This N97 photo would have been blurry on the N82 - 03072009116

More stream of consciousness this time focused on photos (after taking about 50 from a bicycle today):

  1. Sure would be nice to be able to turn off the touch UI. Many times I accidentally touched the screen and switched to the secondary camera, accidentally engaged the digital zoom or  changed some camera setting that I didn't want to change.
  2. Would be nice to have the 'touch the screen' focus that the iPhone 3GS has. Unbelievable that Nokia didn't come up with this first!
  3. The new camera chip and software is fast! The new 1/1000 shutter speed means it's very difficult to take blurry photos in sunlight which for me is a drag (but admitedly  my obsession with taking blurry photos of passing trains, cars and buses is not normal :-) !) I want my blurry photos back, anybody know how to do this? I tried night mode and setting the ISO to the lowest setting to no avail.
  4. ShoZu crashed but this is not a surprise since I am using the 5800 version i.e. an unofficially unsupported version.
  5. Would be nice to have a mechanical latch to prevent the keyboard from sliding out while taking pictures during my bicycle ride!
  6. All in all I like the camera for taking stills (video is next thing to try) but I think that if you are focused on photos then a more traditional form factor phone without touch like the N86 8MP would be the way to go.

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