OK, I am voluntarily living without ShoZu to see if it is causing the "N97 keyguard switch not unlocking the phone" problem, so I have tried using Share Online and Pixelpipe (running V11 firmware, unlocked N97-1, Fido SIM) but I am not happy (pretty hard to be happy with another solution after using ShoZu to upload over 28000 photos, I guess!):

  1. Share online doesn't resume when you lose connectivity and re-gain connectivity (which Shozu does very well)
  2. Share online doesn't show you transfer status so you never know when/if your upload works unless you check the flickr or pixelpipe website (pretty sure this is a Share Online bug not a pixelpipe bug)
  3. Pixepipe routing tags don't work for two flickr accounts. I have set up my account (roland@rolandtanglao.com) to route to my family account (wongtanglao on flickr) when the routing tag "@family" is added. But that doesn't work. The photo goes to my public account (roland on flickr). I have tried putting the @family in the title, body and the Nokia Share Online tags field for the photo but it doesn't work, the photo still goes to flickr.com/photos/roland instead of flickr.com/photos/wongtanglao. HELP, please! All assistance gratefully received and if I fix it of course I will blog a followup!


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