But I am sure that it will be only a matter of time (sooner rather than later) before this tool becomes something for everybody. My bet is that it will be incorporated invisibly into blogging tools (much like BitTorrent is currently being incorporated into podcasting tools) so that you won't even know that you are using ccPublisher or its APIs.

From ccPublisher 1.0.:


<blockquote<p>After six busy months, I’m very pleased to announce the release of ccPublisher 1.0. ccPublisher 1.0 is a feature complete, stable tool which allows users (that’s you) to easily license your work, and optionally upload it to the Internet Archive for free hosting and cataloging. </p>

You can download ccPublisher for Windows (.msi) or Mac OS X (.dmg) from our servers or from the SourceForge.net project. Linux distributions will be available soon.


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