How To Vancouverite in the Rain: Always carry chopsticks, spoon, fork, knife wrapped in a napkin since you never know when you'll have a hankering for adobo, pancit, mapo tofu, kimchi stew, chana masala or sushi
How To Vancouverite in the Rain: Always carry a plastic bag for outdoor coffee and doughnuts in the rain
On March 3, 2021 Github action in rt-kits-api3 to get Firefox support questions broke because ruby gem ffi-1.13.1 wasn't found, fix:change Gemfile ffi version to 1.15.0
The Python Graph Gallery
Gardner Campbell: Online Class meeting preshow
Excel Never Dies The Spreadsheet That Launched A Million Companies <-- The real 'programming for the people'
Maarten Lambrechts: Mapping Geographic Data in R, with ggplot2
Jay Graber: Decentralized Social Ecosystem Review
Natalia Tepluhina: Six tips to improve your code review skills <-- Test locally, ask questions, don't hesitate to praise, separate blocking/non blocking and use these categories: question, suggestion, nitpicking
Ben Welsh and the California Civic Data Coalition:First Python Notebook
Oren Jay Sofer: Defending Against ‘Predatory Listening’
Justine Tunney: cosmopolitan libc your build-once run-anywhere c library across x86 macOS, Windows 10 and Linux
What's your conversational style? Are you a positive cooperative overlapper or interrupter? Can you handle it when others overlap or interrupt you?
Tom MacWright: One way to represent things <-- most don't want to roll their own level abstractions they just want to solve a problem with software
Checkvist now has crosslinks and backlinks - I couldn't get backlinks to work in my quick test
Everything in SQLite and Datasette and perhaps Glitch?
Michelle Thorne: A movment to green the web
Cory Doctorow: 20 years a blogger aka How Cory blogs
Kyle Mitchell:Righteous, Expedient, Wrong - OSI swings at Elastic, misses, and leaves a mess
Podcast: What am I missing about S*bstack? Same selected people make money and control your content?!?
Simon Phipps: The Rights-Ratchet Model
Dave Rupert: The web is something different <--- imperfection is part of it, deal with it :-)
Stephen Downes:On the Indieweb <-- you shouldn't have to pay for 'hosting' and 'servers' and it should be easy for everybody
- - The internet of Fun
From 2019: Tobias Bernard: There is no Linux platform - Oh really?
From 2018: Tobias Bernard: Banquets and Barbecues
Mon Feb1st, 2021 at 4pmish, I was robbed of my Canon EOS RP camera & my Lumos Matrix helmet while bicycling on the Dunsmuir viaduct. Super weird & random. Luckily I'm physically unharmed & have insurance but I'll probably avoid that route unless there are lots of other riders!
How to upgrade the Wavlink UTD01A Thunderbolt 3 dock Ubuntu driver: switch to insecure boot; download, compile and install firmware from Wavlink's site
Darius Kazemi: How do you compose for infinity? Via Matt Webb: Filtered for lo-fi strange new worlds
Greg Wilson: Software Tools in JavaScript
How Monopolies Slowed the Vaccine Roll-Out, and Small Business Sped it Up - CVS and Walgreens didn't deliver. Local pharmacists did
Jeremiah Owyang-The Future of Social Audio: Startups, Roadmap, Business Models, and a Forecast <- will audio rival video by the end of 2020s? I don't think so but I'd love to be proven wrong since the human voice is amazing
BC Alliance for Arts and Culture: Digital Ladders: March 4, 2021 - Ask me anything...About Custom Merchandise
Kevin Montrose: Overthinking CSV With Cesil: An Introduction. Also, github sponsors are few and far between
Anthony Shaw: Getting Started With Testing in Python <-- I'd like to do TDD in python, ruby and R someday :-)
@maggiecodes_: How I applied to a Tech Job using a POST request using Insomnia an open source REST API client
Maps and cameras are neglected app runtimes aka platforms
Andrew Montalenti: Lucene: The Good Parts
Command Line Interface Guidelines by Aanand Prasad, Ben Firshman, Carl Tashian and Eva Parish
Guy Kawasaki's Art of Web Conferencing i.e. be perhaps too awesome for $USD1200
Go 46 era go! Fingers crossed!
Linus aka @thesephist: The long future of artificial intelligence
Michael Nielsen: Augmenting Long-term Memory. Is it better to remember hundreds of facts or is it better to remember where to start looking for facts?
Climbing towards NLU:On Meaning, Form, and Understanding in the Age of Data
Nicholson Baker: The Lab-Leak Hypothesis (COVID leaked out of a lab?!?)
Ryan Timpe: brickr R Tidyverse module to convert graphics to Lego Bricks
Installed Ubuntu 20.04.1 Focal Fossa on my new for work Dell XPS13 9310
Post COVID, I am really looking forward to buying lunch for Cog Dog aka Alan Levine
Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
Matt Webb: There is no AFTER
Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and Merry Christmas; my 2020-2021 holidays post
Completed the first 3 weeks of my new job as Support Engineer at
Funkwhale - grooveshark inspired decentralized music
Meeting Recovery Syndrome - goto to a happy place for a speedy recovery (written before the pandemic)
Tom Jarrett: Designing Branch: Sustainable Interaction Design Principles
Matt Webb: Is the internet of things more efficient or transformative because it contains the world? e.g. a crown in 90 minutes is more efficient<-- need to ask my dentist about this
Elvia Wilk:The World of Yesterday Waking from the cosmopolitan daydream
Mark Guzdial:Computing Education Research Blog:Dijkstra’s Truths about Computing Education Aren’t: The many kinds of programming
Charlie Schick:@molecularist The miracle of mundane
Google finally killed Google Play Music and miraculously YouTube Music is finally usable
Stowe Boyd: Paradoxes of Engagement: Less Communication Is More
Clown by clartaq: An outlining app with notes for each headline. Written in Clojure and ClojureScript.
Stewart and the slack team: congrats on the Saleforce acquisition
Learn how microaggressions are exhausting by playing Killing Me Softly
YouTube Music has issues that Google Play Music didn't: can't reliably play downloaded playlists, etc
Tim Ottinger: 7 code Virtues Explained
Spanish Empire 'legibility': Filipinos were instructed by the decree of November 21, 1849 to take on permanent Hispanic surnames
Eugene Wei: Seeing Like an Algorithm: legibility and the TikTok For You Page
Greg Wilson: On meetings <-- you've heard it before but love the concept of 'interruption bingo'!
Matt Webb: Social Team Cursors built into operating systems and virtual clothing like The Three Body Problem
Via Ton: A Handy Firefox add-on to get markdown from a web page
Jay Rosen Two paths forward for the American press; applies to the Canadian press too
Simon Willison: Personal Data Warehouses: Reclaiming Your Data
R and ggplot2: ggrepel positions labels so they do not overlap
R and ggplot2: How to set literal colour values: use the 'as is' function aka I() instead of scale_colour_identity()
Derek Jones: Evidence-based software engineering: book released
Cultural Analytics page 197 Visualization without reduction aka Direct visualization
R and ggplot2: As per Cultural Analytics: Firefox Support Questions for an hour with x set to the minute the question was asked, logo plus 5 tokens from the question
R and ggplot2: What if, as recommended by Cultural Analytics, I used the actual text to make the graphic instead of converting the text to numbers i.e. colours
csvs-to-sqlite, pandas dependency in issue 73 fixed thanks Simon Willison!
csvs-to-sqlite, outdated pandas dependency in issue 73
Recompiled R 4.0.3 to not use X11 and to use cairo and now png() works without an X11 error and without a shadow graphics error
Switched from Buster to Ubuntu Server Bionic Beaver 18.04.4 and compiled RStudio Server and it all works except for plots, need type='cairo' and or xvfb-run
Cannot compile RStudio server on Raspberry Pi 4 8GB RAM Debian 10 Buster
How to install R 4.0.3 on Raspberry Pi 4 8GB RAM Debian 10 Buster
R and ggplot2 barcode (pink: Windows, blue: macOS, green:Linux, purple: unknown/other) of Firefox questions by hour arranged in a 2x12 collage makes an interesting graphic, what if I did that for all of 2020?
Reading Notes - Cultural Analytics - Lev Manovich
Unnecessary election is over and thankfully the BC NDP won; go science go: go ventilation, masks and two metre distancing go. Go more testing go!
R and ggplot2 barcode of Firefox questions using no for loop - more optimizations, case...when, map2 and how it works
My joyful obsessions includes fun with software development as well as non tech happy places like cross-country skiing, taking photos (not editing them), bicycling and walking with my family
R and ggplot2 barcode of Firefox questions using no for loop just map functions, gain is questionable :-) but worth it in the long run, learned lots from learn to purrr
R and ggplot2 barcode of Firefox questions using a for loop; functional version in next post
R and ggplot2 pseudo code for barcode of Firefox questions
What infographics should I make from hourly FF support questions? Barcode with a stripe for Operating System, and a stripe for hash of the question?
Github Actions are super powerful and yaml is super confusing
Simon Willison:Git scraping: track changes over time by scraping to a Git repository aka how to use github actions to call an API every 20 minutes
More than a few days, now starting my job search in earnest :-) aka Looking for work
Thank you Mozilla! Leaving after being laid off after 11 years #mozillalifeboat
Wired: Social Movements Are Pushing Google Sheets to the Breaking Point<--- what if there were a decentralized version of a collaborative editing environment :-) hmmmm :-)
Ton: Your Blog is your Avatar <--- AMEN!
Please consider donating to my team, Sofia's Camera Club, for the virtual Cypress Challenge in honour of my mother who died of Pancreatic Cancer in 2013. 100% of your donations go to pancreatic cancer; this is a zero overhead ride
Computing Education Research Blog: Proposal #3 to Change CS Education to Reduce Inequity: Call a truce on academic misconduct cases for programming assignments and it is not necessary to have to struggle to learn
BlogThis! A checkvist list of links to blog
Regulate the web by yiibu: 'start challenging the assumption that the future of our online spaces can only consist of a more centralized, optimized, and sanitized version of our present'
this is aaronland: i like dots <-- cheap and cheerful e-ink displays for museums and other applications
There's more to life than being a weirdo, being normal or showing your work aka not sure what to make of Meredith L. Patterson's: When Nerds Collide My intersectionality will have weirdoes or it will be bullshit
Nick Punt::Mea Culpa::Add a User Interface for admitting mistakes and forgiving those who make mistakes to social media like twitter in order to de-escalate
My pink petal project mask arrived! it's great! Go get your own, $5 goes to Hogan's Alley Society
The whole miasma of the internet has blocked me from blogging but not for long :-)
NEW Pink Petal Mask added using thumbnails instead of patches: again 100% of my profits from Art of Where tights and masks will be donated to the Hogan's Alley Society
June-August 2020: 100% of my profits from Art of Where tights and masks will be donated to the Hogan's Alley Society
How To get a list of escalated Firefox Desktop Support Questions
Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism By Safiya Umoja Noble: Racism is the fundamental API of the Internet
Juneteenth @ Webflow: A day for conscious education & celebration
Dave Pollard: The perpetual growth machine
Stephanie Allen: Fight the power: Redressing displacement and building a just city for Black lives in Vancouver
Watch all 6:45 of Kimberly Latrice Jones's video 'How Can We Win' on racism preventing ownership and thriving in society
So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
Ethics & Race in Tech: Professor Ruha Benjamin Monday, June 1, 2020
Please donate to the Hogan's Alley Society
Black lives matter
How I made Art of Where Tights aka leggings and mask from Vancouver 2020 Pink Petal photos
Mac apps for recording of podcasts: piezo for simple, audio hijack for complicated, what are the Windows equivalents?
HTML parsing for pup - Using the pup tool to more sanely extract data from HTML files (Stanford Journalism Computational Methods in the Civic Sphere)
HowTo: Open support questions tagged escalate
HowTo: Open a random 25% of support questions using shuf and awk and wsl-open
HowTo: SQLite SQL query to get all May 1-25, 2020 Firefox desktop en-us questions that contain sync in title, content or tags columns
HowTo: Datasette on Glitch for Firefox Desktop support questions January 1 to May 25, 2020
Cúagilákv Jess Housty: Find Your Pod in in The Tyee
Maarten Lambrechts: How to Make Animated Histograms in R, with ggplot and gganimate
hauntsaninja via simon willison: pyp: Easily run Python at the shell
Dave Pollard: There must be a better way
Create a SQLite database from a kitsune question CSV file
- beautiful code formatting for twitter and moar
Twitter images can embed 1K in alt text like R code or a PGP Key
Matt Webb: How about hyperlocal pandemic forecasting
How To get all Firefox Desktop SUMO KB Articles using pup WITHOUT using grep by using 'attr{href}'
How To get all Firefox Desktop SUMO KB Articles using pup
Chris Corrigan: Constraints that enable emergence
jackywinter: introducing for basecamp, slack and gmail
Can't wait for Lev Manovich's Cultural Analytics which should be 100% applicable to my hobby of making tshirts and leggings from flickr data
Life during the Pandemic #3. @dale42 Tests Negative For COVID-19
Revised workflow for
om: Productivity: what is it good for? Me: Absolutely nothing. Being kind and useful and creative and helping the world move forward is much better
Michael L. Forman: Kapampangan Dictionary and Kapampangan Grammar Notes - Two books I'll probably never read :-)
We Need a New Science of Progress - Humanity needs to get better at knowing how to get better
Post Corona: The Cosmic Opportunity - Be a better person
Losing Lena is well worth watching! A doc which discusses the exclusion of women from tech through the story of a woman whose Playboy centerfold became the basis of the modern JPEG
iPad + arm mount + Beats Pro or AirPods = awesome Zoom combo
Matt Webb: Domestic telepresence at scale: some notes
Apparently socks work as microphone pop filters?!?
Adrian Daub: There Is No Alternativelessness - What's been hiding Germany's hidden crisis?
How to import JSON data into Google Sheets to create a live COVID-19 chart "in 5 minutes without code" well actually :-) there is some code and it's called: importJSON
Venkatesh Rao: How What and Where to Build
Let's Build a Simple Database - Writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C
Over 40 In Vancouver: Life during the Pandemic #2 Mundanity For @sillygwailo Artichokes in Burnaby @bigheadtaco ?
Use hugo server --renderToDisk to force your Hugo posts to be rendered to disk instead of RAM which is the current default
What's the first self indulgent thing you're going to do after things go "back to normal"? I'm going to @revolver_coffee. You?
Glean:chutten: How much does that data cost
Die Kurve ist flacher geworden. Go Germany Go! Go Germany Helping The Rest Of Europe Go!
Free ebook: Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom sounds great
Garret's rebuttal to chuq's blogging is dead
vowe:Comeback der Woche :: Skype <--- really?!? wirklich?!? Meet Now is awesome?!?
Vancouver physically distanced bicycle rides during the pandemic: stay away from popular routes, beware of intersections with pedestrian paths
Emma Humphries: WONTFIX
RR: Record and Replay Go Backwards in Time in C++ on Linux with GDB
Against Waldenponding II
Agree with Chuq! The blog is dead and so is RSS but since i'm not trying to sell you anything (yet) i will continue to blog, generate RSS & not have an email newsletter #ymmv #doWhatMakesYouHappyAndGivesYouThe'Engagement'YouSeek :-)
David Crawshaw: Remembering the LAN <- Amen! Programming should be fun, not combat against dark forces on the internet :-)
Thank you to all front line workers
Margo Aaron: Coronavirus Is Serious, But Panic Is Optional
REMINDER: is my truly random podcast with no ads and no bumpers and hopefully will make you smile always :-)
recent iPad + Airpods + mount = best combo for Zoom? <- From Several grumpy opinions about remote work at Tailscale
Over 40 In Vancouver Life During The Pandemic #1
Ribbonfarm: Against waldenponding aka against unplugging for self-care aka instead become part of the giant social computer in the cloud (GSCITC)
Take Firefox questions in CSV and convert to SQL lite using Simon Willison's csvs-to-sqlite which I guess uses the sqlite3 import command underneath?
Everest Pipkin: Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup
Kieran Healy - A COVID Small Multiple in R with ggplot2
jscher's Printable Extension for Firefox
That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's five stages of grief updated with a sixth: find meaning
Jens von Bergmann: Canada COVID-19 interactive growth rate explorer
Kieran Healy: Get Your Epidemiology from Epidemiologists <--- awesome documented R code
COVID-19 checkvist list of links
Glitch for remote work and gratuitous :-) WFH advice from me to you
Litt and Jackson: Wildcard: Spreadsheet-Driven Customization of Web Applications
Chris Corrigan: Sense-making in real time: Observe; look for patterns; inquire; what keeps the patterns in place?
Peace and Love from Vancouver. Wash your hands. Socially isolate if you can. Be kind
The Basecamp Guide to Internal Communication
Josh Bernoff: You’re sharing essential content. Here’s how to get colleagues to read it.
I fully endorse the use of they
Will we have to go through the Kübler-Ross five stages of grief for our pre-pandemic lifestyle? I am an optimist therefore I don't think so!
Day 2 of working at home! Really miss the office and most importantly my colleagues
Daily updates from COVD-19 in British Columbia from Vancouver Coastal Health
Howard and Gugger: Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch: AI Applications Without a PhD <--- sounds too good to be true :-) but the jupyter notebooks sound great
Firefox:The Product-Details JSON API, need to call this in my Firefox support questions scripts
Is there a word for missing-hanging-in-the-office-with-my-fab-colleagues-due-to-being-heavily-encouraged-to-work-at-home? :-) How about "corona'd" or "so 2020"?
How to install python 3.7 into a python virtualenv on WSL
Firefox Support Question to CSV for tagging by Mechanical Turk Workflow
How to: retain selected fields and remove the rest in a CSV file using mlr aka miller
I want off Mr. Golang's Wild Ride: 'Go is a Bell Labs fantasy, and not a very good one at that' (kind of like C++ before it, am I right :-) ?)
Use Transfer Learning from prior image models to generate tshirt graphics?
Fastpages from fastai I don't fully understand: you still need a server to render python notebooks for testing purposes, right? Altair Python Visualizations seem excellent & Blogging via Word files is great though
How To: Fact Check the corona virus aka Covid-19 crisis
The good ole days at Bryght :-) 'Web 1.0' versus 'Web 2.0'
SQLite, JSON, CSV :-) the eternal golden braid of formats? so many tools for normal folks to grok them without programming e.g. sqlitebrowser
Payak 2020: 1:40 oops fell 3 times in the first 5km, but mountain view climb was fast because of the klaebo running up hill diagonal stride technique
Eugene Wallingford: Programming feels like home. <-- To me it feels like a comfortable chesterfield :-) Ton's got a great take on it too #ymmv
Imagemagick v7 is much faster than OilyPNG or VIPS for creating images, cropping them and montaging i.e. collaging them
How I made Art of Where Tights from Berlin photos
pup for HTML is like jq for JSON
Robin Sloan: An app can be a home-cooked meal
Max Woolf: How To Make Custom AI-Generated Text With GPT-2
Parasite is a deeply disturbing yet great film
Visualizing Google Trends using ggplot2 and geom_area instead of ggridges
Execute Program is also excellent
You Don't Know JS is excellent
Building The Analytics Team At Wish: Great insights about data pipelines, data warehouses and visualizations
SQL Murder Mystery - learn SQL by solving a murder
Jon Ippolito: The Art of Misuse <-- creative misuse is thinking outside of the box to stretch our minds to accommodate what's outside the box
- - email reinvented by the Basecamp folks
Eleventy Love - Building a blog with tags
Stowe Boyd Building A Zettelkasten (notes that are: atomic, autonomous, linked, explain why, your own words, links to references) In Typora
CHI2020 paper, "What is Wrong with Computational Notebooks? Pain Points, Needs, and Design Opportunities" <--- Difficult to use with Version control, crashes, difficult to reproduce and reuse, etc
Federico Pereiro: 'S3 cost can be very significant; downloading a GB once currently costs 3-4x the cost of storing it for an entire month' - also cool stuff about backends using nginx, SSL, redis, node, etc
I'm in Zurich until Monday morning then Berlin until Saturday morning
Anca Dumitrache: Truth in Disagreement: Crowdsourcing Labeled Data for Natural Language Processing
How to clear a field in a CSV file using miller aka mlr
Working with 4 University of Alberta Computer Science Students in the CANOSP program on a machine learning project to auto-tag Firefox desktop support questions based on a human trained dataset
Week 1 of Firefox 72 Firefox Support Questions: same rolling total as Firefox 70 and 71 so far
Rudy Rucker: The Lifebox, the Seashell, and the Soul
Christoph Molnar: Interpretable Machine Learning A Guide for Making Black Box Models Explainable.
Daniel Shiffman: ml5.js Pose Estimation with PoseNet aka Machine Learning: Photos to skeletons
Allen Holub: What is Agile? The elevator pitch.
Can bicycles save the world? -> Nikolaeva and Nello-Deakin: Exploring velotopian urban imaginaries: where Le Corbusier meets Constant?
Ivan Lokhov of Let’s eat our way through Berlin
Vowe: A personal Kanban board needs four columns:Do, Doing, Do Not, Done
Outrageous opinion: Government should take over transport starting with cities, then suburbs then the countryside then planes and replace with zero emission vehicles
2010s lookback: Total user experience rules! Proof is in the iPhone, AirPods and Apple Watch
NPR: It's 2050 And This Is How We Stopped Climate Change
Probably Wrong Prediction: Zero non Zero Emission Vehicles in cities by 2029
Happy New Year 2020 / Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr :-)!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. See you in 2020!
Raul: Granular Planning and Rule of Threes strategy: Break into thirds, do 3 things per day, budget 3 times the amount needed
Operation Elop: The final years of Nokia's mobile phones
You are in a maze of twisty proprietary :-) email gmail silos all alike aka Create a mail merge using Gmail and Google Sheets
Ivy Lee Method: Write down 6 tasks at end of day, then do the 1st one first, 2nd one second, etc
Satellite Studio: OpenStreetMap Haiku <-- 'tis fabulous
scrcpy: Display and control your Android device
OpenAPI to GraphQL looks great
Greg Wilson: Allocating Responsibilities (rotating decomposition is my favourite)
Simon Willison: Better presentations through story telling: AIM, Star (and bonus: sparklines)
Tomas Petricek: Analyzing and visualizing data with F#
Greg Wilson: Cutting Corners
textpipe: clean and extract metadata from text
Aaron Parecki: Tools and apps for home automation without relying on cloud services
Carolyn Stransky: Life is hard and so is learning GraphQL at ReactJS Girls Conference
Windows 10 keyboard shortcut: Control Shift End to select to end of line (and then delete to delete it)
Inessential: The best time to start a blog is 20 years ago. The second-best time is today :-)
Enjoying my bluetooth SmartMike+ from Kickstarter for recording podcasts to rolandmicroblog wirelessly
Inessential: This Feature Should Be Easy
Carolyn Stransky: How to remove condescending language from documentation
Zazzle infographic from Berlin July 2019 - 75 pixel circular thumbnail from 168 thumbnails (24x28 = 1800px2100px) (spot yesterday's bug: 'ls -1tr' instead of 'ls -1')
Zazzle infographic from Berlin July 2019 - 150px circular thumbnail from 168 thumbnails (12x14 = 1800px2100px)
Emma Humphries: Extracting a list from a webpage
What is your happy non tech place? Mine is cross-country skiing, taking photos (not editing them), bicycling and walking with my family
Ink and Switch - Local First Software
Kitsune Questions and Answers API to CSV with tests
NICE TO HAVE: Kitsune questions and answers API tester
Ilya Kreymer's Client-Side Replay Technology: using service workers to emulate web servers in web browsers
Hannah Howard: Why do we only care about programmers?
Backed Bangle.js: the hackable Smart Watch
Possible Berlin 2020 Mozilla All Hands Swag: Berlin circular cropped photos on the back, contributor infographic on the front
HowTo: Concat multiple CSV Files into one using head and sed
In 2004 We In The Blogging World Didn’t Have Cynicism
Congrats Miss 604 on 15 years of blogging!
Someday I'll wear an open source watch running my own software on my wrist perhaps a future version of DSTIKE ESP32 Watch DevKit
I must drop my own CSV into this bar chart race d3.js tutorial
In 2019, unlike 2004, we write defensively and attenuate for the search and newsfeed algorithms
Timezone math is not my friend :-)
It's 2019: Windows is a viable choice for non developers and developers who can develop in the cloud or don't mind WSL's slowness; WSL is the gateway to Linux laptops
What is the Strava endgame? Acquisition?
Pinboard -> SQLite -> datasette -> glitch
Hey Tyee Commenters! Scholars Studied You. Here’s What They Found <-- leads me to believe there's something to 'de-ranting' i.e. only displaying ranting language to the 'original ranter', everybody else only sees the constructive language
Simon Willison: Google Cloud Shell is a web-based terminal providing access to a VM with a persistent 5GB home directory. I believe anyone with a Google account who clicks this link will get a terminal
Firefox 70 Desktop looks to be a quiet release compared to FF65-69 based on the cumulative sum of the SUMO Forum questions in the first two weeks
R base graphics to audio: devoutaudio
My new 1 pager restaurant reviews site hosted on glitch using eleventy
HOWTO: turn off clipping in R plots with ggpot2
Firefox 65-69 Cumulative Sum Day 1-28 of Firefox Support Questions on
Do you remember you first photo on instagram? Mine was launch day October 6, 2010
StaSh - Shell Like an Expert in Pythonista - will probably help me with GPS driven music on the iPhone
How to Help Someone Use a Computer by Phil Agre
How to make PCTV USB TV Stick 800e and 801e from 2010 work on Windows 10
Sara Alspaugh and Nava Zokaei and Andrea Liu and Cindy Jin and Marti A. Hearst: Futzing and Moseying:Interviews with Professional Data Analysts on Exploration Practices
R Studio: Reminder that you will get obscure error messages because R Studio saves and restores all your variables
I do not support F*cbook news and I do not support FB's partnership with Br*itbart
James Tyack: Why Your Engineering Teams Need Incident Commanders
Jill Wetzler: Disrupting Bias in Feedback
Torie Bosch: The lines of code that changed everything
R and Lubridate: How to add week number starting with Firefox release date i.e. Tuesday instead of Sunday or Monday to a dataframe so Tuesday October 22, 2019 - Monday October 28, 2019 is Firefox 70 week 1 and 29Oct-4Nov2019 is FF70 Week 2
Got my Fido Samsung Note 8 Android Security Update for October 2019 on October 21, 2019 - 20 days after Google released it on October 1, 2019
A tale of 2 plots: Most Firefox desktop SUMO questions come in the first two weeks based on data from Firefox 65 to 69
windows 10 aarch64 lenovo c630 crash 20191020_182618 last crash October 5
More than 100 Firefox support questions in the SUMO Forum in a single day means something meaningful like the add-ons outage is going on
Firefox 65-68: Number of desktop questions on by release week for the first 4 weeks of a release
Also Highly Recommended: Getting Clojure
Highly Recommended: Clojure for the brave and true
How to make cider work in project.clj: install lein 2.9.1, set dependencies to nrepl 0.6.0 and plugins for cider-nrepl to 0.21.1
RStudio build script changes: changed from JDK7 to JDK 8, bionic from debian
Successfully compiled ARM64 Windows 10 R Studio Server v1.2.5001 on Lenovo C630
No ARM64 version of RStudio for Windows 10
Gene Kim: Love Letter To Clojure (Part 1) & Ruby's chevron operator, '<<' mutates
Brooklyn Zelenka: Haskell for Typescript Developers
I'll get a Surface Book X in late 2020 or early 2021 for work if it runs Zoom and WSL2 well and the reviews are good (assume printer drivers will work by then)
Anecdotal review of Lenovo C630 Yoga ARM64 / AARCH 64 Windows 10 laptop: great except for WSL2 not working, USB not working with Zoom
How to type angstrom i.e.'a' with 'o' aka a with ring on top in Windows 10: switch to international keyboard and then type RightAlt W
sweetmeat: How to Automatically Reindent Code With Sublime Text (and add a keyboard shortcut)
The Microsoft Surface X is like a Dynabook: tablet, stylus, great battery life, always connected via LTE, just missing Smalltalk
Github flavoured markdown and most markdown implementations cannot handle newlines in tables: ruby solution: tr("\n", "")
windows 10 aarch64 lenovo c630 crash 20191005_020848 last crash September 29
Beautiful News Daily is Beautiful
Create CSV file from API Ruby Lessons learned: multiple line regular expressions and sort arrays with sort_by()
Glitch is everywhere: tone.js demos
Why JavaScript Tooling Sucks <--- really isn't that truth that all our software tooling sucks in general not just JS?
thomasp85: Palettes for R based on the Scientific Colour-Maps
Windows 10 ARM64 AARCH64 Lenovo C630 Insider Build Fast Ring crashed today at 8pm like September 25 with VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR Version 10.0.18990.1
Thomas Lin Pedersen ggforce - utilities for custom ggplot2 plots
How to connect a Raspberry Pi Zero to a Mac for both power and WiFi <--- how to do this on Windows?
For Kristina: Scott Hanselman: Good, Better, Best - creating the ultimate remote worker webcam setup on a budget
Windows 10 ARM64 AARCH64 Lenovo C630 Insider Build Fast Ring crashed twice today: 7am and 6pm both times with VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR Version 10.0.18990.1
In case you were wondering, I am not some random Roland :-) haha! I am the number one 'Roland Tanglao' on Google, google it :-)
It ain't easy to be a software platform vendor: just ask Apple, Twitter, Relive, Garmin and Strava
How to ask a question: what you did, what you expected, what happened, your requirements
Another great explainer from Victoria Drake: Knapsack problem algorithms for my real-life carry-on knapsack
Job Interview Questions boil down to three: 1. are you curious? 2. can you use your knowledge when you need it? 3. can you admit what you need to learn?
Victoria Drake: How users and applications stay safe on the Internet: it's proxy servers all the way down
MUST READ: Dave Demers: Vancouver's urban forest—a canary in the gold mine
Of course there are sample 11ty projects on glitch
Running jekyll serve broke my RSS feed; solution use ruby bundler in production mode
eleventy static site generator in node and javascript is faster than jekyll?!?
WSL2 doesn't work on ARM 64 Windows 10 because you can't enable the hypervisor in the BIOS
Upgraded this blog to jekyll 4
RSS club makes me laugh :-) Also WSL2 max_user_watches is hilarious
True experts are authors i.e. they can write down explanations and explain it to non experts
Javascript and the DOM are too complicated for beginners
Where was I on September 11, 2001?
WSL1 runs fine from cmd.exe, the windows command line, but not from the Windows 10 GUI(tap the Windows key, type 'u' and click on Ubuntu)
Windows 10 build 18975 on the Fast Insider Ring on ARM64 Windows 10 Lenovo C630 broke WSL1 and I cannot install WSL2
Got my Samsung Note 8 Update for August on September 6- one month delayed
Learning ethics (the real ethics not the STV100) version should be mandatory for all starting high school
The 2 Erics are at it again with pixaver: Google Photos backups made easy, reminds me of shoeboxapp
ggpointdensity would probably make some awesome tshirt graphics
Eugene Wallingford: Learn the Basics, Struggle a Bit, Then Ask Questions
Last week I met up with super smart 'Mathemagenic' Lilia Effimova and her lovely family
Welcome Back Kotter er Om :-)
BC Ride to Conquer Cancer 2019: moving and humbling just like 2017, ride the 1946 Schwinn bicycle aka Mildred in 2020?!?
Value others’ time. Limit instant messages to two a day among all colleagues.
Probably Wrong Prediction:-) : WeWork will be gone before 2029
Kevin Kwok: The Arc of Collaboration/Slack as Else Statement
How to: Use Imagemagick vignette to circular crop
Use Sampler to build terminal-based-dashboards?
HowTo: Circular Crop with ImageMagick
Rolling to Redmond (inspired by the Ride to Conquer Cancer 2017)
Climbing to You
Anybody try Notion (
When will the Android 8 Security Update of August 5, 2019 come out on Note 8 on Fido in Canada? End of August? September?
Computing Education Research Blog:Task-specific programming languages: People aren’t dumb. Programming is hard.
If you can learn when you're going down a rabbit hole, automation is beneficial! Problem is you don't always know until you've wasted a lot of time
Great software teams ship regularly (every 10 weeks or less) and have a process for iteratively shaping their software
McGee's Musings: Leading self-managed experts: 'collaborate with your experts to articulate and explore questions you have not thought to ask.'
Stowe Boyd: Feedback about Feedback
Read Stephen Rees's The Last Post
As I predicted in 2015 :-) computational photography has arrived
craigmod: Fast Software, the Best Software - which is why I use phone apps to edit photos
Just came back from Berlin where beer is actually legal :-)
Dan McKinley: Causal Inference for Fun and Profit
Retired and happy, I'd be the super enthusiastic and welcoming true expert in an online open source community
Please support my Ride to Conquer Cancer 2019
Windows Insider Fast Ring Build 18932.1000 fixed my issues accessing \\wsl$ as well as running explorer.exe on Lenovo Yoga C630 ARM64. Thanks to WSL issue 4016
My Samsung Note 8 received the May and June Android security update on July 6, 2019, when will I get the July update :-) ?!? Thanks Fido
IA Writer 1.1.7121.15952 still hangs when opening WSL files
Love the New Westminster New Media Gallery
Knowledge Frameworks Matter: Lists, Cycles, Hierarchies
Dan McKinley: Choose Boring Technology
Need to cherry pick the most relevant stuff from these four great examples of Support Reporting from helpscout
Happy Canada Day 2019
Come celebrate my birthday Friday July 12, 2019: 730 Breakfast at Livia, 930ish Coffee at Nusa, 1130ish Lunch at Kulinarya, after lunch beers at Port Moody Ales
static HTML pages and links is all you need in the end; everything else is icing on the cake
Maybe all those people who would've learned scripting languages on OS X are instead hacking those same scripting languages on Linux e.g. a $35 Raspberry PI and/or writing javascript/node.js apps in glitch or jsbin or jsfiddle or Android apps or IOS apps?
Yes; it does require lots of tech skills that are constantly changing so you have to be in the (software) field basically to keep up (with the Open Web and Indie Web)
Use Ferrite or AUM to record two microphone podcasts?
Kip made a Mozilla Whistler All Hands badge for the e-ink board that rotates between 1 of 16 Kennedy Space Centre photos
Vancouver 2019 Restaurant Recommendations near the Mozilla office
GNU Parallel replacement string for filename without path and filetype is '{/.}'
Use Tag Wranglers on SUMO like Archive of Our Own?!?
Gotta try Andy McKay's create issue on Github as a ToDo list
Fido APN settings for Lenovo C630 Yoga since autodetect doesn't work probably because this computer was never sold in Canada
Open Multiple URLs Firefox Add-on by Firefox user 12363525
The Launchy Ruby gem doesn't launch Firefox on Windows 10 build 1903 ARM64
rt-kits-api2 second version of my SUMO API code, now with daily CSV :-)
New SUMO Kitsune questions API: created and updated less than and greater than for created and updated fields
When in doubt go to bed! <--- gleaned from Microcosmographia lv: The Discipline
The Art of Command Line
Firefox Nightly is working great on Lenovo C630 Yogo ARM64 with Windows 10
Accessing WSL files from File Explorer using \\wsl$\Ubuntu appears to be broken in ARM64 Windows 10 Builds on Windows 10 Build 1903
Hello world from Windows 10 ARM64 Lenovo C630 Yoga
recode is a handy linux command line utility to convert text with html escaped entites like & lt to <
Maybe Fido is delaying Samsung Note 8 Updates not Samsung (since Note 8 is on the list of phones that get a monthly update and the Samsung S10 got an update already)?
Omar Shehata: Unravelling the JPEG
Interplanetary Gatsby: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Deploying Your First Static Website to IPFS: another cool thing I should try!
Make a tshirt or sticker or some such swag from the thumbnails of a pdf of bugzilla text contributions (e.g. new bugs, comments, metadata changes) or kitsune text contributions (e.g. SUMO KB article edits)
Reinstalling the Realtek audio drivers fixed the 'audio not working when switching from USB to builtin Surface Book 2 speakers' problem, could this also explain my May 27, 2019 audio issue?
May 17, 2019: USB Audio didn't work but USB microphone did. Vidyo problem? Hardware problem with Surface Book 2 USB?
McGuckian Shane: Scraping Reddit with PRAW
Tom MacWright's Big Presentation system looks great and it works on glitch
- is an old skool forum for outliners, PIMs and Knowledge management software
On May 9, 2019, my Surface Book 2 Keyboard and Touchpad stopped working
S*msung Note 8 on F*do received the Google April Security Patch on May 11, 2019
Dan Hill: Avo, Stadia, Arcade, Bandersnatch, and the New Grammar of Television (and Games) — Part 1: Form is substance
Mathics looks cool although why bother when Mathematica is still free for Raspberry Pi?!?
Classic Byte August 1981: Design Principles Behind Smalltalk
WSL2 is great!
empathy is a choice!
cert2019: excellent teamwork and problem solving over the weekend
Way Spurr-Chen: When correcting others on the Internet do not confuse firmness with harshness
You can also use the English International Keyboard (switch to this keyboard using Windows + Space Bar) to type accented characters "+ a vowel to get German umlauts for example
Enjoying using freecompose on Windows to type accented characters e.g. German vowels with umlauts like 'ä'
Richard Gabriel: Nevertheless, the spreadsheet was something never seen before. A chart indicating the 64 greatest events in accounting and business history contains VisiCalc.
Kapampangan and Tagalog: Jenny Odell: When you think something is one thing but it's actually two things due to your duration and quality of attention
Use to make an app from Google Sheets to recommend Vancouver restaurants?!?
- How to make changes to a private github repo result in a deployment of a public github site? Two Ways: 1) Travis CI 2) Netlify and Make
Probably Wrong Prediction :-) : No gas or diesel cars for sale in 2030
Probably Wrong Prediction :-) : No x86 laptops for sale in 10 years
Orff's AppleWatchFaces: Create your own faces for watchOS. Customize the watch hands, layout, colors, and images. Edit faces on your phone and switch them on the watch. <-- sounds great
Loving the Typora Markdown Editor
Windows 10 insider build slow run build crashed with win32k_power_watchdog_timeout
Datasette on glitch seems more future proof but more complicated than datasette on Zeit Now
How to use mlr (miller) to create an id, url CSV file from a file of ids by concatenating '' to the id
Idea: make a tshirt with the m*eller report r*dacted with 50% of the thumbnails on front and 50% on back and call it of course 'mrstardacted'
MakeVancouver allover tshirt using Kennedy Space Center photos with hatched graphic algorithm from Jean Fan
Jan 1, 2019 - April 18, 2019 - 22 (out of 5539 i.e. 0.4%) SUMO Firefox desktop Forum questions about losing two factor authentication codes
Carnets - Standlone Jupyter notebooks for iOS!
Quantum computing for the very curious via nicky <-- amazing
Today I learned that SQLite doesn't have array types
Checkvist Firefox analyst notes and tags -> API -> SQLite -> Datasette -> allow people to do sql queries?
S*msung Note 8 got the Android 9 Pie Update April 1st, when will it get the April 5, 2019 Android security patches?
e-ink/epaper red, white and black badge with: TTGO-T5s-V1-9-ESP32-2-7-EPaper-Plus-Module-for-Alexa-I2S-DAC-MAX98357A-MEMS
Nikon 1 GPS GP-N100 erroneously sets the EXIF in photos to 2099 instead of 2019 due to a GPS Week rollover bug starting April 6, 2019
I really like Jean Fan's Flickr: color distribution of publicly available images, adapt it to my tags: bicycling, xcskiing, food, rainy?
White pseudo-camo 'art of where' tights using Mozlando 2018 Kennedy Space Center photos processed through Jean Fan's hatching function
Windows 10 taskbar doesn't autohide 2 solutions: 1. restart windows explorer 2. click on search and then click on desktop to close the search window
Machine Learning in the cloud from a Browser using Tensor Flow, Keras and Jupyter Notebooks
Prediction: Artificial General Intelligence won't be written in Software 2.0
Tried Jean Fan's R function on Mozlando KSC 200x200px, maybe I should have started with a black and white image?
Use Hatching, shape-based tonal or shading, to create fun infographics for tshirts in R (code by Jean Fan)
Boris Mann: Chunks of text, not too large, connected with links.
07January2019 how to calculate time differences for support using R and lubridate
Russell and Vinsel: Hail the maintainers (innovation is over-rated)
Had to Reboot my Surface Book 2 again to get WiFi working, just like April 12, 2018
NVIDIA Jetson Nano - Good machine learning starter system; more flexible than google's Coral TFLite board?!?
Eric Rice: Please start podcasting again, I'd love to hear your voice again!
Memories of University of Waterloo CS240:Learn Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists
everybody thinks they're an expert on fixing web browser bugs and how easy it is to add web browser features because they use a web browser daily. I bicycle every day but don't consider myself an expert on bicycle design, repair and maintenance #ymmv
Kitsune 'products' are defined in the django admin backend
Kitsune Questions aka AAQ API, product == 'firefox' is desktop, 'mobile' is Firefox for android
Learning not learning Tagalog and Kapampangan by podcasting
There's nothing special about voice or podcasts, everybody should be able to publish what they: voice, audio, text, video whatever whenever they want to whomever they want
It's March 15, 2019: My $USD900 Note 8 is still at January Android security patch level i.e. more than 2 months behind: Thanks but no thanks S*msung and F*do
Downloaded Stephanie's neon and neon2 flickr galleries before the big flickr March 12, 2019 deletion
How to move files newer than 60 minutes ago to another directory
I'm sure I've overanalyzed this but I'm going to back to my Windows Surface Charger Theory because Windows Explorer crashed and my battery was at 6%
Use Martin Krzywinski's colorsnap utility to create green, black, white, and pink camo from multiple images?!?
The Windows black screen of death is a sleep screen? Maybe not a power issue?!
The Windows black screen of death is due to a known problem with the Surface power adapter I believe: it can't supply 60W so it can't charge enough to charge and run the Surfacebook simultaneously when the battery is < 10%
Perhaps the Windows black screen of death was due to a dead battery
Again! Weird Windows 10 Black Screen of Death after signin fixed by resetting network in Windows 10 safe mode
It's March 2, 2019: has the current podcast boom busted yet?
Weird Windows 10 Black Screen of Death after signin fixed by resetting network in Windows 10 safe mode
Anybody want to help document the undocumented Kitsune aka 'the system that powers' REST APIs on readthedocs?
When you get a flickr photo using the search API or the photoset API, you can't determine which photoset it is in by setting a field in extras
backup-originals.rb - I have written flickr backup programs like this at least twice :-) How about you :-) ?
get-set-photo-metadata.rb - Ruby code to download metadata from a flickr set of photos i.e an album
Payak 2019: 1 hour 29 minutes (skate), Payak 2018: 1:40 (skate) Payak 2017: 1:25 (classic)
Teaching Digital Ladders February 25-26, 2019 to Arts folks
Make a tshirt from Kjetil Golid's fabulous Noisify (via Flowing Data)?
Don't be selfish folks, cafes are not designed for customers to take up more than one person width
Using mlr aka miller to combine selected fields from multiple CSV files
R Studio Conf Keynote Day 2 - Explicit Direct Instruction in Programming Education - Felienne aka 'It's 2019 read code out loud to teach coding'
Prediction: Current Podcast 'boom' :-) will end before the end of 2020
Laura Schenck: CSS is a Declarative, Domain-Specific Programming Language
Users don't know when their antivirus breaks Firefox and it's not obvious to them so they don't mention it in their support requests
Installed ruby 2.6.1 on WSL with readline support so irb cursor keys work, here's how
Magic Community Management Phrase: We don't do that here
We know nothing about personal publishing on the web, the best is yet to come
Got my Make Vancouver #mozlando2018 Kennedy Space Center shirt yesterday and it's fab
Photomosaic Image Builder: codebox/mosaic in python
Make Vancouver print all over shirt idea: left: 100px right 200 px
Buy my Mozlando 2018 Kennedy Space Center Tshirt from
We are all: Analytical, Intuitive, Functional and Personal depending on the context
One leg 200px, one leg 100px
Citizen's assembly instead of philosophers and computer scientists deciding who lives who dies?!!
Today's idea: green, tan and white camoflage from Vancouver flickr pictures
To get more of a patchwork quilt effect I'm trying 200x200px
First successful Kennedy Space Center 'patchwork quilt' suitable for tights
The 'patchwork quilt' effect that I'm looking for is better with 100 pixel by 100 pixel patches
my ruby vips code crashed my surface book 2 when running Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux!
Did you catch the bug in yesterday's vips code? I've coded an oily_png version that is at least twice as fast!
Which is faster at creating 5x5 pixel patches and combining them into an image: ruby-vips, oily_png, imagemagick::convert? I am guessing ruby-vips
The Unschedule: Schedule your leisure time, breaks and errands not your work stuff!
Creating one leg for Zazzle / Art of Where tights using random 5x5 pixel patches from Kennedy Space Center Photos
There's no place like (blogging) home (Medium was never my home megamix :-) ).
Azure Key Phrase Extraction API looks useful for Firefox Support Requests
Flowing data animated gif heatmaps with Base R and ImageMagick
Stratechery's tl;dr: Open Source infrastructure software like MongoDB is doomed to being disrupted by AWS or other big company unless the OSS has a hosted service or other business model?
2019 Things to (re)learn: CSS, SQL, infoviz using web tech not Python, R and Ruby, Tagalog and Kapampangan
R: you can source files you pass as command line arguments at run time!
India Innenga: Toward a More Radical Selfie
Next Art of Where Tights 3325px x 6358px for one leg : 5x5 random pixels from Space Shuttle Atlantis photos
R and R Studio: How to debug R command line scripts with R Studio: mock commandArgs and use debugSource()
Thanks to Jenny Bryan's gmailr tutorial, got emailing of my 3 week Firefox anti-virus mention graph working but flickr ignores the body
R and Lubridate: How to add daynumber starting with Firefox release date i.e. Tuesday instead of Sunday or Monday to a dataframe
R and Lubridate: Calculating Time Differences in R using intervals aka a better way to compute daynumber starting from arbitrary day of the week
R and Lubridate: How do I get daynumber starting at arbitrary day of the week? e.g. Firefox day 1 of a release week usually starts on Tuesday
Volker Weber: How to delete Windows 10 'crapware' using 'remove-appxpackage'
John Battelle: 'they built a new architecture of governance over our economy and our culture a brutalist ecosystem that repels innovation.'
withoutboats: How do we create a culture of two way empathy in open source software?
How to make Firefox work on Windows Subsystem for Linux
Aaron Turon:Thank-you for these terms: 'Critique Gauntlet, Groundhog Day, & Stochastic Criticism': We face them every day on the SUMO forums indeed any user feedback forum for any popular open source project!
Happy Holidays 2018-2019 / Merry Christmas / Happy New Year - Consider blogging regularly in 2019
Mac->Windows->Mac->Windows Lessons: rely on Linux/Posix, version control everything, store everything in the cloud
Re-installing latest ruby, mongodb, node, surge, jekyll on WSL
Windows 10 hasn't crashed since Naz reinstalled it on December 12, 2018
How to rotate videos with ffmpeg
Grateful that I have the time,money and health to cross-country ski
Andy Abramson on Nokia Blogger Relations: The Age of Influence Online
For the record, Naz re-installed Windows 10 today on the second Surface Book 2, fingers crossed
The Effects of Group Size and Time on the Formation of Online Communities: Evidence From Reddit
How I designed my geeky Zazzle T-shirt from Kennedy Space Centre pics
How To: Use imagemagick montage command to concate images
Blown away again by Kennedy Space Center
In Florida for a Mozilla All Hands, back to blogging on December 9, 2018
Switching to a Chromebook or iPad from Windows or Mac laptop, what would it take?
Feverbee: Accepted Solutions & Featured Answers
checkvist has a nice open api for making expandible/collapsible html from checkvist outlines
Google's Crash Course in Machine Learning with Tensor Flow APIs -- any good?
HTML tags <details> and <summary> can be used for expand/collapse with disclosure triangles for 'collapsible HTML'
Checkvist seems like a great omnioutliner on the web cross platform replacment except for html export which doesn't implement expand and collapse unlike omnioutliner
1990 not 1990 :-) Justin Falcone: The Origin of HyperCard in the Breakdown of the Bicycle for the Mind
Michael Arntzenius: Against Software Development
Logic Magazine: The Smart, the Stupid, and the Catastrophically Scary: An Interview with an Anonymous Data Scientist
sparklines in ggplot2, the source for: Firefox 62 and 63 First 3 weeks Tufte Sparklines: anti-virus versus bookmarks
Firefox 62 and 63 First 3 weeks Tufte Sparklines: anti-virus versus bookmarks
Updated with Firefox 63: No surprise in Firefox Support Questions by Operating System: Windows 10 is dominant, followed by Windows 7; Windows 8, Mac and Linux are used by a minority of Users
Cleaning the data to make it work with your data visualization toolkit is 90% of the work; to learn a new plotting technique take the sample code, print out the dataset and and write your code to you create the identically structured dataset
No surprise in Firefox Support Questions by Operating System: Windows 10 is dominant, followed by Windows 7; Windows 8, Mac and Linux are used by a minority of Users
John Battelle: Tech must get over itself and solve problems that really matter!
Ton points to Bryan Alexander's excellent post on how World War I actually continued until 1923
Remembrance Day 2018: Centum Corpora - 100 brass instruments 100 repeats of a musical phrase for 100 WWI soldiers
Remember 2006 when we used our own websites for own media like Dave's podcast with Ross Rebagliati gold medal winner
Katharine Bailey: 'AI' leads to more jobs for humans
More fun with sparklines: use ggplot and remove facet wrap labels
Creating Sparklines for Blog Post with R and Plumber: REST API in R, sparklines, calling the google analytics API in R!
Looking for recommendations: OmniOutliner for Windows or as a cross platform webapp? Checkvist seems close!
- - bitcoin is worse is better
Some posts about Sparklines and microplots in R and ggplot2
Gaugeplots using R and ggplot2 look cool, use them for operating system percentages in SUMO questions?
Steve Burr's fascinating behind the messy scenes of a data science workflow:Replicating Flowingdata Population Charts in R
Or maybe use Google Bert for machine learning on SUMO support questions and support tweets?
Maybe we can use UMLFiT for machine learning on SUMO support questions and support tweets?
Strava App updated to version 70.0 and it appears to work on Apple Watch Series 0, thanks!
The Strava app no longer works (it crashes) on my Apple Watch Series 0 aka the original Apple Watch after last week's Strava Watch app update, time to buy a new watch?!?
nice r notebook by Fisseha Berhane showing mongodb and python driver and how to make a heatmap
Of course R has a Keras package called Keras
Anybody have any case studies about machine learning for supporting consumer software and state of the art consumer software support in 2018?
TIL: how to search and replace in a R, how to read MongoDB from R and how to make a wordcloud in R
hunspell de-stemmer run on SUMO Firefox 60-62 Desktop SUMO Support Forum question titles and question content
Prepare now for github breaking github pages, links to gists and links to code: backup your git repos and paste important code snippets into a blog post
R tidyverse function unite() concatenates two columns
Mr Data Converter converts CSV to JSON, HTML, JSON, XML, Python, ruby, etc
I was at BloggerCon in October 2003 and it was glorious an everybody blogs now and Terry Heaton is right:the web connects people doesn't merely extend old brand-oriented value propositions
Prohibition Ends Again 2.0 :-)
I would like to think that my thinking is solidly reality-based based on Jay Owens' The Age of Post-Authenticity and the Ironic Truths of Meme Culture
ruk on clique busting at events: Take the number of years you’ve been in the group and help and meet that number of people at each event
Our own groups, our own stuff, our own rules within socialized contextual limits! <- inspired by Ton's Disintegration of Discourse and Decentralised Tools
We cannot break free from legacy
I'm a 1 issue voter, I guess I'll vote for the strongest supporters of expanding the bike lanes!?!
It's 2018, can we enable normal people to create their content and share it with whoever they want without large companies bombarding them with ads and snooping?
It's 2018, can we get rid of the awkward and horrible bluetooth paring dance?
Maybe 2019 is the year I learn a functional programming language like Haskell or Elm
R textclean package looks to be an excellent way to clean text including removing HTML and whitespace
Thanksgiving 2018 Thanks
Dmitry Shkolnik: A look at the Vancouver mayoral race twitter picture using R packages: textfeatures, Text Mining with R's tidytext, syuzhet, rtweet: 200 lines of code
Steve Yelvington: The marriage of convenience that has existed between journalism and advertising has been broken.
Jessica Powell: The Big Disruption aka Microserfs 2018 :-)
Blogging for over 17 years, you should try it!
Variety, a tool to traverse mongodb i.e. reverse engineer schemas
R Package directlabels allows you to label end of lines, group_by() allows you to group by multiple variables; krazy idea: watch for spikes in FF questions by operating system
Cars in 2018 are just apps on Wheels!
colorbrewer 2.0: color advice for cartography makes nice colour palettes for maps
randomcoloR: random colour package for R
R ggplot2 line graph of the first 3 weeks of Firefox 62 desktop SUMO support questions operating systems
R ggplot2 bar graph of the first 3 weeks of Firefox 62 desktop SUMO support questions operating systems
You can launch Firefox using Geckodriver from WSL, here's Hal Wine's code, thanks Hal!
Is auto-tagging (like flickr) possible with SUMO Firefox Desktop Support Forum posts? e.g. using Keras?
Blown away by the power of surveys during last week's Mozilla course on the Culture of Experimentation
Launching Windows Firefox from WSL works, just set the BROWSER environment variable
Just Operating System bar graph of yesterday's Firefox 62 Desktop SUMO Support Forums Week 1 tags - September 5-11, 2018
Operating System removed Graph of yesterday's Firefox 62 Desktop SUMO Support Forums Week 1 tags - September 5-11, 2018
Graph of yesterday's Firefox 62 Desktop SUMO Support Forums Week 1 tags - September 5-11, 2018
Firefox 62 Desktop SUMO Support Forums Week 1 tags - September 5-11, 2018
Métis Mutt - highly recommended!
Kitsune aka question API
Kitsune aka answer API
August 10, 2018: Dale and I podcast about rebooting Over 40 in Vancouver
Still can't launch Firefox from Windows Subystem From Linux without a Selenium server and some hacks that nobody has working (Chrome works though)
Anchored Coffee / Two if by Sea Cafe / Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, highly recommended
UC Berkeley deploys Jupyter notebooks campus wide! Bravo! Better and cheaper in terms of server costs with Iodide right?
Brent Cannon: Pay for open source with kindness
Shame and Prejudice: A Story of Resilience, A project by Kent Monkman : Highly Recommended
Waze bugs noticed in our PEI/NS trip: a couple of crashes and getting lost at the beginning of a journey
Thanks for the excellent Receiver Coffee recommendation Peter!
Not sure what happened but iA Writer 1.0.4 is working after I deleted C:\Users\{your user name}\AppData\Roaming\iA Writer
Stepping away from the laptop for a few weeks!
Instamic: does an all iOS workflow exist (instead of using a OS X or Windows machine)?
record on instaMic -> plug into Windows -> convert to mp3 with ffmpeg -> upload with website to aka how i recorded this one's for pat
Steve Pemberton: The 100 Year Web (In Praise of XML)! (and declarative versus procedural)
Cypress Challenge for Pancreatic Cancer Research 2018 Sunday August 12, 2018 raised $429,000, yay! See you next year!
Cypress Challenge for Pancreatic Cancer Research 2018 Sunday August 12, 2018 - Riding for my Mom
We all need to take courses and learn more about bias in particular confirmation bias and System 1 twitch versus System 2 slow thinking analytic
RØDE Rec iOS app works great too with the same setup as Voice Record Pro: iPhone, 2 microphones, Roland Duo Capture EX
Robert Ouimet meets Judy Witts aka Divina Cucina recorded with iOS App Voice Record Pro and Roland Duo Capture EX
RØDE Rec also appears to record in stereo from the lightning port on iOS i.e. iPhone and iPad
Podcasts on using the iOS App Wavelength are maximum 25MB and can only be in MP3 format
Programming should be easier (and secure and reliable)
Wavelength the podcasting app doesn't support stereo recording through the lightning port
Voice Record Pro on iOS seems to record In stereo through lightning port
Throwback Tuesday: Remember 2006 when I taught podcasting with Robert Ouimet at Vancouver Film School :-) ?
IA Writer Windows doesn't startup since 29 July 2018
- will be my blog about buying an electric car
Prediction: Over 75% of both bicycles and cars sold in BC by 2030 will be electric
What's behind/underneath a web browser i.e. how does the internet work?
I grew up in the Smithville library: it was my version of the Internet in the 1980s
Things I must do: Daily Blogging and Frequent Writing of Software for fun!
Small multiples are fun and useful
Do we even need non zero EV cars and trucks and anything else?
We can fix this
roland-cars a dataset for electric cars in Canada
Rough Notes: How to install apps (like Firefox Reality) on the Occulus Go using ADB on Windows 10
I'm testing Firefox Reality Alpha builds on the Oculus Go
It's my birthday Wednesday! Very light blogging and very thankful for family, friends and computers
At what point does an Electric Car for trips to Cypress to go cross country skiing make economic sense? Now or when gas is $2/litre?
Could you decentralize everything? YES....AND...!
DuckDuckGo Blog - How To Protect Your Privacy On Windows 10
What are the top 5 Windows 10 Anti-virus software solutions? (still don't understand why folks don't use Windows Defender?)
The replacement Epson Ecotank ET-2750 is working well so far
Slack bot chat interface for replying to Google Play Store reviews?!?!
MongoDB: When comparing dates of type DateTime you need to convert strings to ISODate
The People's Internet: Good stuff as well as bad stuff of course!
The People's Internet: Slow, decentralized and not subject to takedown
Mikeysax: How to install MongoDB 3.6 on Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux
Potential TensorFlow project: Use Human in the loop to train on 50 or less Firefox for Android Google Play Store reviews for positive and negative sentiment and keyword extraction?!?
De-ranting: Making non constructive feedback visible only to the person who posted it
Stephen Downes: There's no one best way to learn computer programming
How difficult is it to write an Android app that works with Android 4.1, 5, 6,7, 8 and the Android 9 which will be released by September?
Twitter smytes customers and its 3 out of 5 spam comments encapsulates today's internet, central control and entropy and power distibution
iodide is just another example of everything in your browser, what's next R? Ruby? Yes Please!
iodide: Python notebooks in your browser using Web Assembly - no server required
Am I crazy? I don't want software controlled critical subsystems on my non electric bicycles
Second Surface Book 2: No WiFi or USB issues after 2 weeks, fingers crossed!
Allow blog comments or just use ping back, trackback and Web Mentions?
It's that wonderful time of the year: Mozilla All Hands San Francisco 2018 - meetings meetings meetings and most importantly meeting fabulous volunteers and fellow staff
Disqus over-run by racists and other bad folks, when will this happen to github issues?
Four Filipino Epson Printer Call Agents named Nathan :-)
PICOs aka 'persistent compute objects' programmed reactively so we can have our own personal clouds
The google play store reviewing app is open source on github
How to make Hugo work on WSL aka Windows Subystem for Linux
Like 2009 the future of coding is social and github is the first harbinger of it
rt-making-wsl-and-windows-work-for-me: a github repo for those 'transitioning' to windows
How to turn off Windows Defender for Windows Subystem for Linux from @leandrw
How to install ruby 2.5.1, jekyll and surge on surface book 2, Windows 10 WSL as of June 1, 2018
My new Surface Book 2 has a French Canadian keyboard layout
Every few weeks my pinned sites & bookmarks disappear into thin air replaced with Amazon links -- Firefox doesn't do this nor does Chrome
Surface Book 2 came back, let's see if I still have USB and WiFi issues
Epson 'Ecotank' ET-2750 stopped printing, jams every time and a spring fell out
I'm enjoying using Dropbox Paper on my own without collaborating
Firefox on OS X is slower than Firefox on Windows
Self Driving Cars and Uber's software: Decisions made by engineers and managers to prioritize comfort of passengers over unreliable false positive detection algorithms
Periodic reminder: Computer software is full of bugs and hard to create and modify
Hugo has an import from jekyll command
Speed is a feature! I forgot how fast hugo is compared to jekyll
You can use euro-roaming if you have a European address
Know Roaming Sim Sticker for Canadians - highly recommended
Whitey on the Moon: 1970 but still accurate!
Back on the mac for now!
Returning the Surface Book 2 because of WiFi and USB issues (Mozilla colleague Asa Dotzler doesn't have these issues with his Surface Book 2)
Remember the last two times twitter wrecked their API? Neither do I :-)
R in the Windows 10 WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux
eusebeia:So if you are running Linux (I'm using Debian) and are having trouble with the printer functions of the MFC-7220, try installing it as a HL-2060 instead. It might just be the thing you need.
Bash keyboard shortcuts to move forward a word (Alt F), move backward (Alt B) and delete word forward (Alt D)
Google to demand regular Android security patches from OEMs: Dave Kleidermacher who leads mobile security at Google:this will really lead to a massive increase in the number of devices, and users, receiving regular security patches
Eero WiFi router with 2 beacons has seemingly solved our WiFi issues in our 1600 square foot 3 story flat
Geforce 397.55 hotfix drivers works on Surface Book 2
Gemini Keyboard PDA keyboard is amazing (and better than the keyboard on the GPD Pocket!)
Surface Book 2 Drivers were re-installed by Hamilton again Monday May 7, 2018
The Augmented Social Network: Building identity and trust into the next-generation Internet by Ken Jordan, Jan Hauser, and Steven Foster: nothing has changed, the internet is still at a cross roads
Pythonista script to get GPS and text adapt to make music like my 2010 N900 script?
Kieran Healy, “The Plain Person’s Guide to Plain Text Social Science
padr - an R language package to time based data more coarse grained e.g. by day or by hour instead of by second
Hamilton uninstalled and re-installed my wifi drivers on May 1, 2018: let's see if this fixes the wifi not working after about 1-2 weeks problem on my surface book 2
How to invoke Chromedriver from Windows Subsystem for Linux for Selenium (should work with Firefox too) from Stack Overflow: Using BashOnWindows with Selenium? #1169
R Tips: How to force the Y Axis breaks in ggplot2 to be integers from Stack Overflow: How to display only integer values on an axis using ggplot2
How to use group_by to create a data frame in R suitable for ggplot2 and tidyverse
GeForce Drivers don't support Surface Book 2 as of April 27, 2018 but they will be supported in a future update
Email doesn't alway get sent or get received and you will never know
Everybody who writes formulas and/or uses pivot tables in a spreadsheet is a programmer
Bought an Epson 'Ecotank' ET-2750 printer, it does save ink and is fast and works with wireless
alialmossawi: Visualizing in VR using A-Frame and D3
No correlation between Samsung S8 Devices in bug 1450793 (crashing after Oreo update) and Google Play Store 1 and 2 star reviews for those same S8 devices
R Code to plot unanswered google play reviews using ggplot2 including code to rotate x axis labels so they are readable
SmugMug Buys Flickr and pledges to continue with flickr's fab API, yay!
Like WiFi, the USB gets into a funky state every so often on the Microsoft Surface Book 2 and the only way to fix it is to reboot
MongoDB queries showing less than, greater than resulting in: Number of English only, 1 and 2 star: Non replied to Firefox for Android reviews November 14, 2017 - April 18, 2018 is: 3962
Staticman: Static site comments by pushing comments to Github and using post commit hook with Pelican Static Site Generator and jekyll
How to convert MongoDB cursor or result iterator to an array in Ruby: use 'to_a()'
MongoDB upsert doesn't return updatedExisting boolean instead it returns nModified: 1 for update, 0 for insert
How to turn off MongoDB logging in the ruby driver
Google Play Review Gameplan: devices trend and then history
MongoDB query to find all Samsung S8s in the devices MongoDB collection
NoSQL Manager for MongoDB Professional seems cool but expensive but Windows only, another one to try is RazorSQL any free MongoDB GUI tools on Windows that allow export to CSV?
Had to Reboot my Surface Book 2 again (twice in two weeks) to get WiFi working, ipconfig dance didn't work
Bookdown Tutorials for making books in R via hrbrmstr's posts on twitter in R
Only a strong and democratic world government and strong regulation by that government will save us from climate change and digital malfeasance
No unique identifier in Google Play's CSV file of supported devices
Mongodb query in javascript showing '$or' syntax
Google's official document for Google Play device name to marketing name mapping e.g. 'SM-N950W' to 'Samsung Note 8'
Nathan Yau:How to Make Chord Diagrams in R
I disagree with: 'Alexis Madrigal:The Atlantic:The Most Important Self-Driving Car Announcement Yet--Autonomous vehicles will transform urban life by 2020, if Waymo’s time line is correct' yes it will transform dense urban core life by 2029 not 2020 but it won't transform the suburbs
ChatOps - chat as the collaborative operating system for a team
6 months after Pixel devices and 2 weeks after Samsung S8, Oreo update aka Android 8 finally comes out for the Note 8
In 3 slides visualize your thesis/story inspired by Kieran Healy's Making Slides
Probably Wrong 2029 Prediction :-) : No self-driving cars and vehicles outside city cores
Probably Wrong 2029 Prediction :-) : No conversational speech recognition with a bot in a restaurant server situation
Software development isn't easy, adding features is hard with current software technology #brokenRecord
Google Play Store Review spreadsheets are UTF-16 not UTF-8, best to convert to UTF-8 using iconv
Windows files are UTF-16 NOT UTF8, how to read them in ruby: 'rb:bom|utf-16'
Installed ruby 2.5.0 on Windows 10, couldn't get rvm or rbenv to work
Altair is ggplot2 for python and vega? Yes please!
Having Surface Book 2 WiFi 802.11ac issues: ipconfig /release and then ipconfig /renew seems to fix it
Post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy in the context of software
Reply by Buffer might integrate Google Play Store Review replying
Google Play Store Review Reply limit: 350 characters, iOS App Store Reply Limit: 5970 characters
Installed MongoDB on Windows Subsystem for Linux
IA Writer for Windows: Control K for links doesn't work
Ehsan Akhgari: An overview of online ad fraud
The Guardian: Carole Cadwalladr writing about Canadian Christopher Wylie: 'The Facebook data is out in the wild. And for all Wylie’s efforts, there’s no turning the clock back.'
Stack Overflow doesn't incentivize being nice; it incentivizes marking questions as duplicates or as poor questions as quickly as possible and answering questions as tersely as possible without emotion
What's your personal transit utopia in your town? Mine is autonomous, self guided transit i.e. buses supplemented by autonomous taxis
Throwback: October 28, 2005 with @mtippett @supersusie @willpate Did we get it right on Flock and BitTorrent 12 years ago :-) ?
Throwback: Friday December 9, 2005 with @mtippett @cbrumelle @bryanrieger @ddonat Did we get that 'next version' of music we talked about 12 years ago :-) ?
Prediction: Artificial General Intelligence won't happen before 2029
More thoughts on switching to Windows from OS X: preview and QuickTime replacements?
The Atlantic: Adam Grant: You don't know yourself as well as your colleagues and friends do
xiaowei: Nevertheless she coded - What does it mean to be a feminist coder in 2018?
Fixed jekyll default theme font-weight bug by changing from 300 to 400 in _sass/_base.scss, still might be a Firefox bug
Possible font-weight bug in Windows and Linux?!?
MSDN blog post from 2016: DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, create and/or modify Linux files using Windows apps, tools, scripts, consoles, etc.
Mikhail Popov: Plotting a course through charted waters: A website workshop on data visualization literacy aka introduction to the many different types of graphical charts
icetigris: github is just code deviantart
Emil Hvitfeldt's fantastic summary of R colour palettes
How to setup github credential caching on Windows Linux subsystem
Google Play Store has a Review Reply API!
Zendesk has a Google Play Store Review Reply Integration
Writing this from IA Writer Windows Beta
Getting X11, emacs, etc to work on Windows Linux Subsystem
Getting jekyll, surge etc to work on Windows Linux Subsystem
Moving blogging to old MacBook Air in preparation for move to new Windows Machine
Payak 2018: 1 hour 40 minutes instead of 1:25, -4 degrees, not as fast, skate skiing uphill technique needs work
Chris Dixon: Why decentralization matters
First couple of days Microsoft Surface Book impressions
Polling users is great but not enough;you need to find a purpose for what you are building
Don't assume anything, be humble, and remember people are people
VoodooPad acquired by Toronto's Primate Labs in December
Zcash just a flash in the 2018 bitcoin pan or something real that will last to 2020?
Maha Bali: 'Where is the Humanity in the Computer Science Curriculum?' Me: 'Where is the Enlightenment in the Liberal Arts?'
Sheila MacNeill: Not knowing how to code is a privilege for me and a reflection of a sexist-and-not-knowing-how-teach-math-properly-culture when growing up
Need to read and add to my mythical wiki: A16Z crypto Reading Resources
OMG it ain't hard, just create compelling content constantly on your blog, people can always unsubscribe if it's too frequent or they don't find it compelling
Switching to a Microsoft Surface Book 2 for Mozilla work! Wish me luck :-) !
Never in a million years would I have imagined back in the 80s that software would be used for so much evil
Google Maps backwards compatibility - at what point does this become an albatross?
agalmics (uh-GAL-miks), n. [Gr. 'agalma', 'a pleasing gift'] - The study and practice of the production and allocation of non-scarce goods
My modest-but-not-easy-and-unencumbered-by-knowledge :-) vision for Thunderbird: Reuse Andrew Sutherland et al's Firefox OS mail client for desktop and mobile, IMAP only
John Ganz and Steven Klein: A Serious Man
Mike Caulfield on computational propaganda: This is Arendt’s propaganda machine, automated.
Ian Bicking: '(Firefox) Screenshots makes Mozilla part of the web not just a window onto the web'
Mike Bostock's observablehq formerly known as looks great! Much better than d3.js
Remember when Lightroom was new and fast and it didn't require a $USD5900 machine to run it fast for 'hobbyist' photographers? Neither do I :-)
Why don't I attend conferences or listen to podcasts? Answer: too homogeneous and too long
Anybody have a corpus of Software Support questions I can use for sentiment training for Firefox support or do I have to develop my own?
Douglas Hofstadter in the Atlantic: The Shallowness of Google Translate (because computers don't really have any understanding)
Internet disrupts industry after industry but that industry edifice lasts far longer than technologists think, only to one day collapse far quicker than anyone expected e.g. Nokia, Nortel and Blackberry
Amazing orange measles plot using r, ggpplot
We are the problem, NOT technology. Adtech technology is a fraud we refuse to admit!
Part 2B Got NLTK working with Firefox 55 SUMO support questions! Now what? Sentiment?
2018 reminder: Email will fail! Don't depend on it. Archive it by year, convert to wikis, blogs todos, calendar, etc. and then delete
Part 2A Get Firefox 55 first 3weeks' words in preparation for NLTK -ngram-analysis
Steven Johnson: The open web can only be revived with new protocols and code like Blockchain
Claus O. Wilke-Fundamentals of Data Visualization aka the great series of R and data visualization books just keep on coming - bring 'em on!
Take more breaks (even schedule them) and give the bad news first so you end with the good news. Good endings are much more helpful so bad news first! (from Daniel Pink's When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing)
Ruby tip: no need to iterate over an array to print it, ruby does the right thing, just call puts
Querying MongodDB in 2018 using ruby and the ruby driver by date and by integer scalar value
Microsoft Surface Book 2 Meets all the requirements and doesn't have WiFi driver issues
hypercast p2p broadcasting for dat:// enabled web browsers
Recommendations for a Windows 10 touchscreen work laptop w/16gb RAM, USB-C power?
Part 1: Getting SUMO ngrams for Firefox releases: first update the question title and description
Software that makes replying to Google Play Store and iOS App Store reviews as easy as Reply by Buffer makes it easy to reply to Facebook and Twitter?
Learn the basics of Computer Science with BaseCS
Another great Nathan Yau Flowing Data members only tutorial:Compact Ways to Visualize Distributions in R
Understanding and Writing your first Text Mining Script with R is an amazing tutorial about tm, an alternative/complement to tidytext
Building in isolation dumb things that wreck the future instead of working with our sisters and brothers to make a better future aka Dude, you broke the future! by Charlie Stross
emacs for science - the scimax package
How does Automattic handle 2000 support requests/day? With communication and respect for customers and respect for support folks
From 2012 by David Deutsch: We need a breakthrough in philosophy about how brains create explanatory knowledge in order to create true Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)
Gary Marcus: deep learning a critical appraisal
Hilarious and insightful and helpful Meltdown and Spectre comic from xkcd: Phantom Trolleys
More on Meltdown and Spectre, Branch Prediction and Out of Order Execution by Martin Sauter at Wireless moves and others
Hardware is hard, software is soft part 888: Meltdown and Spectre
n grams, bigrams, trigrams, removing stop words using Python and NLTK
2018 reflections
2017 is a wrap - see you in 2018. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year
How To: Make Word Clouds in Ruby
Blogging pause until December 19, 2017
cvss-to-sqlite Prequel to blog post about Datasette: Convert CSV files into a SQLite database. Browse and publish that SQLite database with Datasette
Future of Journalism and Media: Erin Millar and Discourse (fund them now for $250 by Dec 21, 2017), Jay Rosen of PressThink and The Correspondent (future USA arm of Dutch De Correspondent)
Beeswarm charts in R, Interactive Beeswarm charts in R and d3.js <--- need to try this!
What's the worst that can happen if Karoo's Android 6 gets hacked? Navigation is off? Never trust navigation
BinderHub to run federated Jupyter notebooks in the cloud?
Karoo #iWantToBelieve But You are Based on Android 6.0 which was introduced in October 2015 which means monthly security updates will cease on October 2019 or earlier so if I buy a Karoo in late 2017 I can only use it for a year or two until it's vulnerable forever right? What am I missing?
David Robinson: DataCamp course: Introduction to the R package: Tidyverse
Feverbee's analysis of the Apple community
Simon Willison - Datasette: instantly create and publish a read-only API for your SQLite databases
Used ruby watir gem instead of capybara maybe try capybara next time?
Narrate all your work including your software work with Mathematica and Jupyter notebooks aka 'computational essays'
Run Firefox with Selenium Web Extensions and how to develop a simple Firefox WebExtension
An App to automatically commit this blog to git and upload to github
SUMO aka Kitsune search api
Stephen Downes: Consciousness
emma humphries' node.js script to find the top bugs in a component by number of new comments since a given date - good example of node.js
Added url of photoset and photoset name command line parameters to London Drugs Scraping photo downloads script
Click on next photo and then download instead of scrolling is how I scraped the photos from London Drugs
TIL Scraping websites like London Drug's photowebsite to download all photos instead of laboriously one at a time with Ruby and Watir using Selenium is too hard.
My former colleague at Raincity, Katherine Bailey, is doing great things at Acquia with Machine Learning
Everything built on insecure non verified software layers will break at some point because you will be forced to refactor or modify those insecure non verified layers in a non backwards compatible way
Aaron Klotz: Legacy extensions are like kernel modules
I agree with Rex Hammock - No You Can’t Contribute a Guest Post to this Blog
How to leave a comment on this blog? Why are you using github?
Finally got my Note 8 August-October 2017 update, thanks! How long until November 2017 update?
Added to github
DaveO is back! With a Remembrance Day 2017 Podcast, YES!
2011 versus 2017: much the same but social media is omnipresent and not so subtly powerful
Constructive online activities instead of mindless consumption and critical thinking and self care to cope with the weaponized Internet
It's November 8, 2017 - My flagship Note 8 is still stuck at security patch level: August 1, 2017, Thanks S*msung and F*do, NOT :-)
tend-and-befriend instead of fight-or-flight in video games and life! yes please!
Periodic Reminder: is my blog on 21st century cameras: digital cameras and cameraphones
Looks like my rotunde instance doesn't work, firewall issues? Time to try Jim Pick's pipette dat blogging system?!?!
ggplot2 r bar graph of unanswered after 72 hours of Firefox desktop questions
MongoDB query to export Firefox unanswered questions into a CSV file
How to upsert a single mongodb field using the ruby 2 driver
Lessons from writing add-answers-to-questions-mongodb.rb, next time use smarter_csv and Value Converters?!?!
Added a link to my RSS feed to my about page for Mike
My perfect software documentation: text with lots of examples and screenshots plus tightly edited short video, what's yours?
Why can't universities be more integrated into the community and distributed like libraries?
Things I might understand someday: The amazing power of word vectors
Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs :-) Still seems lacking in developer usability
Need to read for my infoviz work: Using MongoDB with R
Who needs an API or an RSS feed or any feed when you have proper logs? aka The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data's unifying abstraction
How Hey Siri works
Setup rotonde, is this thing on? dat://94be4dfdf9bc81ecbb66d96df3e620b1e1207798b7448249ef432ee3964ef3be
Here’s how I built a private blockchain network, and you can too aka your own personal blockchain
Decentralized apps and orgs, great cryptocurrency, bitcoin, ethereum, block chain explainer with some honesty about whether all this tech and infra is actually useful
GOTTA TRY IT! --> Install instructions for Rotunde on top of Beaker / dat - a p2p social network
SystemML: Cloud scale Machine Learning with R or Python syntax and Jupyter Notebooks
What's the best way to mount a flic bluetooth button on a bicycle?
Fixed Chinatown by manually deleting 4 rows that were in NYC Chinatown
Trying to fix Chinatown map that is only two points by removing outlier points that are in the Chinatown woeid that's a subclass of Strathcona
Maps of Vancouver Neighourhoods average colour over plotted
Gentlest Introduction to Tensorflow #1 (in Python)
Step 2 - Remove non Vancouver Neighbourhoods using tidyverse filter()
Step 1 of cleaning instagram vancouver 2015 neighbourhood dataset is to count the occurrences of each neighborhood using add_count() and filter()
One CSV File with instagram Vancouver 2015 neighborhood using lapply() to read the CSV file and then bind_rows() to combine the rows of the CSV files
Instagram Vancouver 2015 lat lon neighborhood CSV files done!
Ruby script using flickr API flickr.places.findByLatLon to get neighborhood name from lat/long of instagram photos is almost done after 10 days, next: remove non-Vancouver neighourhoods
Use bind_rows() in R lang to combine/concatenate dataframes and tibbles
Mel Robbins -- buffering: top 3 things/day 50% more time; every 15 minutes of meetings, 5mins to process; create space between you and people who deplete you; make 1 decision that will help future you; consider dropping those things you wouldn't try to get involved in if you weren't already doing them
The instagram 2015 lat/lon ruby script to woe_name aka neighborhood name is still running after 1 week - currently at october 2015 - 3 months to go!
Deep Learning with Python by Chollet looks to be a great way to learn Python and Machine Learning
Real Skills Not Soft Skills: Productivity, Wisdom, Perception, Influence
Mike Hoye: Free As In Health Care, Liability, analogies with the car industry, beyond FOSS licenses, etc
How does Ethereum work, anyway?
Longterm Future of support at Mozilla? My ideas: easier markup, support from within mobile products, easier L10N, interactive chat
The instagram 2015 lat/lon ruby script to woe_name aka neighborhood name is still running after 72 hours - currently at june 2015 - 6 months to go!
SUMO Volunteer contribution Metadata Database for infographics
GPD Pocket is chugging away and getting the neighbourhood names of instagram Vancouver 2015 photos, all 1 million of them
TRUE and FALSE deprecated in ruby 2.4, so use true and false instead?!!?
Installing Ruby 2.4.2 on GPD Pocket Running Ubuntu 16.04
Running lat/lon on GPD pocket on Ubuntu
Null array error check added to: Ruby version of getting neighbourhood aka woe_name from lat/lon of instagram 2015 data
Ruby version of getting neighbourhood aka woe_name from lat/lon of instagram 2015 data
Ruby or R for flickr API for Vancouver Latitude and Longitude -> WOEID-> neighborhood name e.g. 'West End'?
Trying out YQL and flickr API for Vancouver Latitude and Longitude -> WOEID-> neighborhood name e.g. 'West End'
Photo Metadata Database for flickr and instagram
R ggmap faceted by vancouver neighborhoods, just need lat/lon to Vancouver neighborhood function
R ggmap faceted by vancouver neighborhoods
8x zoom option to webshot - R - streamgraph of instagram vancouver january 2016 average colour by 600 plotrix integer colours on y axis, x axis is jan 1,2,3,...31
R - streamgraph of instagram vancouver january 2016 average colour by 600 plotrix integer colours on y axis, x axis is jan 1,2,3,...31
R - ggjoy() - Successful joyplot with fill colours and colours and faceted by integer version of 600 string colourames
Rolling to Redmond
R - ggjoy() - Successful joyplot with fill colours and colours and faceted by string colourname
R - ggjoy() - Successful joyplot with fill colours and colours
R - ggjoy() - First successful joyplot
R - Group_by() and tally() error message: Grouping rowwise data frame strips rowwise nature
HOW TO: Make bluetooth work on a GPD Pocket running ubuntu
R faceted geom_density ggplot2 fixed by removing any colour that only happens <= 5 times
R faceted geom_density ggplot2 corrupted is a mess aka learning experience :-)
y axis scaled to 0.0012: R geom_density ggplot2 corrupted to make joy division like awesomeness
R geom_density ggplot2 corrupted to make joy division like awesomeness
Kamyar told me that density plots only apply to continuous variables not variables like string colournames which are discrete variables, oops!
To plot geom_density() using the colours from your data you need a colour vector and scale_colour_manual
AES maps to levels which map to the default colour palette, geom SETS
21000 px wide, theme_void(), Simple Density Plot of colournames of Instagram 2017 Average Colour January 2016
Simple Density Plot of colournames of Instagram 2017 Average Colour January 2016
Thanks to everybody for the fabulous Ride To Conquer Cancer fundraisers softball game and BBQ today in Deep Cove
Stats 101 :-) ! Density functions use the plot variable count/(sum of all variable count)
Changing colours of ggplot2 density plots
R cookbook density plot examples and ggplot2 geom_density official docs
Hitchhiker's guide to ggplot2 in R - free ebook on Leanpub
Interesting scatterplots with too many points using ggplot2 and R
Hypercard, the first programming tool for everybody, turned 30 on August 11, 2017
Cleaning dates and removing outliers with R using lubridate and other R packages using the Kaggle Taxis dataset
Ride To Conquer Fundraiser in Deep Cove 19 August 2017, call for Mozillian Softball players, fab bike ride before and fun BBQ after!
Temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 - 2016 circular animation video complete with Python source code to just do one circle
Animated GIFs in R using saveGIF from the animation package, gganimate and online animated gif maker
Which @yoshirtinc custom instagram vancouver jan 2016 average colour tshirt should I buy #1, #2, #3, or #4? #yoshirt?
How to call a function on each row of a tibble using the tidyverse and dplyr
Part 5 - mpg scatterplot - applied to average colour instagram by hour jan 1-31, 2016 - remove the chrome and make the dots BIG
Part 4 - mpg scatterplot - applied to average colour instagram by hour jan 1-31, 2016 - colour the dots correctly instead of making them all black
Part 3 - mpg scatterplot - applied to average colour instagram by hour jan 1-31, 2016 - create naive colourname visualization with black dots
Part 2 - mpg scatterplot - applied to average colour instagram by hour jan 1-31, 2016 - add colourname column
Part 1 - mpg scatterplot - applied to average colour instagram by hour jan 1-31, 2016 - chapter 1 of R for Data Science
Hadley Wickham's original tidy data paper: Wickham, Hadley. 2014. “Tidy Data.” Journal of Statistical Software Volume 59 (Issue 10).
Really enjoying: Modern Dive - An Introduction to Statistical and Data Sciences via R - really is a modern introduction to statistics, modern R programming, ggplot2 and the tidyverse
Why do mediocre software developers think they are experts in sociology and psychology?
cancensus R package beta from the fab Jens von Bergmann for accessing Canadian Census Data from R - yes! Thanks!
ModernDive An Introduction to Statistical and Data Sciences via R using modern R data tidying and visualization packages Chester Ismay and Albert Y. Kim
Rust in Action 50% off code until August 3, 2017 Use code: mlmcnamara
How to deal with introverts and extraverts based on Jennifer Selby's talk at Mozilla
How To Setup Wifi on a headless Raspberry PI 3
Awesome idea from Kip - Fill Hilbert Curve square with average colour from instagram photos from 365 days or flickr photos and random spanning trees
How to enable ssh on raspbian on a Raspberry PI
Turn Vancouver Instagram 31January2016 average colour dataset into a Kandinsky-like image using R
ggjoy() plot for instagram january 2016 average colour, average-colour-by-hour-ggjoy-from-csv.R,not working
ggjoy() plot for instagram january 2016 average colour counts
ggjoy() was named for Joy Division's 1979 Unknown Pleasures's album cover which came from pulsar data visualizations!
Lincoln Nebraska temperature ggjoy() code is what i want (just need fill colour to be set to the month)
Docs for ggjoy ggplot2 joyplot package
use curl -O url[1-455].jpg to get multiple JPGs from a website and then convert to a PDF with preview
Animated BBC Microbit 'badge' with selectable happy or sad face
There's an R library for that: ggjoy for joyplots YES AND THANK-YOU!!
R transmute() creates new columns and deletes old columns unlike mutate() which add the columns at the end
R tidyverse and pipe operator defined in Hadley Wickham and Garret Grolemund's R for Data Science (which I promised to read back in January 2017)
Reverse Engineering R joyplot code part 4 - Need to figure out what "%>%" really means and what tidyverse and transmute() do
Reverse Engineering R joyplot code part 3 - atussum.csv, atusact.csv
Visualizing Geographic Data in R is awesome but USA-centric, Canadian version?
Reverse Engineering R joyplot code part 2 -1_gen_data.R generates the activity.tsv file
Reverse Engineering R joyplot code part 1 - What is p? Percentage of peak time?
How do I get 6 or more hours of battery life when using original Apple Watch with Strava?
Instagram or Flickr "joyplot" using the average colour?
Experimenting with and DAT, P2P blockchain hosting, a fungible hosting service for the peer-to-peer Web
PNG Writer - a great new 1.0 product from Dave Winer to make PNGs with >140 characters for twitter
Publishing to gh-pages from Travis CI using ssh deploy keys, good for GitBook!
If I had a million dollars left over after taking care of my family it would go to charity and worthy startups - wouldn't become a VC or Angel investor
Building a neural network in 9 lines of Python code in 2017, not much better than 1989 -- except for better libraries, more RAM, more CPUs, more data but the same algorithms, what am I missing?
Belated Happy Canada Day
Won't be blogging next week -- Mozilla All Hands in San Francisco 2017
Prynt printable area is 2 inches by 3 inches not 620 pixels by 1120 pixels
Another fab Recurse Center Tutorial -- Image Processing 101 by Sher Minn Chong
Must try (which I found through Liz Sander's amazing ggplot2 tutorial -- Telling stories with data using the grammar of graphics )
ICYMI -- Please support my ride to conquer cancer
How to minify JSON using jq
Android processing Hello World works but Geo-location example from Rapid Android Development failed initially because of permissions and sketch location and now it works!
WTF Is Ethereum? aka Ethereum Primer from Vice Motherboard - will this be updated? Can it be updated? Knowledge accretes over time!
Can we banish passive aggressiveness and be blunt like the Germans?
Happy to report that I received the Fido version of the June2017 Google Security update for the Pixel XL this week
Use GNU Parallel instead of xargs to run a script on wildcards and a file that is a list of files
- is much better now! But will it last another year?
How to update Lithium SUMO showfor.json programmatically (you have to do it one at a time, can't 100% automate it without javascript)
My Watch workouts are in the iOS Activity app d'oh! Thanks Michael Kalus
Text Face aka the power of compelling examples
Volunteering at Vancouver Mini Maker Faire 2017 - Come say hi and try Mozilla's Thimble
tl;dr tech stuff - Going to summarize tech stuff on my future wiki
UPDATE--Login to Lithium as Admin, paste in showfor.json
Login to Lithium as Admin, paste in showfor.json
Blockchain, bitcoin, ethereum "river news" style aggregator
ARKit in iOS 11 points to eventual AR hardware support in iPhone? AR Sensor? AR processor?
The web is only dead if you exclusively post at places you don't control
Just support Markdown in Facebook and Roland and Dave are happy
Transit App is accurate with Vancouver bus routes, thanks!
Every year since the Raspberry Pi (2012) is the year of Linux on the Desktop
Mogrify works better to convert TIFF to PNG or use 'convert' one at a time with a for loop
How to convert all TIFFs to PNGs in a separate sub directory using ImageMagick / GraphicsMagick
rubular - Ruby regular expression checker highly recommended
A-Frame Virtual Reality School -- yet another thing to try !
- online string from time checker
Going to have to disagree with The Wirecutter -- Buy an Android flagship when it comes out and buy one every 2 years (if you can't afford every 2 years then buy an iPhone every 4 years)
Be humble, make things daily and learn from others daily
I'm crazy :-) so I use Firefox 99% of the time for both work and fun
Steve Yegge endorses Kotlin so maybe I should try it?
How difficult is it to make Kotlin CLI or UI-less apps for Android?
When to use regexes aka regular expressions
Alienware 2014 Windows Desktop with Windows 10 doesn't work with bluetooth headphones yet the headphones work with iOS, Android and OS X
The Windows XP débacle is a failure of the software industry and capitalism
Cory Doctorow at SFU Woodwards -- YA you have to explain context, adults you don't, science fiction helps explain the present rather than explain the future
Sports Tracker still works but it doesn't measure your heartbeat and the watch app doesn't work. watch app + heartbeat + map fitness tracker recommendations?
How To Enable geolocation with camera apps in Android N aka Nougat
We all make sh*tty software including M$crosoft part 8888 --
How to add a bluetooth keyboard to the PocketCHIP
320x240 LCD Badge using the Espressif ESP32 with SD Card and LiPO power from microwavemont
VeloCity automatically changes iOS volume - higher speed = higher volume using the GPS to sense speed
What role did bots and hacking play in the 2017 BC election if any?
Programming is Terrible 03May2017 edition -- A tale of Alexa, Lambda, python and
By April 30, 2018, the flickr API will be broken --- my bet with cog dog
Small Android & iOS Apps using React & and expo snacks
Please support my Ride to Conquer Cancer
It looks like 100s (or is it 1000s?!?) of Fido subscribers with Pixels were stuck at an insecure Feb 2017 Android security update because Fido messed up when they tried and failed to add a VOLTE update to the Pixel March 2017 update
imoji, momento and stickerbot - more iOS sticker apps to try in addition to assembly and sticker boost
Fixed Fido unlocked vanilla Pixel XL stuck at Feb 2017 ROM bug by manually flashing April 2017 ROM
Change Agent review aka CRISPR-maggedon is the latest apocalypse
$CDN 300/year for secure, up to date iPhone, $CDN 450/year for secure, up to date Android phone - Apple wins on cost which is unbelievable
Somebody please make me Filipino food emojis and chat stickers for slack, iMessage, signal, Telegram et al :-) I'd like emojis for ma po tofu, mohnkuchen, masala dosa and my other fav foods while we are at it :-) (there are plenty of dim sum emoji)
My ruby scripts log errors to standard err aka stderr and output to standard output aka stdout
Python 2.7 versus 3 in 2017 - seems like version 3 is the winner
Spreadsheet developers are "real" developers too
Use semi-colon to separate multiple statements in a block on a single line in ruby
Beautiful presentations in Markdown using Ulysses and Deckset
How do you keep transitioning to the next set of tools?
Merkle computing - something to keep an eye on
Link Blog medium command line tool -- url, title, link text
Still don't like but I'll make it my link blog for
Three desktop Firefox prefs for in-product links
Mozilla Marionette to test in-product URLs from Firefox chrome
Again no email list, no targeted broadcasts, no income, party like it's 2002
How to deploy mastodon on heroku - use the deploy button?!?
Deep Learning in 7 lines of code?!?
Ruby '..' aka "2 dot" range operator is inclusive, '...' aka "3 dot" range operator is exclusive
Scraping a scrolling Ajaxy log page with Python, Beautiful Soup, and Selenium
Pry instead of ruby irb?
sed to print selected lines, cut to get second field, open to open in web browser like Firefox
Scraping web pages with ruby, mechanize and nokogiri -- How To Log in, get URL of a link and get link title
Why do you write software? I write it because I must.
What is the best open source tool to test HTTP redirects on 6000 URLs?
How to Check 6000 URLS version 2.0
How to Check 6000 URLS
Public Suffix ruby gem by Simone Carletti gets me the Domain Name
Spreadsheet Limitations -- no revision control, no debugger, no map reduce, no exceptions
Programming for normal people beyond Google Docs and Google Sheets?
More Content Security Policy aka CsP and Regular Expression Fun
Machine Learning -- use open source ML and python
When is the ML "AI Winter" :-) ?
Elm tames the browser, the DOM, CSS and javascript
Blogs are great, but like anything in life in moderation! 500 words a day! Or if you are coder code until you have made some progress and then leave something simple to start the next day.
How to record 4 microphones to a Mac using Zoom H6 and Audio Hijack. What's the equivalent in iOS?
Preinstalled malware on Google Nexus 5X and Samsung Galaxy S7 == yet another reason to buy iPhone over Android
Mac users tweet storm your little hearts out with Dave Winer's Electric Pork!
Firefox in-product URLs get filled in at run-time
Over time the framework gets assimilated by the application and then you can't evolve the application or the framework fast enough to keep up with newer more agile apps
No I don't need'unsafe-eval' in the CSP Header for Google Analytics? But maybe for angular.js?
What does the CIDR slash notation mean in IP addresses e.g. ?
Do I need 'unsafe-eval' in the CSP Header for Google Analytics?
Anybody got a mobile wireless two microphone podcast recording solution that doesn't require AC power?
Read Eric Kim's blog for life lessons (and in the process you might learn about photography too LOL)
How could "true" in a JSON file be changed to "!0"?
Software Themes like UIs will not be user controllable until we have secure components at all layers that users can mix and match
Mozilla bought pocket yay! Maybe I should use the Pocket extension or bookmarklet?!?
2017 The Year of Sleep
Payak 2017 - 1:25 instead of 1:49 Why? Better skis, better wax, faster track, better snow
What's the best thing we can do as geeks? Get away from our screens go outdoors and exercise!
Inspired by Graydon's sub-Turing ideas for a language that can produce networks of reliable components
Two ways to get Average Colour Using ImageMagick convert command
Bose will lose big sales once Apple Airpods have noise reduction
How To Plot radial lines in R using base graphics
Bret Victor-like programming environments-- Smalltalk, Lamdu, Eve, et al which ones should I try?
Been using to replace Google Reader for 4 years, it's better now yay!
Software development is stupid--either dumbed down like Excel or 1950s like R
Vim doesn't change because editing text doesn't change for software developers
For the paranoid -- If Android buy the latest Nexus/Pixel device every 3 years, if iPhone every 4 years
Android 4.1.2 has Heartbleed fix but it's vulnerable to everything discovered after that right?
Using the OS X "find" command and avoiding "not a file" errors
YES to introversion AND yes to extroversion, yes to solitary work and yes to group work, not mutually exclusive
Snapchat's informality & non-polished nature makes it more fun than Instagram
Podo charges but doesn't turn on, help please!
Away until Wednesday
The biggest, the brightest, the best ideals if far from the best execution of those ideals
What are you going to miss when Barbara-jo's Books to Cooks closes in 25 days? I'll miss Barbara-jo's genteel presence and watchful eye
Finally got my PiJuice 2 years later! What should I do with it?
Dropbox regularly takes up too much OS X CPU? Any viable alternatives besides OneDrive?
We can write a letter to the PM and our MP
Other than donating to the ACLU monthly, what can Canadians do?
What should I do with my Jewelbot?
Arduino driven colour 320x240 LCD Badge using the Espressif ESP32 WROVER Kit?
My next Make Vancouver T-shirt -- 31 Instagram strips made from 1-31 January "square pie charts"
Reading Hadley Wickham and Garret Grolemund's R for Data Science, how should we approach it?
seL4 kernel was formally verified in 2014, what if all layers were verified? Shouldn't they be?
2006-2017 time slider map of Vancouver tax density/square meter - ours is $14/^2 what's yours?
Crazy Thoughts after seeing Rennie's Crazy Wing Sang Collection
Fernando Link Scraper -- Silly Software I won't write
Actual Make Vancouver Tshirt from Jens von Bergmann's fab maps of Vancouver real estate tax assessment data
Tshirt from Jens von Bergmann's fab maps of Vancouver real estate tax assessment data
Top 10 albums of my teenage years
How to make buttons at The Regional Assembly of Text on Main
Words to avoid in 2017
Augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality 2017 predictions - no killer apps like instagram, snapchat or Facebook, just Symbian-era-like unpolished experiences
Everybody should learn to program enough to solve one simple problem in their real life
JS Static Site Generator in your browser that renders to S3 or cloud storage that offers web hosting = easy self hosted web site for the 21st century
Email will fail! Don't depend on it. Archive it by year, convert to wikis, blogs todos, calendar and then delete
January 9, 2007 iPhone was announced, today is 10th anniversary
Microcopy matters -- Siri should be Apple and Alexa should be Amazon
What Augmented Reality App should I write in 2017?
Snowmaggedon Day 33 City of Vancouver miscommunication continues aka blog updates daily
Day 32 of snowmaggedeon 2016-17 -- Vancouver living through real-life mini Kim Stanley Robinson's Fifty Degrees Below?
Square-Mile Street Network Visualization with python and Geoff Boeing's OSMNx
2017 Prediction -- 2004's "nobody will take pictures with their phone" is 2017's "it will take decades for EVs to take >50% market share"
2016 Prediction -- wrong about mobile RAW editors
Things I loved in 2016
Make Vancouver Shirt thrilling conclusion
How I made my Make Vancouver Shirt
Happy Holidays and Happy end of 2016 and start of 2017
Mike Hoye -- Are programmers automating blue collar work away?
The difference between AR and MR according to Boris Mann
Boris wrote about URLs in the real world like Stanley Park in 2005 and it's now becoming a reality with AR/MR and Bluetooth beacons
- -- semi-automated podcast transcriptions and more!
iOS phones and tablets have at least 1 year more of software updates and the updates are more timely than Android phones
Software is hard and won't be what users want until there is security and real layers and components
Software Folks Thanks for your superb code!
If you do quality, peer reviewed research that debunks science then you're entitled to your opinion otherwise be quiet about your "non science" "opinion"
Pixel skating to where Apple's and Samsung's puck has already been
Mark Busse's Vancouver creative angst Part 6 - appeal and potential
Mark Busse's Vancouver creative angst Part 5 - Solutions -- payitforward, indigenous ingenuity, tackle global warming
information wants to be free + “Yes, but people want to get paid.” ! = military javascript industrial complex
Twitter Tactics -- First class platform support for tweetstorms
We should be mindful of crispr and self driving vehicles
In Hawaii for work so light posting
Zazzle T-shirt from 40000 flickr 2004-2012 photos using square pie chart aka waffle chart
Mark Busse's Vancouver creative angst Part 4 - We are all "creative people"!
Mark Busse's Vancouver creative angst Part 3 - Indigenous Inspiration
Mark Busse's Vancouver creative angst Part 2 - Affordability anecdotes.
Mark Busse's Vancouver creative angst Part 1 - my bubbles
Make Vancouver visit TIL -- Embroidery files are .dst, .emb and .ofm
How To -- Get the width and height of an image using imagemagick
Make Vancouver is a viable custom t-shirt alternative to yoshirt?
- custom t-shirt graphic size is 1500x1500, CMYK JPEG
- custom t-shirt graphic size is 2100x1800, sRGB
ggplot2 - For negative y values in a bar graph use position="identity"
How we record over 40 in Vancouver
How To -- R ggplot2 faceted plot with custom colors, no legend and no facet labels
Prynt Zink 2x3 inches - Is printable area 620x1120 or something smaller?
My 175K flickr photos are now CC0 aka public domain
My issues with web apps - victory+react any good with large datasets?
Firefox Focus - a great private browser!
How to narrate your work using a github repo, emacs and
Animated GIF of first 360 photos average colour flickr 2004
ImageMagick Compositing only works with transparent PNGs
Software Error Messages don't often help (e.g. R - single value instead of array value error message)
How to make an Animated Circular Graph in R
Some generative art I curated for MozFest
What can geeks do? Part 2 -- Document your work and your facts using HTML and markdown
What can geeks do? Be nice, be present IRL, write software for good
This is not America
There won't be short links but there will be tags
There won't be an email newsletter, NASCAR and other crazy :-) things
How To -- Linux core utilities instead of OS X BSD style utilities specifically split and grep
How To -- Animated GIF average colour 'Barcode' from lots of photos
want to split text files into chunks? gsplit on OS X split on linux!
Slack is the ultimate stream tool but you need HowTos to go beyond 1980s chat and it's not a garden
MacBook Pro kerfuffle part 800
What should the Open IOT Device World do?
What should twitter do?
Roland's podcast posit -- Any podcast over 5 minutes is probably too long
Apple is out of touch with Unix-centric pros! Solution -- our own laptops, our own software
How I created using hugo, DNS and
My new bicycling to work blog will be
Coffee date w/Stewart Marshall, CPA, and old friend from the Bryght days
Vanmoof "Boncho" aka Bike Poncho - first impressions
CFNY for 20cents/day - What is radio worth to you?
animated GIF of piecharts of average colour instagram-vancouver 1-31January2016
Samsung left the camera business with a whimper not a bang
How to update all my websites and blogs with hugo and jekyll and omni outliner
iPhone 7 Plus first impressions - like the button, camera is as good as reviewers said
Unblocked Haskell learning by starting an outline in OmniOutliner
Met old friend Jeremy Baker (Hubert) and new pal Nagib Tharani of
Haskell Programming from first principles - mental block
5D "classic" + 40mm "pancake" + eye-fi card = 21st century camera fun!
Beloved Symbian App Gravity, now on Android and called Gravity Forever!
Coffee with Stephen Rees - retired Planner and global warming realist
Highly Recommended - Beyond Bullshit by Josh Bernoff
animated GIF of First 3000photos average colour instagram-vancouver 1-31January2016
How to make twitter animated GIFs (1024x512)
Thanksgiving 2016 Thanks
Why no comments?
My iPhone 6S plus died
My Samsung S7 Edge died
The Google Pixel phones are not good enough to beat the iPhone YET
Met Simon Goring, an open data open science, scientist
Dreadnet rediscovered thanks to No More 604s, and waybackmachine
Met Alex, a hardware engineer, at Revolver
Minimum Perceptible Difference Brooch, should I build it?
More Generative Art for MozFest 2016 aka pixel sorting part 2
Generative Art for MozFest 2016
It's 2016 why are we still stuck w/keyboards and printing recognition isn't working?
Infographic from 1-31 Jan 2016 Vancouver Instagram 1 average colour square / hour
watchOS3 much better - Siri, button, speed
The screen on my Samsung S7 Edge has died
Personal Climate Modelling
- for my personal wiki
Every citizen should learn computational thinking
It's 2016, can I please debug Javascript, R, Julia and Haskell like a 1987 Xerox Lisp Machine?
What personal wiki should I use? VoodooPad has always seemed fab. I don't want to run a server so MediaWiki is out.
24 hours in Vancouver what would you recommend?
What kind of API should mobi bikes have?
What kind of iMessage stickers should I make from Instagram and information visualizations?
If you want integers don't use strftime
Current Plan for the R Tshirt book
Haskell Programming from first principles - Review of Chapter 1
Combinator, Normal Form or Diverge and Beta Form Exercises
Equivalence Exercises page 45 lessons
GNU Parallel to use all your CPU cores
Arbitrary Unicode doesn't work in iOS and Android, works on Mac (and I guess Windows)
Alpha Equivalence in Lambda Calculus from the Haskell book by Allen And Moronuki
Learning me a Haskell from Haskell Programming from first Principles by Christopher Allen and Julie Moronuki
24 squares 1 per hour
Train a neural network using likes and comments from instagram vancouver photos 2014-2016?
Get the data right, lessons from R
My version of the waffle() function can handle all 657 r colours
Fixed waffle function that handles more than 25 levels
Simplest possible R square pie chart aka waffle chart
How to sort by a column using order() in R
How to compute counts using count() in R
Using sapply() to get colour as colour names aka calling a function on a column and adding the result as a new column to data table
Dominant colour using imagemagick (and graphicsmagick)
How to make a named character vector in R
How to make the simplest possible literal colour as value piechart with a legend
Simplest ggplot2 Pie Chart using colours as literal bar values
Simplest ggplot2 Bar Chart using colours as bar values
Learnings from R, ggmap and ggplot2: I() the as is/inhibit/insulate function
I love the static site hosting service
Curly Bracket inconsistency in Mongod DB aggregation?!?
How to make a PNG file from an RGB file of ASCII Hex Colours made using xxd
How to make a RAW file from a file of ASCII Hex Colours using xxd
Using identify in ruby to determine if a JPEG is valid
Captin Nod aka Bhautik Joshi’s excellent wordspew title creation script
upsert using ruby 2.3, mongodb 3 and driver 2
Using Python’s Folium library to generate leaflet map pages
Setting up hugo on el capitan part 1
Setting up a new Mac Book Pro on el capitan part 1
I love Hugo the static site generator
I love IA Writer for writing in Markdown
October 2015 Apple Watch Thoughts
August 2015 Apple Watch Thoughts
Garmin GPS nuvi 2559LMT thoughts
First thoughts on the Apple Watch
How to correctly install jupyter
R Language Jupyter notebook to load my instagram 2014 top colour dataset
How to get R 3.2 working with iPython aka Jupyter and Yosemite
ggplot2: working histogram plot with labels - TOP 50
ggplot2: working histogram plot with labels
ggplot2: aes MAPS geom SETS
tc a function to get the top colour name in R
FIXED ig-van-2014-top-colour i.e. a factor != a character
My instagram vancouver 2014 top colour dataset is now on CRAN
How to make a bar graph from a CSV file using colours in the CSV file itself
Get the closest colour in R from the plotrix package using
R package names can’t have underscores or hyphens:citation found
R package names can’t have underscores or hyphens
Now that I have an electric bicycle I’m going to have start another blog
RethinkDB seems to be much better supported on Raspberry PI than Mongo
Trying out the atom editor
Numbers crashed with a 240000 line csv file
Google Spreadsheet crashed with a 240000 line csv file
Instagram Vancouver 2014 arranged by top colour count with 1 pixel per occurrence of the colour with most frequently occurring at top left, less frequent bottom right. The most frequently occurring colours are white-ish
CSV dataset for Instagram 2014 top colour image
How to use bash to operate on groups of files using GraphicsMagick?
Anybody using G’Mic? Is it better or a complement to ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick?
How to use graphicsmagick and xargs to crop top left most pixel
How do I concatenate images vertically using GraphicsMagick?
Instagram 2014 Vancouver Voice of Fire
How to create a sparse array in Ruby and sort by value
How to use graphicsmagick to make an HD image from 10x1px JPEGs
MongoDB sub-field search queries
Meerkat Qik Kyte An Eternal Golden Braid aka Om never forgets!
Yosemite RMagick magic
Hello Jekyll World
Thanks for 20 years of Blogging Dave
Hardware project: FlickrBicyclePi
How to debug video playback issues on Firefox for Android
Colophon: Create your own personal Map tiles (from July 2013)
Reading the web in your way is the future even if RSS readers fail
Always available Personal Algorithms + Personal Data = Programs that matter
Email will inevitably fail so if you foolishly depend on it, learn to back it up and restore it
The Old Reader is where I am sharing RSS items; also on tumblr via IFTTT
Email is not an archival system, file system, knowledge management system or a to-do system
Stop whingeing about how you used to take great photos w/your DSLR but are now mired in a morass of bad cameraphone photos - get a cheap point & shoot and an Eye-Fi card & you will have great photos again w/out the DSLR weight
Nikon V1 might as well be free at $299 w/lens aka redonkulous price cuts mean desperate camera makers! One or more of Sony, Olympus, Ricoh, Pentax, or Samsung will exit the camera business in the next ten years
Thom Hogan: the camera industry has started teaching customers that big discounts are the norm.
Change your life light your bike - My CBC interview on bicycle lights
Best MongoDB to CSV tool to generate CSV files for graphing using a JS toolkit, Excel, etc?
Thunderbird - Get Satisfaction Answer Rate - A tale of tools; this shouldn't require programming
Single Purpose Server Apps on multiple Raspberry Pis to overcome tyranny of the cloud & tyranny of hosted services
Another reason to turn off the touchscreen on the N8: I have often switched WiFi & 3G off by accident
Nokia NOT Apple set the mobile phone industry back by not shipping a mass market phone until the N8 w/enough RAM to multi-task ShoZu and other apps
If it's about flipping the switch rather than quality of the product, you will lose; it's just a matter of time
Bicycle Commuting Picture Workflow - N8 in lanyard around my neck, take a shot, drop the phone
WANTED: Two N8 Cameraphone apps with settings locked: default + hyperfocal street photography
Nokia Pureview 808 - 41 Megapixel sensor downsamples to superior 5 Megapixel images
Backup your public Flickr photo metadata to MongoDB using backupPublicPhotoMetadataByDateAndUser
This week's hot camera is the Olympus OM-D
If you trust just one site like TechMeme or Reddit or YCombinator News or Slashdot for your tech news you are doing it wrong
Fuji X-Pro 1 is seriously tempting
I can't believe I have been using Lightroom for 6 years! - Lightroom 4 Beta introduced
16GB class 10 SD card that works w/my Fuji X10 is all I want for 2012 from :-) !
Less with the "Fan Boys", "should", "obviously", "embarrassing", etc. more with the awesome making of good in 2012
mongohq + GS API + mongoPoll.rb on my VPS + emailReport2.rb + cron = awesome twice daily Thunderbird support report
I didn't buy the Panasonic GX1 because I was blown away by the X100 hybrid viewfinder
Lovin' the FujiX10 so far especially the super macro mode
Kalv since you refuse to charge me for RSS Hero, I would like to buy you lunch before Christmas or in Mid January 2012
"sudo gem install SystemTimer" fixed my mongodb timeout issues after time machine restore
What is the best Bluetooth headset to buy for recording podcasts while bicycling? Jawbone Era?
Galaxy Tab 10.1 + Zagg Folio + Browser = Awesomely light blogging and note taking machine
PostgreSQL + hstore +hashes = interesting way to store non tabular data
hello world from Android Galaxy Tab 10.1 using Zagg Folio bluetooth keyboard
Best Text Editor for Android Phones and Tablets
Small groups that have high signal to share can move forward
Which Micro 4/3 camera should I buy? Panasonic GX1?
Switched shared items from Google Reader to
Speakout Wireless no catches, unlimited but slow 3G data for $10/month, no voice plan required
Speakout Wireless Nokia N8 Internet access setup details
Speakout Wireless pay as you go unlimited data for $10/month works for A-GPS & uploading photos to flickr on my N8
Is Speakout Wireless's $10/a month pay as you go data plan good enough for A-GPS?
Nokia is behind Apple in overall cameraphone user experience and that's what matters - A response to cameraphone expert Damian Dinning's great comment
iPhone4S overall beats the N8 & N9. Unbelievable but true that Nokia the cameraphone leader in 2007 is behind Apple in all fronts except the Zeiss lens
Samsung Android Galaxy Tab 10.1 first impressions - looking for a good case
There is no substitute for a hardware shutter button for "real" cameraphones
Round 3 - Nokia's App store requires a Valid SIM card to work
Round 2 - Can't buy Apps from Nokia's store even with a valid credit card - I guess I'll need to pop a Valid SIM card in
Is there a N8 equivalent of the iPhone Slow Shutter app that will allow me to take 0.5 to 15 second photos?
Android built-in keyboard like Symbian's is unusable
Design Thinking, Grow Conference, HackVan, Design Nerd REFAB Jam - an amazing weekend of Vancouver tech & design events
X7 review: It's hard to use another cameraphone after you have used the N8
Better Support Living through Software Presentation
Better Support Living through Software aka Support Forum Browsing is a waste of time
Ovi store purchase of CameraFX failed I believe because there's no SIM card & it's trying to do carrier billing
Couldn't buy CameraFX from the Canadian Nokia Ovi Store - Why?
Still don't have real time geotagged photo web in 2011! Proof: lack of geotagged Vancouver photos on flickr after Vancouver Canucks beat the San Jose Sharks
Das Blinkenlights - Vancouver and San Francisco Video Style!
Das Blinkenlights w/CloudMade APIs of Vancouver & San Francisco real-time geotagged flickr photos: use map.removeOverlay()
Improve my MongoDB query to get the number of Thunderbird support topics created or replied to within a given time period please
Developers need to be on GitHub, period. - It's the Social Coding Era - Fork, branch, pull request or die :-) !
Fare thee well Derek
How to find Get Satisfaction topics by tag using the Get Satisfaction JSON REST-like API
N8 video & flickr not working - symptomatic of both Flickr & Nokia irrelevance?
I have Nokia Cameraphone Stockholm syndrome, the N8 continues to rule!
Changing Firefox msgstr to Thunderbird - Is there a built in way to do this in Mac OS X or Linux?
shades of darkness barcode
penmachine dodging buses barcode video & HTML5 Web App
Everything by subscription including computers and bicycles
iPhone Google Reader web app is faster and smoother than the Google Reader App on the Nexus S - Android Stuff Part 1
Penmachine barcode 1.1
Penmachine barcode
ImageMagick montage on 4600 photos running for 36 hours! Alternatives?
Yelp, Gowalla, foursquare, Urban Spoon etc. are walled garden data silos of Doom that don't provide useful recommendations
Blackberry Playbook Mania
Cisco Flip débacle: Social Cameras must have wireless connectivity & magic fairy dust won't turn Enterprise companies into consumer companies
Northern Voice 2011 Lightning Talk - Why and how anybody can use flickr + HTML5 to quickly and easily write compelling mashups
Symbian Anna is the kind of revision that we needed to see about 1.5 years ago.
Mozilla happenings: Firefox 4 + Spaces party on April 15th + Thunderbird team now part of Mozilla Corp
Android is everything Nokia phones could have been
Real-time business critical metrics graphing for everybody
MongoDB is my current persistent data structure store of choice aka "how to slurp your Get Satisfaction data into MongoDB"
Our French immersion kid hilariously calls the N8, l'iPhone de Nokia
We need to be honest with ourselves about traditional publishing & our entire society
My Quantified Bicycling Life
N8's camera continues to amaze me - especially macro mode
Color's idea for co-locative co-temporal automatic social network is great but Color's execution merits a D
Upgraded to Drupal 7 courtesy of the super skilled Richard Eriksson
We are the network: Local, live video, curation, aggregation - How I would have covered the Vancouver 2010 Olympics
Nokia execs believed it couldn't do 21st century mobile phone experience hence Nokmsft & the move to Windows Phone 7
February 11, 2011 shall henceforth be known as #Nokia #Microsoft Co-Dependence Day :-)
N8 Review - Nice Camera, Shame about the Total Experience which hasn't progressed since the N80 of April 2006
This is the golden age of computing, not the 1970s
DemoCampVancouver 12 was fab but my N900 Qik Videos weren't :-)
The Revolution is not YET geo-tagged camera blogged aka In search of Das Blinkenlights
HD size with Street Chrome Version of 2010 Men's Gold Medal Hockey Day Geotagged Pics from Flickr
Interesting Vancouver 2010 Stream of Consciousness thoughts
Happy Thanksgiving 2010 - What I am always thankful for!
Real time Mozilla Thunderbird Support Dashboard written by Protz using the Get Satisfaction API
Does N900 Pixelpipe support flickr uploads that are visible only to your contacts who are "family" on flickr like ShoZu does?
Hostmaster is dead! Long Live Hostmaster! Go Aegir go!
Why I have stopped using ShoZu, Sports Tracker and the N82 and use N900 + PixelPipe + RunKeeper on iPhone 3G
N900 Camera App Nits
User generated web aggregation aka Russell Beattie is right again!
Create your own custom daily Get Satisfaction email report with emailReport.rb
N900 Pixelpipe allows unlimited photo upload but doesn't retry
Ruby code to send email using gmail
FCamera is great except there is no EXIF and no GPS coordinates, bright side:music plays!
Why do I continue to use the N82 instead of the N900 for my cameraphone photos? A: ShoZu
Python code to post photos and videos to a blog using APP or XML-RPC?
Foodtree video from my N900 at DCV11 is shakey - need a portable steadicam
N900 finally gets some fun photo apps
Emacs over SSH - How I develop python programs directly on the N900
PyMaemo is Python 2.5.4 and uses Numeric instead of Numpy
50000 photos & 6 years with a Camera Phone
- is ok, but i want real music - use 12 major keys with 10 chords
Random GPS driven sounds from an N900 in python
Nokia could win big with a social camera
How to turn off Data Roaming on the N900
Wind Mobile software billing bug says I was data roaming when I wasn't
iPhone4 HD Video is a killer app - James Burland's HD video's proof of the awesome sound & video quality - Game on N8 :-) !
N900 PyMaemo - How to synthesize sounds & read the GPS simultaneously?
iPhone 4 camera better than every Nokia phone except the N8 which I remain optimistic about
6 years of Northern Voice 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010
N900 Review Part 1 - Great potential but Maemo 5 still a work in progress
E75 Review Part 5 - Cost reduced E75 w/built in Qik, ShoZu & Gravity would be a killer multi-media creator phone aka buy the C6
E75 Review Part 4 - Streaming via Qik uses lots of bandwidth
Boris & Roland pontificate on iPhone 4.0, Meego, qik, Drupal,Aegir, Acquia, etc. aka "Mobile and Web Pontifications w/o borders"
E75 Review Part 3 - I'm a fan of the future - High Speed always on always available connectivity w/great video & still cameras
E75 Review Part 2 - E75-1 compatible with Fido Rogers 3.5G
E75 Review Part 1 - Gravity Rocks, still the same old frustrating S60 issues like "Create WLAN connection in offline mode"
2010 Social Media Predictions aka Know your rights, aggregate & own your stuff and back it up
2010 Mobile Tech Predictions
My ideal mobile mad scientist language
Technical Support Lead for Mozilla Messaging - c'est moi
REAL - Read, Evaluate, Art, Loop - N900 is the closest thing to a "REAL" machine
IPositionSubscriber is the Bug Labs asychronous API that is broken in 1.4.2
Belated Nokia N999 er N900 Congrats
Bug Labs Release 1.4.2 - asynchronous GPS API broken, synchronous works but requires polling
Social Media Ice Cream at BarCamp Vancouver 2009
Nokia Sports Tracker being spun out as Sports Tracking Technologies
Bug Labs Release 1.4.1 fixes my GPS issues
N97 Review - Can't recommend it to others but I would buy one with my own money
We choose to go the moon - I still want to go to space but w/o being rich, being in the military or going to grad school
N97 Review Penultimate Installment - Camera forgets its GPS setting, etc
N97 Review Day 10 and 11 - Pixelpipe and Share Online woes continue
I want my Newton Life back
N97 Review Day 8 and 9 - No Keyguard lock issues but not impressed by pixelpipe and share online
N97 Review Day 7 - Return of the Keyguard / Lock Switch Problem
N97 Review Day 6 - DemoCamp Vancouver 7 Video Test
N97 Review Day 5 - Camera app crashed & Lock Switch wouldn't unlock so I did a hard reset
N97 Review Day 4 - Random Reboots and USB Charging flakiness
N97 Review Day 3 - GPS lock is faster and more reliable then before
N97 Review Day 2 - Photos photos photos
N97 Review Day 1 Stream of Consciousness
The N97 ain't my N999 concept but it's closer
- is my new post-Bryght Host
CrowdTrust - My New Job
End of my Bryght Era
Nokia viNe tutorial in pictures
Gravity S60 Twitter client is the exception that proves the rule
DRAFT Nokia Sports Tracker Tutorial in pictures
BUG Adventures - GPS still not getting a fix, need another antenna perhaps or is GPSConfig not working?
Upgraded Kernel and then Root FS of my BUG from R1.3 to R1.4, GPS still doesn't get a FIX
Tried to upgrade Bug Labs Bug Root FS to R1.4 but now my BUG is borked
Mobile Open Lab 2009 - A proposal
Git for Drupalers in 2 Minutes
Upgraded my Bryght VPS to Acquia 1.2.4, Drupal 6.10, tinymce 3.2.2 and WYSIWYG 6.x-1.1
Nokia Beautiful Connections Text Art - what if it were GPS based?
On: Dancing, Northern Voice and Federico's & 10000 hours
Mobile Video Streaming 2009 - Northern Voice 2009
VIDEO CONTEST - What is one way that the Internet has changed my life? Possible Northern Voice 2009 Moosecamp Session
Identicons, Yarn Bombing and Mobile - Possible Northern Voice 2009 Moosecamp Session
Updated to Drupal 6 using Acquia Drupal 1.2.1 that I checked into
Free Nokia viNe and Sports Tracker tutorials for Vancouverites in exchange for coffee
Nokia Software Updater won't let me update my European N95-1 and N82-1 to the latest firmware even with Fido SIM installed
Skyte 1796 - In Phase One
"Bug Adventures" III - How to use Eclipse
My first ruby program - a program to animate my 1796 Skytrain Photos from flickr
7 things you should know about mobile - Presentation to UBC LFS
"Bug Adventures" II - Why doesn't my GPS work?
Please donate your mobiles to Fearless, see you tomorrow!
"Bug Adventures" Personal Wiki started
We don't have free movement of goods between Canada and the USA
Real Artists Ship! My Bug Bundle Arrives
ShoZu Grand Master Roland Tanglao am I!
Nokia N97- finally a decent looking competitor to the iPhone!
Nokia to reveal insanely great device at Nokia World on Wednesday Dec 3, 2008!?!
Almost free ShoZu help for Vancouverites - Helping the ShoZu MIR Campaign
Nokia viNe fun mobile app, shame about the website
Nokia Bicycle Cradle is a nifty tool for taking bicycle wheel POV photos and videos
Hello EtherPad! - Let's do the "Cross Platform SubEthaEdit thing" together!
Eye-Fi’s Wireless Memory Cards for Digital Cameras Come to Canada | Best way to get your family photos to flickr!
I am on the list of Vancouver's Top 10 Twitterers!?!
Vote for Paul Hilsdon today Surrey folks!
Bug Labs resumes shipping on November 17th!
Open Hardware + Open Software = telcos that can be setup easily like blogs
Nokia Sports Tracker - I want to believe but I can't because it's flakey
$6K per gigabyte for Rogers Data Roaming in the USA - r*poff continues
N82 - 2300 photos since August 26, 2008 - going back to N95-1
N96 World Tour will come to Vancouver where it was designed (fingers crossed!)
Bug Labs delays shipments because of worldwide credit crunch
Q&A Knight Foundation's News Challenge Last Night Oct 6, 2008 w/Susan Mernit
I no longer customize my S60 devices or my Mac except in cosmetic ways
Knight Foundation's News Challenge Last Night Oct 6, 2008 w/Susan Mernit
Newspaper 2.0 - embracing the the socialness of "readers"
Knight Foundation's NewsChallenge event at Raincity tomorrow night!
The Future of Mobility is Linux (and iPhone) from September 2005
It's all about the usability, not the features - Nokia unveils S60 5th Edition and DRMed Comes with Music
Blogging Has Gone Nuts because people have tried to game it and make money thru SEO rather than passion
Nokia Open Lab 2008 - Video Wrapup
#5 on Now Public's Most Public List for Vancouver - Let's Rock it!
Open Mobile 2008 - Movino rocks
Mobile Camp Vancouver 2 is this Saturday at WorkSpace
Transport Hero Camp Redux 2008
Going to Nokia WOMWorld Workshop in Helsinki September 10-14
Trying Out MarsEdit 2.2 - still doesn't have category/tag search/auto-complete
FutureShop redux - how about an "All Genius" Staff?
Bug Labs Bug Bundle Shipment delayed until September, switch to Poky, more Funding
AirMe no longer works with GPS after 2.01 firmware upgrade
FutureShop and other Canadian Retailers - Why don't you sell the fabulous Eye-Fi SD card?
test story
test story with tinymce off
test story with drupal 5.9 logged in as roland
Test Drupal 5.9 story
story with drupal 5.8 and tinymce on
iPhone 3G arrives - google reader faster, browser crashes, camera s*cks, apps are great but limited by Apple's SDK and p*ranoia
drupal 5.7 story with tinymce on
Ordered my 16GB iPhone 3G today from Fido, will receive it in August
Streaming Video Vancouver June 2008 Critical Mass
iPhone Pricing in Canada - Rogers' American PR firm, MS&L Digital, sends bloggers identical unhelpful emails - import iPhone?
N78 Review - If you are a multimedia creator get an N95, else get iPhone
Nokia Acquires Symbian; S60 to go Open Source!?!
Rogers iPhone pricing plans revealed: 3years $3440 but appears to be no explicit bandwidth cap and no 3rd party app ban
Car Free Vancouver Day 2008 Mobile Streaming Video Post Mortem Part 1
BareBonesCafe - Fun Business Ideas Part 1
Fido (and Rogers) raise SMS rates to the USA by 66% from 15 cents to 25 cents
Bicycling With Amy Walker to all Car Free Vancouver 2008 Venues on June 15, 2008 and streaming video from my bike
"These are my Kid"s / Kinzin's world wide shipped 10 photos / month for 2.50 is fantastic
Maura Rodgers on her Rogers N95 8GB NAM and S60 - S60 Ambassadors Video
iPhone in Canada Rogers Data Plan Bingo
Car Free Vancouver Live Streaming Video from my N95 on my bicycle
Nokia N78 and S60 3rd Edition FP2 Blink Reactions plus bonus N78 Unboxing Video
Rogers 1 GB Data Plan is now $100/month instead of $65, price raised 54%
Tylor Sherman Video on S60 N81 8GB - S60 Ambassadors
Lively Kernel is clever! - Notes from the Forum and Mailing List
Eye-Fi WiFi functionality should be built into every memory card
12 hours with Rogers N95 8GB NAM - Get an unlocked one instead!
Cecily Walker Video on S60 Interface - S60 Ambassadors
Rogers implements kludgey SMS "you are now getting r*pped off" alert system instead of reasonable data plans
Rogers uses deep packet inspection? Rogers charging extra for data for built-in email app? Data plans "incredibly limiting"
MoMoVan May 2008 - Mobile Social Networking Panel Discussion that I moderated
Rogers Unlimited Plan is restricted to Rogers' apps, 3rd party apps pay r*poff tax. Buy unlocked N95 8GB instead
Nokia N95 8GB on Rogers has WiFi but no mention on Rogers site, appears you can't use 3rd party apps
iPhone coming to Rogers
Grassroots Open Mobile Web at Open Web Vancouver 2008
I love/hate both my Nokia N95-1 and my iPhone but the N95 is the phone I use daily
Flickr adds video - interesting that most of my videos are family videos
BUG Labs - Canadian Credit Card with US Shipping Address doesn't work
Adobe Light Room 2.0 Public Beta - Great 2nd monitor support & keyboard shortcuts but needs localized adjustment preview
Running N95-1 Firmware V21 and ShoZu 4.0 but can't update Facebook Status
AT&T GoPhone + unlocked iPhone = cheapest way to keep in touch for Canadians travelling in the USA who aren't gadget gurus
Hardware Mashups - The Long Tail of Gadgets
SXSW 2008 Bound on Friday! See you there!
Bus Challenged for NV08 Opening Party? Meet me at Blenz at 5:15p.m. at 508 West Hastings and we'll go together
Broke my GorillaPod - what next buy an SLR GorillaPod or buy proper camera bicycle mount?
Presenting VideoBlogging 101 part of Internet BootCamp at Northern Voice 2008 MooseCamp Feb 22, 2008
Drupal 6.0 released |
N96 is growing on me - the N81 heritage is a wee bit disturbing though
DemoCampVancouver05 Videos - Scannerfly and Localiti intrigue
Olinda social radio with WiFi and API - I want one
Bambuser is another live videocast from your phone competitor
Another way to crash ShoZu - try to upload 150 photos at once
Qik Alpha Version 0.26 appears to have solved the hanging problem
First Carcast with Flixwagon - Qik versus Flixwagon shootout
Qik alpha bug - hangs forever if WiFi access point not available
As long as Microsoft doesn't neuter flickr, I am fine with them buying Yahoo
1st Qik bicyclecast live from my bicycle over EDGE
Qik is killer app for mobile phones with unlimited data
ShoZu - please work around the S60 "Create WLAN connection in offline mode?"
No Rogers iPhone at Macworld, I was right, RBC was wrong
N81 8GB Review Part 4 - fun walkman for my bicycle commute
N81 8GB Review Part 3 - Navi wheel doesn't work well
N81 8GB Review Part 2 - Multimedia key not intuitive
MacBook Air needs wireless monitors and automagic CPU task delegation
Joby GorillaPod + DT-22 adapter + N95 + Qik = Bikecast
I need 2 SIM Cards: 1 for N95 and 1 for iPhone
2008 Random Predictions
How to modify your 1.1.2 iPhone to work with Rogers and Fido
Roland's Christmas 2007 Social Geek 'Get A Life' List
Roland's Christmas 2007 Social Geek Gadget List
TransitCampVancouver Session Pitch Videos
TransitCamp Vancouver was fab! Thanks Karen
ConceptShare grows and grows and partners with Corel
N81 8GB Review Part 1 - Solid but shame about the camera
How to Tether an N95-1 to Fido over EDGE via Bluetooth on Mac OS X Tiger
N95-1 with 20.0.015 firmware appears to pass the Roland ShoZu Challenge!!
Raincity Studios acquires Bryght
Upgraded to Lightroom 1.3 and Mac OS 10.4.11
N82 has cool Xenon flash but will it pass the Roland Shozu Challenge?
Drupal and LAMP running on S60!
Northern Voice 2008 Speaker Submissions and Call for Ideas
Can't record video from S60 Python on an N93, how do I record video at 640x480?
N95-1 from Nokia Blogger Relations, looking for 4 GB micro SD SDHC card
Now running sweet Drupal 5.3
N95-3 for crafty creators + N810 hacker's delight + iPhone for consuming content = My Mobile Dream Team
How Do I record a Video using S60 Python 1.4.1?
S60 Python Success - Got Sample code to work, Nokia doesn't work
Nitobi Hack Day - desperately seeking S60 python help
Mobile Report Card - my new site for mobile media reviews
Globe and Mail finally realizes that Canadian Data Rates are a r*poff
Google Buys Jaiku
N95-1 for a week - Day 4, 5,6,7 thoughts - N95-3 sounds great!
N95-1 DemoCampVancouver03 Videos
N95-1 for a week - Day 3 thoughts
N95-1 for a week - Day 2 thoughts
N95-1 for a week -blink reaction
Igor is MoMoVan face - MoMoVan October 2007 Wrapup
N800 successor has a keyboard !?!
Amber, Leo and Tod rock - HD and Broadcast TV do not
Mark Pesce loves his Meraki mesh
Won a Sun Server at Launch Party at Section 3 - what to do?
Mystery photo turns B&E into a high-tech whodunit
Mobile Monday Vancouver re-launches October 2007 in a more informal style
All cameras will have built in ShoZu-like connectivity
ShoZu Slideshow Beta for Consumers - about to launch
Free Ringtones in exchange for Steak Frites at Jules Bistro
iMovie08 much easier than previous iMovie for quick and dirty movies
DrupalCamp LA 2007 and California Final Thoughts
502 N93 photos + Flickr Backup + CocoViewX + QuickTimePro + ccMixtr = Vancity Bike Share 502 movie
DrupalCamp LA Session - Install Profiles or how to share your awesome Drupal Webapp
Open Komodo is cool open source web app development environment
Iotum's Facebook conference call looks excellent
Nokia's Music store based on WMA DRM will fail
Nokia will ship S60 with Touch interface - Real Artists Steal
Nokia N81 & N95 8GB finally have adequate RAM
Nokia sells 11 phones per second and has history of re-invention
how about 'looseo' for the 'loose' versus 'lose' confusion?
FeedM8, make money off your RSS Feed - [FM8327-55]
The internet does not revolve around the telcos' billing engine
N800 + Skype + WiFi = Great telco long distance route around
ecto3 alpha - doesn't recognize new categories
Social Media For Parents session from BarCamp Vancouver 2007
BarCamp Vancouver 2007 Three Word Introductions Video
Social Media for Parents - BarCampVancouver2007
I'll be Photowalking Friday August 17th and PhotoCamping Saturday August 18th
Facebook's RSS feeds leak confidential data! Fix it by using basic auth over SSL and flickr style revokable URLs
Everybody on the wait list please come to BarCamp Vancouver 2007!!!
Up4 from ActiveState
PubSub returns as Something Simpler
BarCamp Vancouver 2007 is this Friday and Saturday
BarCamp, BarCamp Amsterdam and BarCamp Vancouver: looking back and looking forward
Allowing CDMA and GSM in North America is like allowing left and right hand drive cars simultaneously
US 3G Nokia N95 has 128MB RAM and Battery Upgrade!
Create Compelling Content Constantly or Consistently?
Lazy Web - Give me unlimited mobile uploads to a video service of my choice over WiFi
Microsoft cloud not for me or Stowe Boyd
Russ Beattie Agrees that Nokia should adopt open source core
Nokia: Buy ShoZu and be done with it :-) !
iPhone like Keyboard available for N800
Rui on how Nokia can beat the iPhone
TAAC 2007 Part 1 - Impressions
AT&T's iPhone plan s*cks
Jon Arnold's long term usage Nokia N93 Review
"The ecstasy of influence: A plagiarism" by Jonathan Lethem (Harper's Magazine)
Drupal site NowPublic rated one of the 50 best websites of 2007
Lightroom 1.1 has two new Sharpen presets
iPhone h*cking commences, quelle surprise!
Check "Make new virtual copies" when creating collections - Lightroom tip
DemoCampVancouver02 is tomorrow at 5:30p.m. at WorkSpace
TalkPlus Beta works great on my N93 to my sister's Toronto cellphone
Lifeblog good for SMS archiving but not much else - still Windows only and mobile client is still not very good
How to fix ShoZu
Competing with iPhone: Plan A and Plan B for Nokia
Great user experience, touch and magical interfaces IN. Hard to use, Stylus and menus OUT
Skype on the Nokia N800: it's alive, it's ALIVE!
Lightroom 1.1 list of changes
Ian Lyons' review of Lightroom 1.1 is the best I've found so far
LightroomNews 1.1 Ships - Catalogs replace libraries
iPhone has regular GSM SIM card thank goodness
iPhone has hardwired SIM?!?
GK VanPatter on Design 3.0 at Microsoft Expression Launch
Sydney Fels - Multi camera tagging for the 2010 Olympics and the Ikea Digital Lifestyle June 6, 2007
Phillip Jeffrey on Facebook and flickr tagging June 6, 2007
David Vogt on CrowdTrust, his tagging startup
Jaiku beta mobile client shows how IP trumps SMS (eventually)
Nokia Media Transfer works on my N93 even though the setup app crashed
Hugin and Mugin source - Java flickr midlet uploader
Facebook: I've seen this movie before but this sequel is different & better because it's a blockbuster and everybody's doing it
Zurfer zloooow on N93 over Canadian GPRS
Apple Tablet coming soon if not at WWDC 2007
Dang! Nokia Media Transfer beta doesn't work with my N800
MarsEdit 1.2 - Still no WYSIWYG mode and no way to elegantly handle 100s of tags
Dreaming in Code - get it to explain the crazy software business to others
Use Mac OS X built-in JPEG Conversion - Lightroom Fan Part 3
N93 Review Part 11 - Never underestimate a 3x optical zoom camera with always on connectivity
N800 makes fine car MP3 player - N800 Review Part 3
How I got into Technology
Give Me Real Broadband without port blocking and a comfortable, quiet and clean room
Open source doesn't do camels
Common-Space Peer Production - Is it good for more than code and blogs and wikis?
SMSes don't have a standard way to insert line breaks
DemoCampVancouver01 Rocked
N800 + GSM 850 phone = perfect price checker - N800 Review Part 2
Digital SLR + 50mm lens + Lightroom = awesome kid photos - Lightroom Fan Part 2
SMS is dead redux - IP juggernaut continues
Printing to jpg from Lightroom's print module - Lightroom Fan Part 1
SMS is dead - Twitter proves it
BUZmob is a great way to read RSS on your mobile devices
DemoCamp Vancouver01 May 24, 2007 5:30p.m. at WorkSpace
Social Software "Manifesto" - Super Happy Dev House Redux Part 1
Love Lightroom, hate Photoshop
Globe and Mail Survey May 2007 - My comments
Couldn't get Bluetooth console working with Python on my N93 - Super Happy Dev House Redux Part 2
Nokia N800 Hacking at Vancouver Super Happy Dev House?
Nokia, how about a Vancouver Evening like Evening with S60 Helsinki: June 14, 2007
Vancouver Super Happy Dev House at Bryght sponsored by Socialtext Fri 11 May 07 1p.m.-1a.m. Sat 12 May
Nokia: please build Christian Lindholm's Transformer Mobile OS around an open source core
Cultivation = Motivation divided by Moderation
Nokia S60 3rd Edition Devices Need to run Positioning app to activate external GPS?!?
Canucks Outsider Live Game 5 is here starting at 5:30p.m.-ish Pacific 3 May 07
RAZR and KRZR technologically behind
Nokia N800 Review Part 1 - Linux is surprisingly usable, S60 on Linux in the future?
Motorola KRZR K1 Review Part 7 - Works great as a modem for the Nokia N800
Removable User Identity Module proves that CDMA is the Betamax of mobile technology
- is great for sharing mobile pics with chat, doesn't do live video YET
Canucks Outsider Live Game 7 is here starting at 5:45p.m. Pacific 23 Apr 07
CRTC should Mandate CDMA Portability using R-UIMs (CDMA version of SIM Cards) ?!?
Canucks Outsider Live will videocast live Game 6 using
Why I should get a free tshirt
Vancouver PHP Free Geek and Lucene Search Engine Talk will be videocasted live using
In Vancouver Sun last Saturday about The Blogger Code of Conduct
Canucks Outsider Live Videocast with on Saturday at 5p.m.
- doesn't stream video with PPC Macs and iSight?
Tony Tang on wall and table displays at UBC Large Displays Workshop - VIDEO
Rogers hypes video shot on N series Nokia phones that they don't sell
Rodger Lea's UBC Large Display Workshop Video
Right click on flash movie to make work on your PPC Mac and iSight
Nicole Arksey on Family Blog at UBC Large Displays workshop - Video
Got to work with my Canon DV camera over Firewire
Adrian Friday's talk on Large Screen Deployment at Lancaster University - VIDEO
N800 received from Nokia Blogger Relations - looking forward to using it for GTalk video and Skype
My Symbian History - 7610 with my own money, rest from Nokia Blogger Relations
Canadian telco r*poffs irrelevant to savvy, geeky users
ShoZu still the best way to quickly flickr photos, Lifeblog & Gallery require too many clicks
Fido data comes down in price, $4000 now buys 1GB of data not 200MB
Nokia DT-22 Tripod is fab
Super Happy Grow-Op Dev House at Bryght 1 Alexander Suite 400 May 11, 2007
Large Display Workshop - UBC - Tony Tang - How and why wall and table displays will be used
e-Campus Large Display at Lancaster - Adrian Friday
Large Display Workshop UBC Nicole Arksey - Family Blog
Nokia DT-22 Tripod - will use it to videoblog at Massive
Motorola KRZR K1 Review Part 6 - Can only hold 50 SMSes
Motorola KRZR K1 Review Part 5 - Hold up or down volume key & then hit camera key to change ring style
Motorola KRZR K1 Review Part 4 - Hold down the # key to toggle between silent and normal ring
Automatic Live Conference Photo Blogging with ShoZu and your Nokia N series phone
URLs with question marks, ampersands, etc should be banished to the Web 1.0 h*ll where they belong
Motorola KRZR K1 Review Part 3 - Photos as good as two year old N70 except no flash
Motorola KRZR K1 Review Part 2 - Video as good as 2 year old Nokia N70
Adobe Lightroom Locale hacks - let the hacking begin
Motorola KRZR K1 Review Part 1 - Not the portable multimedia computer I am looking for
Cellphones are a r*poff in Canada - why is this news?
YouTube Mobile Demo works great on my N93, not on N80i
N93 + Tom Tom + ShoZu works 100% of the time if Nokia Maps has initialized the GPS
- doesn't work on my N80i or N93
N80i + ShoZu + Tom Tom GPS works 50% of the time -N80i, S60, ShoZu, or Tom Tom bug?
N80i not supported by ShoZu Geotagging feature
Unlocking the Mobile Phone: Why we need to go SIM-Free
Northern Voice 2007 Redux Part 2 - We're all learners now
Northern Voice 2007 Redux Part 1 - Adobe Lightroom really is that good!
FON router works - some Mac quirks
-'s transcoding of my Drupal 5 logo screencast seems pretty legible too
Lulop's video transcoding of my Drupal 5 logo screencast is all open source and legible too
Andy recommends N93 upgrade, Steve says it has video bugs
This is a test of from jabber
Please improve memory management and thumbnail generation in S60 Feature Pack 2
Email is the place where knowledge goes to die Boris!
Current fring unusable for me due to constant beeping and group chat not fully functional
ShoZu + Nokia N Series phone + flickr + WiFi = least painful way to get photos online today
Flash video encoding shootout - Brightcove Consumer wins
Symbian "bad" OS from developer point of view?!?
N73 Review Part 5 - Steven Wittens reviews the N73
N80i Review Part 6 - fring initial impressions - thumbs up!
Nortel finally starts blogging - yay!
N93 Review Part 10 - N93 hardware does allow ego videblogging - proved by ComVu's software
N800 killer feature is see-me calls today with SIP tomorrow with Skype
Pocket Cine uploader doesn't work with 148 MB MPEG 4 from N93
Introductions at Vancouver League of Drupalers January 2007
Contec, Drupal and mobile - Vancouver League of Drupalers Jan 2007
Six travel scholarships of CAN $500 to come to Northern Voice 2007
Vox offers video upload via Atom Publishing Protocol direct from N93
iPhone and N999 - I want both
N93 Review Part 9 - S60 Browser runs out of memory with flickr and wirelesskeyboard
Vancouver Open ID Mashpit Jan 17, 2006 - calling all technical creatives!
N800 looks great
"Instant Journalists" and citizen journalists often have the real story when it comes to technology
David Drucker's MacWorld 2007 Predictions
David Ayre Reviews the Blackberry Pearl - Smartphone Reviews by Real People Part 2
Boris Mann's MacWorld 2007 predictions - no iPhone but tablet-like thingie!
YouTube is NOT the flickr of video
Stefan's magnificent Nokia rant
2007 - The year of the blogaphone - The Nokia N999
Zak Greant Reviews the Sony Ericsson W810i - Smartphone Reviews by Real People Part 1
Networks of networks of dynamic websites
N80i Review Part 5 - Truphone to South Africa success but then it "crashed" the phone
N80i Review Part 4 - Truphone crystal clear to Holland
N80i Review Part 3 - Truphone easy to setup
Paul Lima starts to blog and rebuts my post about his article "Hit Me"
N80i Review Part 2 - Camera good but not as good as the N73
N80i review part 1 - Nokia charger with adapter doesn't work on N80i, works on N93
Trial N80i has arrived courtesy of Nokia and the Blogger Relations Program
Social Media Club Vancouver Intro Roundtable Video
Testing Windows Live Writer
ShoZu-like technology with suspend/resume uploading in the background will be in all cameras
N93 Review Part 8 - I can upload to directly from the N93!
N93 Review Part 7 - 850Mhz absence is painful
N73 Review Part 4 - N73 versus N93 Photos
N73 Review Part 3 - Camera app - Text label feature is there
Get your Moose on - Northern Voice 2007
Northern Voice 2007 Speaker Submissions Deadline extended to December 1, 2006
Sxipper Preview - A few minutes with Weston Triemstra
N93 Review Part 6 - Lens Cap Strap is awesome but hard to figure out
myfabrik can't handle N93 MPEG 4 files
N73 Review Part 2 - After 40 photos, ShoZu has hung medmanshozu processes
N73 Review Part 1 - N73 supports 850 Mhz and EDGE - ShoZu is faster!
N93 Review Part 6 - Camera app - Text label feature removed
N91 Review Part 18 - Great iPod Phone for power users not a blogaphone
Blogaphone - I want it! N95 plus keyboard!
Google Video Uploader can't handle 691MB video !?!
N93 Review Part 5 - Can't swivel screen so I can take High Res Videos of myself
N93 Review Part 4 - Need standard interfaces - tripod, USB and headphone
N91 Review Part 17 - Great music phone if you are a power user
N93 Review Part 3 - Video continues to impress but files are too big
N93 Review Part 2 - Video is awesome but files are huge and Brightcove can't handle them
N93 Review Part 1 - Nokia Web Browser works with flickr!
N91 Review Part 16 - Volume keys spontaneously stopped working today
N91 Review Part 15 - After Opera Mini installed, spontaneous phone reboots
Nokia N93 and N73 arrive, N91 review not complete
N91 Review Part 14 - ShoZu still rocks but is not stable on my N91
N91 Review Part 13 - Love the keyboard lock switch and the standard headphone jacks
N91 Review Part 12 - Love the joystick
Sony Mylo or Nokia 770?
Web 2.0 companies cost too much to be profitable in Canada - Another misguided Globe and Mail Technology article
N91 Review Part 11 - Nokia Software Updater saga V 2.00.052 25-07-06 RM43 N91 (01.01)
Blackberry Pearl launched - but does it run ShoZu?
BarCamp Vancouver Redux Part 5 - Notes
BarCamp Vancouver Redux Part 4 - More camps?
BarCamp Vancouver Redux Part 3 - Let's do a longer PhotoCamp!
BarCamp Vancouver Redux Part 2 - Thanks to my fellow organizers
BarCamp Vancouver Redux Part 1 - Crystal Williams rocks
BarCamp Vancouver opening Video
BarCamp Vancouver sponsors - thanks!
Why CDMA will die! - As if !
Snakes on a Plane and Blogs - Kris to discuss on CBC today at 5:30ish
BarCamp Vancouver - 120 is our final number!
Nokia 770 Internet Tablet - I want one
Matchstick - Give Canadian bloggers up to date phones like the N80 not last year's phones like the 6682
BarCamp Vancouver is full but no worries sign up for the wait list
CMS + FFMpeg + FLVtools2 + FlowPlayer + S3 = your own personal YouTube!
Mundane post to get free Zooomr pro account
N91 Review Part 10 - Great 21st Century Transistor Radio
BarCamp Vancouver will be at 1 Alexander at the new Bryght office
N91 Review Part 9 - V1.10.030 05-05-06 RM-43 N91 (17.01) Firmware first impressions
N91 Review Part 8 - Firmware blues hit me in the ShoZu
Smartphone interview on Citytv Breakfast Television today
N91 Review Part 7: Firmware blues cured by reformatting hard disk?!?
N91 Review Part 6: Walled Garden not 850Mhz
N91 Review Part 5 - No 850Mhz support means no GPRS data in San Francisco
BloggerCon IV starts
Safely in San Francisco at the Adante Hotel
BloggerCon Nostalgia
N91 Review Part 4 - Nokia Podcasting App cool way to automagically get video and audio podcasts
RolandVideoVerite on ShoZu [N91 Video]
Filipino carrier offers phones with Lifeblog pre-configured to work with G-Blogs blogging service
N91 Review Part 3 - Nokia Wireless Keyboard SU-8W does work! N80 driver works for all Series 60 v3
N91 Review - Part 2 - Nokia Wireless Keyboard SU-8W doesn't work - no driver
ShoZu 2.0 withi ZuCasts - automagically download Rocketboom and other selected videoblogs
N91 review part 1 - WiFi good
Robert Scoble leaving Microsoft
Free ringtone in MP3 format
Free N70 Ringtone from Jeff's vintage Mini Moog Synth
N70, PuTTY and the Nokia Wireless Keyboard SU-8W a great trio
My N70 runs raccoon, Nokia's port of Apache
DrupalCamp Seattle June 28-29, 2006 at Richard Hugo House
Mobile Monday Vancouver: Multimedia and User-Generated Content is tonight!
Flying to NetSquared in San Jose tomorrow
BarCampVancouver August 25-27, 2006 will be part of BarCamp Earth
BarCamp Tdot redux Part 3 - Miriam Verburg rocking DrupalCamp and BarCamp
BarCamp Tdot redux Part 2 - David Crow rocks the Innovation Commons
BarCamp Tdot redux Part 1 - Jay Goldman rocks
A backpack is not the optimal way to carry your gear for a photo shoot
Ivan Kuznetsov: Lifeblog adds organization, context and search- Me: it's not "good enough"
Mesh Conference missing thread - Open Source, broadband, RSS, people, Silicon Valley everywhere
HTCE - "What Citizen Journalism Means to Corporate Communications" Wrapup
Ecto instead of MarsEdit because it can't handle 100s of categories
1 Minute DrupalCamp Toronto Part 1 - Khalid Baheyeldin on building a community site with Drupal
DrupalCamp Toronto - The night before at Pearson Airport
DrupalCamp Toronto - The day before the day before
YouTube Mobile Uploading doesn't work in Canada
Sakura Sakura - Poetry and Cherry Blossoms from Yiibu for your mobile device
Figuring out Web 2.0 - Another misguided article from Backbone Magazine - another Globe and Mail tech magazine
The RIAA needs to sell online music with no DRM just like they sell offline music with no DRM
CDMA is the Betamax of Mobile Phones
May 2006 Event - SMS, Search, Music, Nokia 770, Vidfest, Organizational
Apache ported to Symbian Series 60
Mobile Monday Vancouver Tonight Tuesday May 2 at Take 5 at 6p.m.
PubSub, Technorati better than Nstein and Brandimensions for SMBs - Fact Checking Globe and Mail's TQ Part 2
Paul Lima's confessions of a search-engine optimizer is still wrong - Fact checking the Globe and Mail's TQ Part 1
Get Funded By Google to Work on Drupal With Bryght
Canadian musicians rock and so does Derek Miller
Nokia N93 - ideal phone to run ShoZu and shows that GSM and UMTS phones rule!
Flickr rocks but what about hot startups like EQO and Dabble DB?
ShoZu - the best cameraphone uploader
Antony Pranata, Nokia Vancouver developer is blogging! More please!
MySpace Killer is the new "Flickr of..."
30 Second Vancouver Part 5 - New House in East Van finished
Vancouver PHP on CMS Systems or Bridge to Asia?
Zimmer Twins - powered by Drupal and up for a Webby
Opera Web Browser is free for N70 and other Series 60 phones
Series 60 Backup Restore Utility for MMC cards on an N70?
EQO on Mac OS X (Skype for your mobile phone) finally available
N70 needs a tripod mount
USRobotics USR 9610 Skype Speakerphone vs. ActionTec vs. Chatterbox
Nokia N70 cameraphone review
Canada Cellular data is an example of resentment-based pricing
FOSS Business model - give FOSS developers stock in their customers?
Easy PABX - create your own virtual online PABX in minutes
RSS Real Time Enterprise Console = Management by Feed
Meaning flickr uploader sounds great except for its unreliability
Emory's N90 apps - must try them on the N70
Rocketboom not coming to Vancouver
Rocketboom-like site is looking for a Vancouver Amanda Congdon
Lowepro - CompuTrekker AW backpack is what Kris and I carry all our photo, video and computer gear
Intention Economy H*ll: Renting a Car - sh*tty software and no digital identity
Piratopian and High Street Hedonist - is that what I am?
BarCamp TDot and Mesh Conference in Toronto May 2006
ajaxWrite is cheesy looking but it gets the job done
Paypal Mobile Debuts and disrupts the mobile payment space
Navteq Videos in Flash on YouTube for Windows people
An immodest proposal aka Doc and Chris nail it
N70 hangs after taking photos and videos seemingly randomly
Navteq visits WinBC
100% Ajax Login - Look Ma, no Cookies
March 2006 Vancouver Drupal User Group meeting Thursday at Take 5
Kitakits Stephen Downes!
Mobile Carriers are all about "Assuring Scarcity of Connectivity"
Podcasting on CityTV Breakfast Television
Google please don't break Writely
CanadaCamp before or after Toronto Web 2.0 traditional conference?
Endo - crashed with my OPML file with over 1000 subscriptions
Dabble DB wins "I'd pay for that" award at Under the Radar
Andy Smith's flickrUp up ported to Symbian Series 60 Python by WhiteTiger
Mobile Monday March 2006 - Music and Copyright
Hire Will Pate
Tomorrow is Mobile Monday Vancouver for March
I would use ZoomClouds if it linked to my tags page not ZoomCloud's
Fido mobile data is a ripoff if you aren't grandfathered with an unlimited dataplan
Does ZoneTag have suspend/resume functionality like Shozu?
REPOST: Hugin/Mugin 1.0 - J2ME Flickr uploader for Series 60 Nokia cameraphones
Podcast Hotel Seattle 2006 - even better, still grassroots and vital
Steve Litchfield's cool Nokia Series 60 Python tutorial
Canon S400 - How to fix memory card errors
Recording Skype on Mac OS X: WireTap Pro + LineIn is easiest
It's all about the apps; PHP has them, Java never will
Port 80 is not good enough for Web 2.0
The secret to mobile photo uploading is Shozu
Skype on Symbian not released
Movamail - need to blog or at least de-cloak
Skype on Symbian to be released today at 3GSM?!?
Mobile Monday Vancouver Feb 2006 - Eqo demo was great
Demoing Shozu tonight at MoMoVan at Take 5 at 6:30p.m.
OSCMS has begun - Feb is conference madness!
Join OSCMS people for our snow event at Cypress Mountain
Send me links to Attribution or Attribution Non Commercial photos for MooseCamp Movie
nova media's unofficial iSync plugins for newer Nokia, Sony, Siemens phones
Angel Investors - Amazing peek behind the curtain
Another N70 cool feature - hold # to toggle between Silent and General Profiles
JuiceCaster - unsucessfully registered
N70 strap is useless because it obstructs the back camera
- upgrades software to support Nokia N70 MP4 videos
VFS DIY Podcasting and Blogs and Wikis at VPL
Comvu - LIVE Mobile video broadcast from your mobile device
Shozu working, and Now Public not taking the email from Shozu
Dries, Dan Gillmor, JD Lasica become advisors to Now Public - Leonard Brody is co-CEO
Shozu has stopped working on my new N70!
N70 cool feature - if phone is locked, opening camera launches camera app
Again, I love Diego's stuff but Ning's lock-in will make it unsuccessful
Bowen Blogging Intro Presentation 21 January 2006
N70 and Shozu just work except for error code 5005
Got N70 - Hack iSync, transfer phone numbers, install Shozu
Getting Started with Blogging Panel Ideas at Northern Voice 2006
Yahoo mobile bundle doesn't install on my Nokia 7610
The PubSub Era of the web is now
PubSub's speed unmatched on the Internet
Move Vancouver Podcasters Meetup from Beatty Street Bar and Grill to a place with WiFi?
There *is* an open source community
Intro to Blogging on Bowen Island this Sat January 21, 2006 at BICS
Canadian Election 2006 Election blogging live from Library Square Pub
My Bluetooth has re-appeared after resetting the power manager
Susan Mernit joins Yahoo! - a great coup for Yahoo!
Adobe Lightroom Beta 1 Test finished - can't wait for Beta 2
LifeBlog good, Shozu much better IMHO
Podcasting and Video podcasting support built into iLife 06
Mobile Monday Vancouver Meeting #1 - 3 words
Lightroom - 40% written in Lua to enable quick Windows port?!?
Google Earth for Mac available
Adobe Lightroom Beta doesn't suck
eqo mobile internet phone service team will be at Mobile Monday Vancouver January 9th
My Personal technology Resolutions for 2006
The Year of Personal Video for Power users and Geeks - Roland's 2006 Predictions Part 6
No Flickr of video emerges - Roland's 2006 Predictions Part 5
Mobile Mondays Vancouver will be a success - Roland's 2006 Predictions Part 7
Mobile market stagnates in Canada - Roland's 2006 Predictions Part 4
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas - on hiatus until January 4th
Apple will introduce wide screen video iPod - Roland's 2006 Predictions Part 3
No recording iPod for podcasters and videobloggers - Roland's 2006 Predictions Part 2
Mobile Voice Over WiFi - Roland's 2006 Predictions Part 1
Paul Kedrosky wants Real Broadband to the home too
Chris Messina responds to the Flock anti-hype
Canada will get Mobile Number Portability in March 2007 - Too little too late from the CRTC
Tags are useful abstractions because they are gritty, human and get the job done
Paid for Derek's cool CD
Don't need personal relationship with every webservice hence need for digital identity
Jabber matters and so does RSS and Atom
Drupal has a database and ain't afraid to use it to support structured blogging or whatever becomes popular
ComVu mobile webcasting - interesting idea but only works on M$crosoft
Rhonda Fast's Photography Opening @ Wicked Cafe in Vancouver | static photography
Test video direct from my mobile to Blip via Shozu
Wireless data in Canada is ridiculously expensive | Boris is right
Nokia Canada Online Store - Great idea, disappointing phones
-'s tech team gives web 2 lumps of coal for Christmas
- - let visitors vote on your content
Nokia N90 Blog from Nokia run by Andy Abramson
Goodbye Lee - I want more Seattle BBQs when you get back
- acquired by Yahoo! - Tagging becomes mainstream
Aussie blog isambard uses one of my Creative Commons licensed photos
Blogsledding at Blogs and Dogs - fabulous!
Blogs n Dogs - weather will be cold but the conversation will be great
HabitatJAM rocked - suggestions to keep the conversation going
Yahoo is RSS-ifying everything
I'll be at the ICANN geek dinner at Steamworks tomorrow for an hour
Vlogging is breaking courtesy of the iPod Video and our video culture
Satellite Radio s*cks - I want Radio over IP
RSS is the real convergence medium
Rocketboom has 10 RSS feeds including ones with proprietary extensions for Apple, Sony and Microsoft
P2P WiFi allows users to share bandwidth - no cableco or telco required!
IMG Assist fun 2 - Blurry Skyte
Drupal IMG assist - Chili House Picture
Creative Commons license does not equal an open standard
Writely allows you to create new docs from Word but not insert into docs
Why Vancouver needs an Innovation Commons
Roller and Plone folks wanted for Open Source CMS and Blogging Tools Summit, Vancouver, February 7 - 9, 2006
- to introduce RSS, comments and clean URLs?!?
How do I upload Word documents into Writely?
Everything will generate RSS - humans and machines!
Smart phones will tip when there actually is a software platform
New Paradigm = streaming attention gestures to trusted clouds?
It worked!
wikiCalc - one more very tiny nail in the Office coffin
SuprGlu - Drupal's aggregator2 module already does this
PixPulse - Didn't mean to be so harsh -it's just that I hate email
Migrating this site to Drupal - things may break
links for 2005-11-11
Memo to Microsoft - Cannibalize everything including Office
Sharkle, DailyMotion, JussPress, eVideoShare, CastPost, vSocial, Vobbo, vMix, Flukies, Yashi, varsistyTV - More Videoblogging
Phoenix Audio Duet PCS sounds great - Is it Mac OS X and Skype compatible?
Millions of J2ME and Series 60 phones all slightly different does not a platform make
Google's Map App for J2ME is pretty cool
Blogging is ongoing and doesn't presume to tell the whole story forever unlike journalism
Looking for speakers for Northern Voice 2006 - Deadline is Tuesday 15 November
Idiom of the day "flickr of..."
There is only one editor and its name is Emacs
- How to Record a Podcast Interview
Flickr of video doesn't exist -my video upload experience
ClipShack - 50 MB limit makes it unusable for me
Chatterbox - USB speaker phone for Skype from Actiontec
BarCamp Amsterdam 2005 People - Version
Yet another bogus DRM system from Sony
Wish I could go to Mind Camp
More bogus DRM from the MPAA
Microsoft Office: cannibalize yourself or die!
links for 2005-11-05
Adam Bosworth - Database vendors haven't learned from CORBA
My first look at PixPulse
The age of webapps only working in IE is over
Shozu - how it works (and how J2ME still can't take full res pictures)
Java *is* dead
IMDB for the BBC coming soon
Daring Fireball: Membership: Renewed
Best inexpensive 19 inch LCD monitors for Macs?
Steve Gillmor - Links are dead, Long live attention and reputation!
Riya should read photos from your flickr account
Producing Open Source Software sounds great!
Multiple Large Monitors Prevent Context Switches
Chris Pirillo - Web 2.0 = Renaissance
BBC Annotatable Audio - Bookmarkable, Taggable Video
Aperture points to the lack of imagination and vision from Adobe et al
Microsoft to offer Hosted Office?!?
links for 2005-10-30
VEF Web 2.0 Photos
Put down the term sheet and step away slowly...
links for 2005-10-28
My VEF Web 2.0 Blogging Presentation
MobHappy: If Car Companies Employed People from Telecoms
Innovation Commons Second Meeting is tonight at 6:30p.m. at Take 5 at 429 Granville
Hello ShoZu, Goodbye Lifeblog
According to the Tristan Louis Algorithm, this blog is worth $143K
Speaking at Web 2.0 Vancouver Enterprise Forum tonight
It's about expression - Evan Williams finally "gets it"
BarCamp Amsterdam Unprogram
Drupal Con AMS 2005 - Check out my Bryght blog
Pre Bar Camp Amsterdam / Euro OSCON / Drupal Con drink Cafe de Jaren 9p.m. Sunday
Chris Pirillo sponsors Bar Camp Amsterdam!
The World is Not Flat - Check it out
Mediamatic will host Bar Camp Amsterdam 2005
BT WiFi is a r*poff at Heathrow
Brent Holliday's anti Web 2.0 hype dissed by Boris
Vote for Troy's "Succeed with Web 2.0 or Become irrelevant" Manifesto
links for 2005-10-13
Apple October 2005 Event Predictions 1 for 3
Speed Bumped PowerMacs, Powerbooks, Movies on iTunes store + surprise
[FACTCHECKING] The battle for your home phone - another clueless Globe and Mail article
Content Owners publish your content online with an open format with minimal DRM and easy ways for people to pay
links for 2005-10-11
Teenagers - stop getting ripped off by the ringtone man
Verisign buys - The year of making money off blogs and RSS continues
Sxore 0.2 - sxip's comment system with digital identity and reputation keeps getting better
SocialText releases open source SubEthaEdit for Perl and PHP
Mark Pilgrim's cool microcontent aggregator Grease Monkey Scripts
If it's public on the web, it's public to the entire world
AOL buys Weblogs Inc!?!
Ads On Blogs - BLOG SEARCH 500 - I am number 488
Stewart Butterfield becomes head of Mergers and Acquisitions at Yahoo!
Ning - I don't get it - Is it Drupal lite? Hypercard for webapps?
Ning - Diego and I will have to disagree
Innovation Commons First Meeting was tonight and it was fantastic
Skype Video means the loneliness of iSight Users will soon be over
NewsGator buys NetNewsWire - Year of making Money off Blogs and RSS continues
Writely rocks as long as you don't use nested lists
Work the Pond - a book to read
Permalinks and namespaces will prevent blogs and RSS from going the way of Usenet
Deploy every 30 minutes: One secret behind Flickr time development
Web 2.0 = People as Computing Power
ROLLYO needs to generate combined, filtered RSS feeds
Warner record executive unbelievably clueless
My 565 page, 11300 photo Qoop Flickr book rocks!
Blu Ray and HD DVD are irrelevant
2007 - Video calls for the masses arrive courtesy of Skype NOT from the oligopoly telcos
links for 2005-09-28
Bar Camp Amsterdam - help us find a venue
Steve Gillmor may be crazy - but he's my kind of crazy!
Northern Voice 2006 - Speakers wanted - Friday February 10 and Saturday February 11, 2006
links for 2005-09-27
Jon Udell remixes Bloglines to create river of news RSS aggregator
BananaRap and FabFlickrFun - Northern Voice 2006 Moose Camp on Fri Feb 10, 2006
RSS Remixing - Podcast, Presentation and Links
I is for Iyengar
Web 2.0 Meme Map from O'Reilly
Podcasting the Do it yourself guide by Todd Cochrane - highly recommended
links for 2005-09-22
Remixing RSS - My Vancouver Web 2.0 Talk September 22, 2005 6:30p.m.
The New York Times needs Identity 2.0 so they don't have to worry about identity
Meeting the Bird in Atlanta at XML Conference 2005!
Test of Audio Blog's Video blog service
APEX 162 - This is the microphone I use for my mobile Podcasts
Qoops rocks! - 13x19 poster of the kid's 1120 photos is great
flock = Social Web 2.0 Office?
Audioblog's video blog feature is a free beta and here's a tutorial
Recording your life when you choose to and sharing it with whomever you want is the the future
Podcast your elevator pitch directly to a VC's iPod
Drupal + Aggregator2 + Algorithms = Memeorandum
Welcome to the Post Factoid Era
eBay buys Skype - has eBay jumped the shark?
The Future of Mobility is Linux!?! - Is Series 60 Symbian the Apple II of phones?
Meet the Web 2.0 new boss - Just the same as the old boss
Rupert to buy AudioBlog
Record, Annotate, Upload, Blog - Podcaster and Video Blogger Manifesto
Seattle and Vancouver musicians - Podcast Hotel is for you
At Podcast Hotel with JD Lasica, Kris, Eric, lots of cool folks
Podcasting and Videoblogging Portland NOLA reaction without creating a circus
Survivors need a way to get survivor information - how to stay alive and what happened to their loved ones and their stuff
links for 2005-09-06
Learning books are more needed and more profitable long term than reference books
How to detect bias
Eric Rice gets funding to launch podcast and videoblog service and portal in Japan, Korea and China
Black Box Flight Recorder for human beings
Blogs as Virtual Playgrounds
links for 2005-09-02
Qoop is cool but very beta - needs tag support and be faster with larger than 1000 photos
links for 2005-09-01
BlogWalk Seattle - I'll be there
links for 2005-08-31
Julie Leung on Foo Camp 2005
flickr id move from Flickr id to Yahoo id was not communicated well
links for 2005-08-30
Auto-generated 1 minute movies from interesting Flickr pictures
PR is still dead in 2005 and Dave Taylor agrees with me
La blogosphère Britanno-Colombienne est branché
Global Audio and Video collaboration is a work in progress
1 Minute VanDigiCam Film for VIFF contest - Crazy flickr idea #89
links for 2005-08-25
Portable Print Party - Crazy Flickr Idea #88
links for 2005-08-24
Conversation is the kingdom - Value is in relationships and Trust
links for 2005-08-23
The web is built on the "electricity of participation"
links for 2005-08-21
Blogging shows humanity at its best and worst - from narcissism to noble and altruistic
links for 2005-08-20
Kumbaya or Foo and Bar Camps rock
Flock 0.2 - Hands on review
The difference between Vancouver and Silicon Valley
links for 2005-08-19
links for 2005-08-18
Blogtronix CEO living in 1999 - loosely coupled integration is the future
links for 2005-08-17
Journalism is a practice in which pros and amateurs both participate - Jay Rosen
Blogger for Word builds on Radio Userland (and others) prior art
#474 in Feedster August 2005 Top 500
- is Flickr's print service!?!
links for 2005-08-16
links for 2005-08-15
Windows Vista is the first OS to be compromised by Hollywood!?!
Testing out posting Flickr photos from Flock 0.2
links for 2005-08-14
Blurry Skytrain at night - 3rd Flock 0.2 test
Remixed Granville Island Skateboarder - 2nd Flock 0.2 test
Cisco Skype VoIP phone designed in Vancouver
links for 2005-08-12
Flock rocks (or Chris Messina is a demo god)!
links for 2005-08-11
OSCON and Portland 2005 Drupal Conference Cool People
links for 2005-08-10
Young hackers: mortgageless and kidless but have a cool idea? Start your own web startup
The real power of Web 2.0 is automatic stigmeric communications
links for 2005-08-09
Brave new Web 2.0 is about expression and remixing
OSCON 2005 Thoughts Part 1
links for 2005-08-06
I won't be buying the Apple Mighty Mouse until it's wireless
links for 2005-08-03
links for 2005-07-31
There is no mobile platform even in Asia
Blogging is Camp Fire Talk
Yahoo Buys Konfabulator and makes it free!
MSN Virtual Earth is u*ly - aesthetics count
links for 2005-07-25
Like HuginAndMugin, games should be able to access camera
Beware of bogus 'long tail and 'Just Like Flickr' pitches
links for 2005-07-24
links for 2005-07-23
links for 2005-07-22
EventsRSS - Business Model and Web Site S*ck
Charlie Schick - help us fix HuginAndMugin to take 1 megapixel pics and I will praise Java
Why Drupal bought Dell servers instead of HP and Sun (in addition to using the fab server that Sun donated
Open Source Community and Citizen Journalism Communities with Drupal
links for 2005-07-21
Forget Java on mobile phones - it's too crippled to do anything worthwhile
links for 2005-07-20
Hire Seb Paquet - you won't regret it
The interesting stuff comes from those who have time and energy to focus
Nokia 6680 J2ME still doesn't allow photos larger than 640x480?!?
links for 2005-07-18
links for 2005-07-16
Don't put confidential data in non password protected RSS feeds
links for 2005-07-15
Page Views are dead - it's about attention
links for 2005-07-14
Susan Kitchens is live-blogging the development of the atomic bomb, time-shifted by 60 years
links for 2005-07-12
links for 2005-07-09
Podcasting is the New Voicemail
links for 2005-06-30
Full-focus attention is the next aphrodisiac - Linda Stone
Eric Rice's Videoblog and Audioblog Roadshow Report plus Garageband Tutorial
links for 2005-06-29
Let's work together to make iTunes RSS, Simple List Extensions and Media RSS rock harder!
links for 2005-06-28
Eric Rice's Podcast and Videoblog Roadshow at Bryght - Today!
Shifting from Mass Culture to Massively parallel culture?!?
Welcome, let's have fun and have users and developers party together | Simple List Extensions Community
links for 2005-06-22
I'm on the AO/Technorati Open Media 100
links for 2005-06-21
Fun quick podcast with Marc Canter and Boris at microformat dim sum at Victoria Restaurant
RSS is the only way to keep your online presence, revenue and relevance
links for 2005-06-20
Mark Fletcher - Embrace short app dev cycles and have great customer support
It's about attention NOT platform
Read/Write Web: Yes, I will go to the Web 2.0 Conference
Jon Udell's How to Screencast using inexpensive tools
DittyBot - SMS your Mac and play iTunes through Skype
Flackster exposes NetModular's "blogging" at AlwaysOn
Blogging Vidfest June 15-17
Thanks Dave, thanks Richard
Family oriented micro-content dim sum brunch at Victoria Restaurant (Sunday, June 19, 2005)
Darren Barefoot's Vocal Warmup - How To Do Stuff Podcast
Web apps - start with interface rather than functional spec
links for 2005-06-14
I also used the awesome Instant Outliner
We Don't Have the Tools is OUT as an Excuse
links for 2005-06-13
FlickIt a Tiger dashboard widget for flickr
Vancouver invades Gnomedex 2005
links for 2005-06-10
Lunch with Bryght, Lee LeFever and some cool Bryght resellers June 9, 2005 noon at Guu
links for 2005-06-09
A decade of PHP, Thanks Rasmus
Apple to use built-in DRM on Intel Pentium D to appease Hollywood
Apple goes intel, not intel Power PC and no tablet 0 for 2
Intel will produce PowerPC chips and Apple will unveil a tablet
Intel remove the hardware DRM!
Tod Maffin uses the iRiver H140 for his mobile podcasts, I want one
Tod Maffin also gave us free copies of his From Idea to Air: The Podcaster’s Edition
links for 2005-06-05
New Office XML Formats are open !?!
Media remixers not media regurgitators bloggers are
Dan Bricklin's Podcasting Setup
Tiger - everything just works except WireTap Pro's Play Through Feature
James Governor's MonkChips: SpikeSource Burnrate: 1999-style
Hugo Schotman: "Recording A Podcast" from the creators of Audio Hijack Pro
Flickr leaving do at the Alibi Room tonight
Duncan Rawlinson - The Last Minute
Cyprien Lomas - Director of the Learning Centre, faculty of Agricultural Sciences, UBC
Alexandra Samuel - Angus Reid Dialogue Networks
A Whole Features: Why adsense for feeds is a bad idea (at least for now)
links for 2005-05-25
Paid Fraser Speirs 20 pounds for Flickr iPhoto Export plugin
links for 2005-05-24
To get a 'Flickr for maps' we first need a 'digital camera for location.'
links for 2005-05-22
Quest for a mobile podcasting setup part 1 iRiver ifP-7xxx or iRiver H320?
Pink is the new black - Go Richard and RCS go
links for 2005-05-19
NewsGator buys FeedDemon - year of making money off of blogs and RSS continues
New York Times to charge non print subscribers to access their "distinct voice"
Immerse, learn, vision and code - how to develop software
Use a desktop RSS aggregator not a hosted service for confidential subscriptions
Cringely's Inflection Point - Xbox 360 is PC killer, Google Web Accelerator could put MSN and Earthlink out of biz, Apple takes
Blogging, podcasting, etc. are about expression not high production values
Ajax = using sub-page information transfer to support a rich interface freed from constraints of conventional stateless http
Make it easier to access your content, not harder
Milk Factory: yet another business enriched by blogging
links for 2005-05-12
Laszlo (in fact everybody) should have been invited to Ajax summit
Flickr allows up to 10MB uploads and now reads IPTC data
bbum's blog-o-mat: Updated Flickr Saver & a challenge... | Quartz Composer based Flickr photo feed Screen Saver
27 million Soviets died in World War 2
Toshiba DVD SD-V280 DVD player is kaput - not recommended
links for 2005-05-09
Seth Godin - ignore the digerati and their tools at your peril
I never even noticed the "Founding Fathers" bit!
Vote for me :-) and I'll set you free - AO / Technorati Open Media 100 Nominations
links for 2005-05-07
Don't price for a loss
Journalists get their authority from their publication, bloggers earn post by post
Bought a Canon 20D with EF 28-135mm f3.5-5.6 IS USM from Lens and Shutter
links for 2005-05-05
Goodbye Flickr team! - We miss you back in Vancouver
Deutsch fuer Andreas - for those who want to learn German
My Backpack Home Page
links for 2005-05-04
Your own personal Urban Vancouver hyper-local citizen journalism site in hours not weeks
Trackback really is dead - Sorry Elliott et al
links for 2005-05-02
it all boils down to accountability, integrity, humility, transparency, honesty and a genuine deep concern for your customer.
Happy Birthday, Dave!
A review of Tiger by somebody who actually paid their own money for it - Todd Sieling does it again
Trackback is dead. Comments aren't dead if we have a ubiquitous digital identity system
links for 2005-05-01
Google jumps the shark by offering ads not tied to keywords?
The Ping-o-sphere continues to get bigger and more intelligent
Lens and Shutter Canon 20D with 17-85mm IS lens for $CAN 2549 - good deal
Is the Canon 20D camera the only prosumer Digital SLR with ISO 3200?
I don't want your DRM - I only buy music direct from artists not from iTunes or record stores
links for 2005-04-28
links for 2005-04-27
Blogger Relations - A normal part of Internet Marketing
Ads in RSS feeds - don't mark old items as updated
links for 2005-04-26
Desperately seeking Headphone amp for Podcasting and Skype Conference calls?
The Home Page is dead - Every page is a hub and portal to all others
links for 2005-04-25
Beercasting commercialization?
links for 2005-04-21
Adobe + Macromedia = Web 1.0 dinosaur - Web 2.0 mammals are appearing
Russell Beattie - Mobile Phone Manufacturers' customers are carriers, not consumers
Monkenhurst, Hadley Common, Barnet, London - now on Goggle Maps
Everybody will have a blog just like "everybody" has email
Safari now supports WYSIWYG HTML editing in Mac OX 10.3.9
Mitch Radcliffe - RSS ventures are worth funding because they contribute to increased precision in audience targeting
links for 2005-04-19
Adobe buys Macromedia - Billion dollar acquisitions don't work
links for 2005-04-18
Infectious Greed: The Collected Works of Daniel Loeb, Part I
links for 2005-04-17
links for 2005-04-16
Cameraphones will replace low end point and shoot cameras
VIDFEST Phonecam Challenge now allows more than one photo
links for 2005-04-15
Lifeblog works great as a Flickr uploadr, please remove 4 photo upload restriction
links for 2005-04-13
Jim Udall of - 1st Web 2.0 Radio podcast
Christian Lindholm and Charlie Schick - Lifeblog: I want to believe!
Charlie Schick replies to my Lifeblog and 7610 upgrade plea
VIDFEST Phonecam Challenge - why not allow people to enter via Flickr?
links for 2005-04-12
The Blogosphere is dead - long live the Syndisphere
Only 1/3 of a percent contributed to
links for 2005-04-11
Downloading is not killing music - the music industry is
Unexpected products and services will be powered by Web 2.0 APIs
links for 2005-04-09
Matt Mullenweg apologizes and doesn't pull a John Roth
links for 2005-04-08
Cross platform Social usability + Open APIs + open data = Web ecosystem
typo - Yet another blogging system - This time in Ruby on Rails
Michael Cohen - Don't forget the Vancouver bloggers who are making an impact globally as well as locally
links for 2005-04-06
GoLive CS2 support MovableType and TypePad Template tags
Flickr is more social than blogging - it's a social photo blog
links for 2005-04-05
Guy Kawasaki’s Top 10 Rules for Evangelism
BeOS Ready for a Comeback as Zeta OS - scary blast from the past
links for 2005-04-04
Please help me organize regular Web 2.0 Meetups
Matt Mullenweg please don't pull a John Roth
links for 2005-04-03
How design really gets done
2010 Vancouver Olympics Blogging Vision and Community Site
Yahoo! 360 is the GeoCities of DLAs? Or will it improve in FlickrTime?
- Daily Log: Wordpress Followup
Using DNS for your service like Mail Channels and Sxip is like aspect-oriented prgramming for the web
Massive 2005 coverage
links for 2005-04-02
You need to use realtime search engines like PubSub and Feedster to do your investment due diligence
links for 2005-03-31
Yahoo! 360 looks less lame than MSN Spaces was at the start
Say hi at Booth 229 at Massive 2005 tomorrow
Navarik is hiring and they have a jobs RSS feed!
Dave Shea - 5th Podcast on Dogma Radio
The Weblog Project - no A-Listers in the top 20
The revolution is being blogged
Steve Gillmor's attention.xml sounds complicated - can't wait to see some running code
links for 2005-03-29
10044 photos in Flickr - It's been a blast, many more to come!
TheWeblogProject a movie about blogs is a good idea except for the top 20 thing!
Rentzsh - Great programmers are humble and egoless
My Brain is Having A Massage
links for 2005-03-28
Tags are sloppy and worse is better
Proposed Canadian Copyright reform not as bad as I thought?
Alan Kay's got Meta and he's not afraid to use it
Structured Blogging - please reveal yourself and link more
Ottawa moves to restrict music sharing with proposed copyright reform
links for 2005-03-26
4 mystery sounds - 4th Podcast | Dogma Radio
Moore's law is enabling software as a service companies
links for 2005-03-25
- FeedShuffle
links for 2005-03-24
Anil Dash: The Blog Cycle
Yahoo buys flickr - flickrTime rules for Web 2.0 apps!
NowPublic is now public
links for 2005-03-23
How to use GoDaddy's unfriendly and hard to enable and find DNS for your domain
links for 2005-03-22
Spell with flickr: Roland
links for 2005-03-20
links for 2005-03-19
Apple should buy Flickr but they won't because they already have iTunes
Zero install, cross platform apps are the future, Odeo, Flickr, Audioblog, etc. point the way
Post to Flickr From LifeBlog
Odeo looks great, can't wait for more podcasting services
links for 2005-03-18
How do I upgrade my 7610 Firmware so I can run LifeBlog 1.5 and post to Flickr
links for 2005-03-17
links for 2005-03-16
Beercasting tomorrow night at 6p.m. at Subeez
links for 2005-03-15
Windows users need the equivalent of Fraser Speirs amazing iPhoto Flickr Export plugin
links for 2005-03-14
Having a high Google rank doesn't help a realtor in Indianopolis in 2005
- - a good idea which seems to have forgotten about the prior art
Reformatting my Compact Flash card using Apple's Disk Utility worked
links for 2005-03-13
Globe and Mail now has RSS Feeds - make them full text for subscribers please!
Thanks for mentioning me in your podcast, Steve Gillmor and Chris Pirillo
My Blurry HuginAndMugin photos are tagged with YVR and not Vancouver
links for 2005-03-12
JotSpot is a Web 2.0 Web apps company?!? - I thought it was a wiki :-) !
How to Start a Startup
Flickr Selects EZ Prints to Provide Fulfillment of Photo Printing
NetNewsWire has 1 million users which conservatively means Brent and Sheila have made $300K
Microsoft to buy Groove Networks - Groove still doesn't play nice with non Windows machines
Blogging for Dollars My Presentation to the IIMA - Wednesday March 9, 2005
Time to support the Bird, as well as Kottke and Daring Fireball
Speaking at's Blogging for Dollars TODAY
links for 2005-03-10
Shelley rocks the AutoLink house
- Three suggestions to improve the iPod shuffle | Derek K. Miller, Writer & Editor, Vancouver, Canada
Net routes around Lifeblog TypePad lockin
links for 2005-03-09
Can't reformat my Lexar 1GB 40x Compact Flash Card - error E50
links for 2005-03-08
Entertainment cartel crony to be next Sony president - continues its long shuffle into irrelevancy
Steve Gillmore - Google please do AutoLink right by providing clean APIs and interfaces otherwise you are doing e*il
Moving away from thirty-second pitches to dropping the burden of a facade
links for 2005-03-06
links for 2005-03-05
What the digital camera sites don't tell you - Sony point and shoots have the best combination of non blurry and compact and th
- content wall starts to fall down
links for 2005-03-04
We need more cultural and linguistic diversity at blogging conferences - Northern Voice Redux Part 5
Oui, Karl if the truck was invented in 1998 we would have conferences in 2005 on how to drive them - Northern Voice Redux Part
links for 2005-03-03
Want formal Friday and Saturday night dinners next time - Northern Voice Redux Part 3
Phil Wolff is everywhere - Northern Voice Redux Part 1
Need to do Lightning Talks when I am healthy - Northern Voice Redux Part 2
iPod Shuffle - yep i bought one!
E-xact's looking for a senior Delphi developer
Ruby to take over from PHP as a web app language
Odeo: promising Podcasting service from the makers of Blogger
Odeo developed in Ruby!?!
Nick Bradbury: How to use FeedDemon like RSS and not email
Today's Links
Kris Krug's Flickr Acquisition Poll
Today's Links
Today's Links
Thursday 24 February 2005 Bloggers dinner in Downtown Chicago
Scoble: You should be fired if you do a marketing site without an RSS feed
Julie Leung and Nancy White were the best of Northern Voice
grassy shadow
Today's Links
Peggy Noonan nails what blogging is and how it works with MSM
Groupware Bad - classic rant from JWZ
Firefox people respond to vaporware IE 7
Bryght goes open beta
Been trying to rest up for Northern Voice
Today's Links
Today's Links
FeedBurner to provide RSS feed owners a %age of the advertising revenue from sites that syndicate their content?!?
Today's Links
Lightning Tool Talks at Northern Voice
Today's Links
I love my Flickr friends
HuginMugin 1.0 Source Release
Today's Links
Milk Factory starts business blog and has blog only specials
Hugin/Mugin 1.0 - J2ME Flickr uploader for Series 60 Nokia cameraphones
Today's Links
NewsGator's new enterprise RSS aggregator codenamed Dino sounds great!
Flickr is 1 year old, congrats!
Why Lifeblog should support the MetaWeblog API
Today's Links
How To Make Money With Your Blog Site - Robin Good' Sharewood Tidings
Today's Links
Google becomes Bigco and terminates blogger for being too transparent and exposing what could be viewed as their "evil"
Dave Winer and Adam Curry are not pursuing a podcasting business together
Bloglines is cool and ASK will not do evil things to it :-) but we already have world class blog search - it's called Feedster
Today's Links
RSS feeds for leads
Trackback is dead, Use PubSub
Today's Links
O'Reilly Network: Stewart Butterfield on Flickr
Just like VoIP will be part of every app so will Post To Blog
I love what Mud's Test writes but could somebody please break it into multiple posts and re-phrase it so non techies could unde
Hugo Schotman's very cool but complicated Podcasting setup
Gruber debunks the 'Napster To Go' FUD
Ask Jeeves buys Bloglines - Year of making money off blogs continues on course
Vive la global text, audio et video conversation!
Today's Links
Don't defend mistakes, correct and move on
Today's Links
Tips for Flickr beginners : Mac + iPhoto + Keyword Assistant + Fraser Speir's FlickrExport = Flickr heaven!
Today's Links
Today's Links
Smithsonian locks blues, bluegrass, jazz classics in M*crosoft trunk
GlennLog: Blog Business Summit Speech in QuickTime with Slides
Flickr adds easy way to edit existing tags
All DRM s*cks including Apple DVD DRM
Today's Links
ENT Tags were slow because it analyzed the text to suggest tags and because it was beta
Today's Links
Fraser Speirs' Flickr Export for iPhoto and Flickr's "Edit this batch" functionality greatly reduce the pain of tagging Flickr
Today's Links
Today's Links
Stuart documents it again - How to 'Uni-Podcast' with Skype and Windows XP
Michael Butler's Podcasting recipe actually works for me
You have to explain what you have forgotten you've learned to those without that experience
Today's Links
Newspapers open your archives and become an authority!
How to Record a Podcast with a live Skype call and your microphone in the mix
ANT - Video iPodder for Mac OS X that is desperately seeking a portable device that can display Quicktime
Today's Links
Solution Spheres was one of the first Mac Mini home theatre and PVR sites and he covers much much more - Victor Agreda
Flickr Vancouver collaborative photo map
Today's Links
The unintended consequences of Craig's List
Lawsuits are killing innovation
DRM s*cks because it helps the bad guys
Business blogging is about being part of the global conversation in the market!
Today's Links
We need a way for people to make money off blogging, podcasting and vlogging without working for traditional media companies
Today's Links
How To Be Notified When Google Indexes Your Site: GIN Google Index Notification Tool - Robin Good's Latest News
Get an SMS everytime an RSS feed updates from feedbeep
Engage or go home
1st podcast on Dogma Radio - The Lady in the Lake - The Black Tories
Today's Links
Today's Links
David Berlind has the same Fan noise problem in his podcasts
Today's Links
Rules for remixing - Rael Dornfest
A blog, you see, is a little First Amendment machine. - Jay Rosen
Rasmus Lerdorf - latest rockstar of the computing world that I have met
Don't use Windows for email and web browsing if you can afford not to
Converting Manila to Drupal via MovableType
Technorati Tags great feature: please remove the Technorati specific URL, add ENT, TopicExchange and universal category support
Securely Syndicate everything!
Tags are different this time because we have RSS
- + feedburner + free web space = free podcasting, but we really need Podcastr!
Chuqui - Using Windows is computer equivalent of Stockholm Syndrome
Blogs and RSS result in high Google Rank in less than 48 hours
Belated Happy Birthday, Marc!
Andy Kessler's theses from Running Money
Yahoo! Finance RSS Feeds Return (by Jeremy Zawodny)
Rationally want a Mac Mini
Lessons learned from the triumph of tags and blog website design - Users don't need what designers think they do
Irrationally want an iPod Shuffle
Why Folksonomies Work - Robin Good
MediaMax DRM s*cks and breaks CD playback
TKPal = TypeKey + PayPal for PHP, I want SxipPal
FotoNotes is a cool royalty-free framework for managing and anotating photos
Web site users ignore top and bottom and sidebars so put more links with user relevant keywords in the middle
Technorati Keyword Searches - PubSub, Feedster have had this from the beginning and they are still better
Dave Sifry's rebuttal to my Technorati criticism
Mena's explanation of the LiveJournal acquisition
Jon Udell: Interactive Demo first, marketing later
flickr is my favourite game du jour!
Current infrastructure and tools s*ck for sharing experiences from mobile phones
OM Malik - Six Apart to buy Live Journal !?!
Suprnova and BitTorrent Sequels are the MPAA's worst nightmare
Semantic Web vision is missing filters for unstructured data
Krzysztof Kowalczyk's everybody's evil with open source rant
Cory Doctorow's masterful anti-DRM rant
ccPublisher 1.0 - for power users and techies only
My Merry Christmas Publicast - and some predictions for 2005
Andy Kessler: If we make an order of magnitude more money per widget, then trade deficits don't matter
Whoops I already have a Rojo account
Python available for Series 60 - flickrUp port in progress
Lifeblog is yet another app that gratuitously uses the Atom API
Flickr is a social photo blogging service invented from the outside in
Vote for Troy's Technology Buyer's Manifesto
There are far fewer regrets once you have chosen Macintosh
Switch to Firefox, Tim; it's better than Safari at the moment
People's blogs are the best filters and agents for information
2005 - the year enterprises realize that they must syndicate and aggregate everything that matters using RSS
Register for Northern Voice between December 17 and January 7, 2005 and you could win an MP3 player!
Reflections on 950 Photos taken with FlickrLIVE! and my Nokia 7610 at 640x480
J2ME doesn't support the full resolution of the Nokia 7610 and other cameraphones
unmediated: The person has become the portal
TinyP2P - Very cool hack in 15 lines of code
Flickr has proven that Rich Desktop UniPlatform We