Bar Camp Amsterdam - help us find a venue
I am helping to organize Bar Camp Amsterdam along with lots of cool people like Boris, and Chris which is tentatively scheduled to start after Euro OSCON at 4p.m. on Thursday October 20th until sometime on Friday October 21st or even later! Official and more up to date information can be found on the Bar Camp Amsterdam Wiki
Currently our top priority is looking for a centrally located Amsterdam venue that has WiFi, whiteboards and can hold people for about 24-48 hours straight or thereabouts starting at 4p.m. Thursday October 21, 2005. If you know of a place, email me roland AT, call me +1 604 729 7924 or update the wiki.
What is Bar Camp? Well, it's a spontaneously organized unconference in the spirit of O'Reilly's Foo Camp open to all and FREE. Since it's held around the time of Euro OSCON, we hope to attract a nice blend of open source users, and developers as well as anybody else who's interested. The great thing is the unexpected consequences from the co-mingling of people of lots of tribes and projects in one space. So we want you! We want the open source people, we want the academics, we want the traditional proprietary or closed source software people, we want the wiki people, the bloggers, the podcasters, the videobloggers, the Smalltalk people, the Lisp people, the Perl, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, people, the C/C++/C# people, the flickr users, etc. In short we want creative and smart people who want to remix and hack with others for a day or two!