  <li class="row0">information overload - robert scoble
    <li class="row1">duplication serves a purpose, enables triangulation</li>
    <li class="row0">tips
      <li class="row1">write better headlines</li>
      <li class="row0">need more than date that Joel Spolsky has</li>
      <li class="row1">attention.xml
        <li class="row0">attention meta data - 140,000 unread items in Steve Gillmor - standard way to tell you what you have read in what order for how long</li>
    <li class="row1">Andy Abramson
      <li class="row0">everyone has time famine, as a content creator  you have to think about this</li>
    <li class="row1">Gary Cornell
      <li class="row0">don&#39;t re-invent the wheel, re-use librarian stuff, citation index</li>
    <li class="row1">New user
      <li class="row0">looking for thumbs up thumbs down</li>
      <li class="row1">looking for topic map</li>
      <li class="row0">way to export/import feeds including ratings</li>
    <li class="row1">buzz
      <li class="row0">your friends and people you respect are your intelligent agents</li>
    <li class="row1">Robert Scoble
      <li class="row0">files everything</li>
      <li class="row1">and uses search on the folder in NewsGator</li>
    <li class="row0">Johannes
      <li class="row1">why not use Slashdot rating</li>
    <li class="row0">another person
      <li class="row1">why not use Ebay&#39;s reputaion</li>
    <li class="row0">is centralized needed? no
      <li class="row1">maybe it was needed by commerce</li>
    <li class="row0">how do we scale to?
      <li class="row1">10, 000 posts</li>
      <li class="row0"></li>

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