Boris does a fine job of dissing Brent Holliday's anti Web 2.0 hype:


There seem to be lots of cranky people about the Web 2.0 meme. I think that used as hype, it's not that useful. As a general label for a lot of things that are happening with technological, social, and business changes, I find it useful. After all, it seems to be one of those things that you can recognize when you see it.

Brent Holliday, a partner in Vancouver-based Greenstone Venture Partners, recently posted an anti-hype rant on the BC's T-Net site. He makes some really good points, but comes across a little bitter about some of the useful aspects of Web 2.0. I'm hoping to help explain some of those useful aspects, in plain natural language at the October 25th Vancouver Enterprise Forum event. Dick Hardt is running the show, and there are some really great local speakers lined up, including:

  • Roland Tanglao giving his blogging, etc. talk
  • Andre Charland, who has been doing AJAX before it was called that
  • Michael Fergusson on user generated content
  • Paul Kedrosky, giving a good business perspective on the whole industry and how it all ties together, and who is so well known outside Vancouver that I tend to forget he's a local

Note to Brent: when BC T-Net updates their CMS 1.0, you can get them to fix the mis-spelling of your name at the top of your bio page. :P


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