Stewart Butterfield's F*cking talk on Flickr Design
I am glad that the Flickr folks have decided to focus on: “the best way to store, share, sort your photos online”
Here are my lightly edited notes from Stewart’s fcking talk about designing Flickr last Thursday:</a> Stewart’s fcking presentation
- “groupware for play” is Ludicorp’s motto
- hard to raise money in fall 2003 for massive multi-player gaming
- started as a way to raise money, now solves a problem with digital photos
- rating people made sense in GNE
- flickr original im/photo sharing
- first mistake - this is neat, what is it : friendster + im + photo sharing
- no clear idea what you want to do makes designing hard
- eric flash developer who lives in NY started sending pictures of kids
- these photos turned into magical, shared experience
- hard to stumble onto friends on Flickr because old version required you to be logged on at the same time!
- 8 weeks from decision to initial launch
- administrivia mostly - colo, load balancer install
- 1999: upfront categorization of web done by human beings (yahoo) but rather links (google) worked
- 2004: google’s approach validated and successful, yahoo’s far less so!
- link is human value judgement
- got first digital camera in 99, now has 5000 pictures
- mostly organized by time
- most common method is albums (artifact of old film paradigm)
- work well with 2 or 8 or 15
- after a certain point, it doesn’t work, have to remember where
- unless you are anal :-)
- Stewart stores everything on desktop which he periodically archives
- old Flickr (OF) couldn’t change title of photos because you were worried about people re-titling it offensively
- or url wouldn’t work so they didn’t allow public to change to private and vice versa
- OF couldn’t delete photos because of 404 error fear
- OF:friendster with chat, photo with chat, no focus!
- there is no maxim
- because you wouldn’t build something without knowing what you were building
- when did u figure out you wwere going to be photo sharing?
- 6 weeks ago!
- if u can ‘t articulate clearly and quickly what the product is, you are in trouble
- OF:live component was over emphasized
- OF:couldn’t see photos unless you were online at the same time as the person sharing
- meta data input should be collaborative and fun
- people should be able to add bits when it occurs to them
- not just when I add the photo but also when others look at them
- the best way to store, share, sort your photos online
- next set of features: groups and group photos
- private groups are twice as active
- just like 1/3 of TypePad blogs are private
- they used flash in order to re-use GNE base
- 90% of server stuff from GNE
- 60% client stuff from GNE
- GNE prototype was in DHTML
- changed to use Flash - none had ever worked with Flash before
- live socket open to server - can get/receive info via scripts over HTTP
- using Flash 6 - 98% of browsers have it
- price: very cheap! 5 dollars (American or Canadian? ) a month no bandwidth limits
- building upload apps so you can upload outside the browser
- windows only app
- bookmarklet