• Proposal #3 to Change CS Education to Reduce Inequity: Call a truce on academic misconduct cases for programming assignments <– “defund the cheating police” !!! aka just because you enjoyed the process of discovery doesn’t mean that’s the best way to learn –> “Learning requires challenge, but too much cognitive load reduces learning. My guess is that we believe in the power of struggle because it’s how many of us learned computing. We struggled to figure out undocumented systems, to make things work, and to figure out why they worked. We come away with a rationalization that the process of discovery, without a teacher or guidance, is what led to our learning. The problem is that for experts and high-ability/highly-motivated learners, we like to learn that way. We want to figure it out for ourselves. There is a motivational (affective) value for discovery. However, the available evidence suggests that our belief in discovery is a mirage, a cognitive illusion, a trick we play on ourselves. We don’t learn best by discovery.”

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