As always, I loved the DemoCampVancouver05 (Miss 604 liveblog) energy and vibe. Two things stand out in my mind:

  1. Localti - yes! Messaging is more than the inbox/outbox metaphor and more than email, hope this becomes reality somehow, sometime soon!
  2. Brendon "I don't have a business model for Scannerfly but patents are pending" Wilson - welcome back and I look forward to more cool "sideprojects" from you

Check out the Videos after the jump

30 Second pitches

unfortuately blip’s Flash Video transocding failed so you will have to check out the original MP4 version

Battle Decks 1 with Richard

Battle Decks 2 with Jeremy

Twemes with Rochelle with Weston

Scannerfly with Brendon

Localiti with Jason

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