Yup, wanted to do this for a long time! Tris, SuzieSusie and Travis, love your help (or anybody else's) organizing this. Off the top of my head:

  • Topics: Anything business or tech related about Web 2.0
  • Web 2.0 includes for me: Identity 2.0, RSS and the general topics of syndication and aggregation, blogs, Wikis, social software like flickr which to me is social photo blogging, the web as a platform, etc.
  • Not on the same night as the Vancouver Webloggers Meetup or Beercasting obviously
  • Once a month initially, perhaps twice a month later
  • At a pub? Or maybe at a neutral place like a library so somebody can give a short (30 minute presentation or some lightning talks; I love lightning talks!)?

If you have any ideas or want to help organize this, leave a comment or email roland AT bryght.com

From Vancouver Webloggers Meetup March 31st: next, Web 2.0 Meetups? | B. Mann Consulting.:


Darren wanted me to start running a Business Blogger Meetup. I'm involved in too many things already to run with this, but I would certainly attend on occasion. Actually, I continue to hate the term "blog" -- I would suggest NOT labelling it "business blogger": it's too short sighted and too limiting. Maybe we'll call it a "Web 2.0 Meetup" -- inclusive of technology and business? I guess that means I'm nominating Roland or Suzie and Travis to run it. Or Tris, but that means he has to fly over to Vancouver every month.


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