In the future, all cameras will have built in ShoZu-like connectivity i.e. the ability to upload photos anywhere anytime using a standard protocol like the Atom publishing protocol with suspend/resume not the bogus connectivity that you get in the Nikon S51C and  even the high end Nikon D3 with optional WiFi transmitter. Connectivity is everything and this bogus Nikon S51C and D3 connectivity is of limited use as Robert has found out.

FROM Scobleizer:Testing Nikon’s new Wifi camera



If you’re watching my Flickr stream you’ll see images from both my Canon 5D getting uploaded as well as images from a Nikon S51C. This is a cool little camera that has wifi built in. So, I don’t need to hook the camera up to my computer to upload images anymore.


I wish my Canon 5D had Wifi built into it.

UPDATE: already in my testing I find one thing frustrating: I can’t upload images straight to Flickr. I have to upload them to Nikon’s site first, then visit my computer and post them from there onto Flickr.


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