• tl;dr: httrack appeared to get 200 more images and do a full backup so I abandoned wget and used it instead see the previous post: How I used httrack to backup my Wordpress blog barbandroland.com
  • 1. from mastodon on devdilettante.com
    wget --execute="robots = off" --spider --force-html -r -l 0 \
    $url 2>&1  | grep -e '^--'  | \
    grep -e '\.\(jpeg\|mp3\|png\|gif\|jpg\) \
    2>stderr_mp3_jpg_png_urls.txt \
  • The above command line snippet appears to get a list of URLs from a WordPress (or any?) website (via https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2804467/spider-a-website-and-return-urls-only )

  • 2. the two spaces throws off awk so remove one of the spaces and proceed :-)
    cat _level_0_mp3_jpg_png_urls.txt | \
    sed "s/--  / /g" | awk '{ print $3 }' \
    | grep _photos `
  • 3. Get the photos
    `cat _level_0_mp3_jpg_png_urls.txt | \
    sed "s/--  / /g" | awk '{ print $3 }' | \
    grep _photos | > photo_urls.txt ; \
    mkdir PHOTOS; cd !$ ; cat ../photo_urls.txt | \
    xargs -n 1 wget `
  • 4. replace ' with ‘' to keep bash and wget happy :-) (first ' occurs at line 410
    tail --lines=+411 ../photo_urls.txt| xargs -n 1 wget
  • 5. of course that leads to the next layer of the onion :-)
    --2024-04-27 08:31:40--  http://www.barbandroland.com/_photos/Thu,%20Jul%2029,%202004%2006:30:16%20PM.jpg
    Resolving www.barbandroland.com (www.barbandroland.com)...
    Connecting to www.barbandroland.com (www.barbandroland.com)||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
    2024-04-27 08:31:41 ERROR 404: Not Found. <-- what is wrong wtih the URL? do commas need to be URL encoded?
  • 6. Ultimately this led to a dead-end. httrack appeared to get 200 more images and do a full backup so I abandoned wget


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