Go Mark and company go! I just downloaded Clarity 2.5 and it looks great. It slurped in my many megabytes of emails from my 7 email accounts effortlessly! It truly has become Google for your email.

I love how the reverse acquisition was buried; I could only find this mentioned in Analyst calls for more cost cuts at Creo (“In the third quarter, the company closed a Denver facility and took a charge of US$600,000. Apparently, the operating unit there, called Six Degrees, has spent US$8-million the past four years on developing e-mail search software. It was bringing in only US$500,000 in revenue per year.”)

Yeah, whatever, software is the future and if Creo couldn’t figure out how to make money from both hardware AND software, then Clarity aka Six Degrees is better off in a separate company.

From Ralston Technology Group - RTG | Introducing Ralston Technology Group:


There is value in discovery. Arvada, Colorado based Ralston Technology Group is a software company dedicated to discovery. We chose the name Ralston to emphasize this ideal. The first Gold in Colorado was discovered here in Arvada by explorer Lewis Ralston on June 22, 1850 in a small creek. 154 years later, our company was founded along the banks of the same stream just east of the Rocky Mountains. You can learn more about Ralston and Arvada here. We have spent the last four years developing Clarity to help you find gold in the river of information that flows constantly across your desktop. rTG Principals Andy Baird - Developer Mark Lemmons - CEO Kevin Murray - Developer Zach Nies - Chief Software Architect Cameron Pope - Developer


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