- Podcasting
- make sure you keep it fun and fresh
- it's a new form
- would never come out of public broadcasting
- hits come from ground up
- don't worry about broadcasting
- the best part is "you can hear the humanity"
- Adam puts up his code! Amazing what a motivated user can do!
- "you get your real voice, you can learn more about a person from one podcast than a year of blog posts"
"you get your real voice, you can learn more from one podcast than a year of blog posts" (dave slusher)
- public radio legend, tony - very personal, will podcasting be really different in terms of the kind of relationship, should public radio be lookiing at this?
- dave winer - new york times will have a blog with reverse chrono, public radio will distribute radio stories from amateur space
- dw - blogosphere carries message of podcasting
- earnings cast - has analysts conference call of that quarter
- podcasting = infinite channels, bandwidth is meaningless, unlimited producers,
- so people could listen to google's call
- not worried about listening to too much since he will listen to what he wants
- user: start thinking about how you are going to plug yourself into people's lives
- joseph palmer: audio is different for things other than text, pacing and timing
- adam: we've been conditioned and forgotten what audio's all about, lots to relearn
- andy abramson - who's listening, need the right 10 or 10000
- we will see corrrection and accuraccy that the media doesn't have
- audience becomes your friends, family, communication
- narrowcasting
- adam - how do you consume
- don't need to create a show
- don't need opening sequence
- earningscast is eye opener
- weather report of my home town
- don't need rules, have fun, just like a blog
- stacy kramer - paid content, ojr
- concerned about name
- can do this with other devices that aren't iPods
- it's not easy with non iPods
- it's also not just mobile devices
- could also be cellphone
- Mike Levin - mikelevin.net, podcast from the swamp
- can put keywords in your RSS feeds to allow indexing
- put topics that you cover and search engines will pick it up
- Dave Sifry
- Technorati has list of most linked to podcasts
- hank Barry
- can't rely on sony and apple
- must make sure that apple continues to support MP3
- Larry Lessig
- history of internet, tech people have great idea, lawyers hack it apart
- have to design system to avoid this
- wrap this so it is impentrable to legal minds
- dw
- lawyers are like cholesterol, there are good and bad ones
- adam does show live
- like nintento
- requires coordination
- cart machine reminiscenes
- my take
- tools suck
- they won't improve without users working with developers
- need to get lawyers on side
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