When I first read this on the 6S Marketing SEO Blog, I thought oh well another list that only online people will care about. Then I found that it was published in the Vancouver Sun. Interesting crossover! Not sure how important these lists are but they are fun! What I would say (as always) that expressing yourself online for business, and fun (not in that order!) is now more important than ever. Luckily, this is now easier than ever!

QUOTE [From List of the top 20 'Twitterers' in Vancouver unveiled] via 6S Marketing SEO Blog

List of the top 20 'Twitterers' in Vancouver unveiled
Marketing entrepreneur looked at how people were interacting
Gillian Shaw, Vancouver Sun
Published: Thursday, November 13, 2008

http://twitter.com/todmaffin -- Todd Maffin is a social media strategist, speaker, broadcaster, writer and blogger

http://twitter.com/techvibes -- Techvibes is an online community for tech professionals in Vancouver with more than 50,000 members

http://twitter.com/dbarefoot -- Darren Barefoot, a Vancouver writer and marketer whose blog at www.darrenbarefoot.com along with his presence on Flickr and Twitter draws about 10,000 readers daily.

http://twitter.com/kk -- Krug Krug, photographer,technologist and author based in Vancouver

http://twitter.com/wilhelmus -- William Bakker is director of eBusiness at Tourism British Columbia

http://twitter.com/ColleenCoplick -- Collen Coplick, web site at www.missmanifesto.com

http://twitter.com/tyfn -- Phillip Jeffrey, grad student in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of British Columbia.

http://twitter.com/jennmae -- Jenn Lowther, social media strategist and blogger

http://twitter.com/rtanglao -- Roland Tanglao, blogging since 1999, has over 30,000 photos on flickr and is one of the founders of Bryght, a Web 2.0 startup

http://twitter.com/trishussey -- Tris Hussey, writer, photographer and social media consultant

http://twitter.com/sjagger -- tech entrepreneur and co-founder of reachd.com and ubertor.com

http://twitter.com/arieanna -- Arieanna Schweber, entertainment editor with b5media, online producer for @starked, blogger and photographer

http://twitter.com/shanegibson -- Shane Gibson author, speaker, blogger, podcaster, sales trainer

http://twitter.com/megfowler -- Meg Fowler, writer and blogger

http://twitter.com/maurar -- Maura Rodgers, entrepreneur, Vancouver tech evangelist,

http://twitter.com/johnchowdotcom -- John Chow, dot com mogul and founder of hardware tech site, The TechZone.

http://twitter.com/Shannonyelland -- Shannon Yelland, online marketing manager for Sitemasher, blogger

Source: 6S Marketing

at http://www.6smarketing.com/blog/the_top_20_twitterers_in_vancouver/% 20/


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