- From mastodon: From the department of some people have questionable hobbies : -) , a few infographics of thunderbird support questions on support.mozilla.org (April 1-June 30, 2023) (pink = title, content and answers from the original poster, non pink = replies by others). Each row is 80 bytes. code (https://github.com/rtanglao/rt-tb-swag-2023 ) here’s 1 such infographic: https://flic.kr/p/2oRDzR1
- even better, now with moar pink thanks to imagemagick 7’s “best fit” option:
magick '*-80x*.png' -define ashlar:best-fit=true 'ashlar:ashlar-magick-3000-tb-aaq-2023-04-01-2023-06-30.png[3000x3000+0+0]'
Flickr embed:

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