<li class="row0">How to make money? - Bloggercon III</li>
<li class="row1">Would you blog for a grant? e.g. McArthur Foundation</li>
<li class="row0">Is this a passion/love affair?
<li class="row1">Is this a primary reward?</li>
<li class="row0">Is this a job?</li>
<li class="row1">Is this an addiction?</li>
<li class="row0">Writers are under the illusion that people want to read what they write</li>
<li class="row1">Writers have the need to write</li>
<li class="row0">if your blog makes money, should you give money to commenter and others who are part of the creative process</li>
<li class="row1">Dave Winer
<li class="row0">start a business with people you know thru blogging, millions not nickels and dimes thru PayPal</li>
<li class="row1">required different kind of thinking - Dean Campaign made 40 million using a blog</li>
<li class="row0">use it as a way to solicit ideas, how to partner</li>
<li class="row1">blogs as newspaper and magazine = nickels and dimes</li>
<li class="row0">Weblogs are relationship tools
<li class="row1">can fertilize it and things pop it</li>
<li class="row0">Blogging an incredible mechanism for making tipping points fast</li>
<li class="row1">Doc: branding came from cattle via PG, we are people, blogging is not branding</li>
<li class="row0">blogging is a great tool to do things that already existed</li>
<li class="row1">Product support blogs
<li class="row0">big money</li>
<li class="row1">Jay Rosen - pressthink
<li class="row0">journalists hired - the day they start they are drawing off credibility from paper </li>
<li class="row1">bloggers - start from 0 credibility and trust
<li class="row0">you enter a flowing river</li>
<li class="row1">because you have to build trust and you have to earn links and readers, you learn things about trust that journalists have forgotten because they inherit from the paper's authority</li>
<li class="row0">if jay was a business, he would invest in the stuff about trust and audience that bloggers build</li>
<li class="row1">doc: blogging at microsoft is the most humanizing thing about microsoft</li>
<li class="row0">don't forget the teen market
<li class="row1">they blog (live journal)</li>
<li class="row0">can make money of them !?!</li>
<li class="row1">dave's idea
<li class="row0">let's make our own ipod</li>
<li class="row1">New biz ideas
<li class="row0">new distribution models for media like dawn and drew</li>
<li class="row1">ross rader: somebody to produce and distribute podcasts</li>
<li class="row0">scoble: build products to get gets enthusiastic about learning how to program</li>
<li class="row1">cam barrett: more niche market blogging tools for existing niche markets with existing communities e.g. nascar dads, flyfish
<li class="row0">communities that want to find indentity, content and branding that they care about</li>
<li class="row1">tools to find craftspeople e.g. in Mexico, how do they connect with their market?</li>
<li class="row0">multi-media search using audio and video to text meta data, make it easier, don't require people to fill in metadata</li>
<li class="row1">greg wolff - make niche tools specific to communities e.g. east bay</li>
<li class="row0">trendwatching and spotting thru blogs</li>
<li class="row1">university community is niche</li>
<li class="row0">Start a Venture Capital fund
<li class="row1">and fund companies based on ideas started and developed by bloggers</li>