These are my crazy current ideas for Moose Camp at Northern Voice 2006 on Friday February 10, 2006. Got your own? Create your own page on our wiki. No registration required.

From RolandsCrazyMoosecampIdeas | Northern Voice 2006.:


1. Fabulous Flickr Fun - Flickr users and people who can code aka software developers party together and brainstorm to come up with 2 do-able remixes of Flickr and maybe even a plan to design and implement them.

2. Banana Rap - Banana means Asian (usually Chinese) on the outside and Canadian i.e. white on the inside. Thesis: all Canadians are bananas because we all have multiple identities (at least 2: Canadian + American) - We should revel in this and not fear it. In this session, we'll talk about how multiple identities influence blogging and perhaps give Canadians different perspectives than Americans who blog.


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