I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I read stuff like this!

From Assuring Scarcity.:


SMS and MMS are broken versions of Internet protocols. They love SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) because it looks like a tradition Telco-protocol but users can create sessions directly without a third party SIP server and they can choose other ways to initiate sessions. They like SIP because they think they can maintain a stranglehold over telephone numbers by using their own DNS.

Why Not Abundance

Why not indeed? The report makes it very clear that they acknowledge there can be abundance. It's easy to understand that they fear it but the document seems to be as conspiracy to evade antitrust. There is a tradition of exempting telecommunications companies from such rules so I can't say they are violating the law but they are violating the principles by using their control of the transport to prevent the users from having real choice and opportunity. That might have once made sense when we didn't understand how digital systems worked. They will try to defend their control by shouting "Quality" but as we've seen with VoIP abundance is a far better path to quality both because it gives the user the opportunity to define quality as per their own needs and, more important, if you limit yourself to allotting a scarce resource you can't do better. If you dole out a 64kbps voice path the user can't opt for full multi-channel audio - something most people consider higher quality.

Today we have the Internet as a dramatic example of how to create abundance. And the document acknowledges this! They've done the hard work.

Maybe they are so locked into a narrow view that they are completely unaware of the damage they are doing.

There is no excuse for continuing to accept scarcity and its consequences.

It's the 21st century and we understand that we can have abundant connectivity. Why are we continuing to tolerate scarcity? How can we allow this to go on?


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