Instagram Vancouver 2014 arranged by top colour count with 1 pixel per occurrence of the colour with most frequently occurring at top left, less frequent bottom right. The most frequently occurring colours are white-ish

(Above created by createSortedTopColourPNG.rb)

There were 245736 colours in total in the 150x150 thumbnails from Vancouver Instagram 2014. The top 10 colours and their frequencies are:

Total number of colours:245736

  1. 16777215, 8010
  2. 16711422, 6894
  3. 16710911, 3861
  4. 16515071, 3734
  5. 16252927, 3229
  6. 16776703, 2926,
  7. 16776191, 2719
  8. 16711161, 2390
  9. 16711163, 2154
  10. 16187135, 2114

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