NMC 2004 - Carole Barone Closing Keynote
- perspectives in 1 context doesn’t necessarily travel well -vp of nlii for 6 years, nlii founded in 1994 -founded on conviction that tech has potential to transform education -no longer arguing on how powerful tech is -provocative side, question conventional wisdom -course is not the container -teaching space is not a physical place -learning and teching are changing, so is cogntiion -personal doesn’t mean in person means responsiveness -tech decisions are teaching and learning decisions -should the technologists be making the decisions -tech works in context AND changes context -new roles, rules and rlationships -support services need to be scalable, sustainable -and they are not, only work 1:1 -this is everybody’s concern -parable of Burnsey, the Californian dog -Burnsie Phenomenon -only feels safe and content following the well marked trail -feels fully justified in attacking those who threaten his comfort zone -sacred myths and social contracts influence
Myths -tools are the solution -tools are not the solution - just as much of a myth
- we are communicating, lack a shared framework for discussions about tech and context -this does not apply to my institution —did workshop for 12 institutions’ leadership team e.g. “our students want face to face with our faculty who are the best” -it may apply to my institution but it certainly doesn’t apply to me -expections are rational ; higher ed should meet expectations –even they expect to sit in a lecture because that’s how it’s supposed to be! -transformation will happen but it’s not my job! –if the president/cio buys in then it will be taken care of
- detailed focus, contained world
- e.g. wireless, why wouldn’t it change everything it around us
- the rules – what is a course when learning takes place outside of contained space –what about course approval guidelines –what about hybrid courses? –credit hour definitions –tacit social contracts –timing issues - students doing homework while you are lecturing –blending of boundaries –sense of companies, digital natives form virtual communities of practise –policy = we qre 1 campus community but tech enables communities around interests, discipline communities –definition and relation to communities changes -agents –we are all learners –we are all teachers in this new environment –tech changes power relationship - destabilizing and threatening –it is important for people to feel safe –people who adopt tech can be threatened and be a threat –equilibrium is destabilized because of assumptions from traditional norms can’t continue to apply –need leaders to support and lead and enable this change –need all participants to understand why destabilizing and commit to alignment to new equilibrium -higher eductaion expects logical, incremental adoption -political process occurs as if this doesn’t work (Burnsie: want to stay in comfort zone) -medieval goverance with an agrarian timeline! -anti techs want techs to be viewed as “those who are pushing technology”
New Media, New Academy, what can we do?
- we working in a complicated sociotechnological context – good, slick, easy to use doesn’t mean people will use it
- need broad awareness – how can tech fit in people’s comfort zone? scenarios help! story of how it fits for them
- need to be open to new structures and funding models -need instructional design pros
- new relationships - the importance of collaboration -e.g. University of Wisconsin (? not sure if she said Wisconsin!) - norm is not 3 hour lecture, but is a blended –support people overwhelmed with 1:1 support, developed a blended mode course to teach faculty, do it by department –university’s goals are aligned because president puts money where mouth is – have to be able to communicate w/people on how to move them forward keeping them safe -accountability –what do have to do next rather than why it didn’t work
-powerful, because they allow people to fit themselves into place -the power of prose - going back to something everybody understands
2008 - Life long learning for anyone anywhere anytime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- as always need context
- feedback from audience - timeline too soon!
Myth of the Century
The ONLY way to preserve academic values is NOT to change
If we don’t change, the something will replace higher education as we know it!
Question from Uli
-older generation educated to be individual shining stars -today’s students are team oriented - take it for granted, have a different way of dealing with knowledge, vet it with 16 of their best friends from around the world before it putting it forward -don’t mind exposing ideas -older people educated to hold things close to our vest
From the audience
- Deans are competing
- agents who should be leaders of change are actually resistant
- have to work around them
- leaders are threatened by collaboration which means sharing resources
Another person
title should be”When Traditional Budgeting models meet merging technolgies”
-if leadership cadre can’t trust or work together, then it won’t happen
It’s everybody - everybody can make scenarios -draws out what’s important The business about feeling safe is very important. Tenure can be threatened by using new tech.
Another person
Other structural problems
- Have to change students who expect individual not collaborative grades
- tenure allows people to resist tech
- need admins and faculty too
Humiliation is a strong motivator
- can’t engage 18 year olds with a lecture
We like collaboration but hate group work.