[NMC2004] I don't get iCohere - it seems to be an island/ghetto/closed social networking system
Could somebody at NMC 2004, please explain why iCohere is being used and its advantages over a conference Wiki like SocialText, a conference blog using Blogware or over a community site/’super blog’ using Drupal?
I love the Macromedia Contribute presentations but again creation and use of these presentation is not enhanced by using iCohere. You could just as easily but these presentations on a normal site or blog or wiki, right?
The NMC 2004 iCohere site is pretty and all but it doesn’t seem to be linkable or generate RSS which effectively makes it an island like Friendster/Tribe/etc. No way to get your data out, just a sink for all your data. Not trying to be harsh, just trying to see the value, help me please!