
  • In order to programmatically get to the showfor.json for each language, you have to use javascript. The solution below uses ruby, mechanize and nokogiri and can’t do javascript. (for javascript you need one or more of: selenium, Watir, Mozilla Marionette)
  • So you have to do it 1 showfor.json at a time (1 for each area of the KB, i.e. once for English, once for German, once for traditional Chinese, etc). With javascript you could programmatically
  • From June 12, 2017 rt-showfor.json on github:

June 12, 2017

./paste-showfor.json.rb \
  • 2. read what we just changed i.e. Mozilla Support Community -> Mozilla Hilfe - Deutsch
./print-showfor.json.rb \ 
https://hwsfp35778.lithium.com/t5/bizapps/bizappspage/tab/community%3Aadmin%3Asystem%3Asettings-list-editor/node-display-id/category%3Ade \
  • 3. it should be what we passed in and it is!
diff -w german.json showfor.json

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