Tonight's dinner with Dave Winer
A small, intimate gathering. Excellent discussion about OPML, outlining, podcasting, the good 'ole Manila days back in late 1999, etc. We missed Lawrence (Dave and Lawrence worked together but have never met, someday!). Thanks to Dave for coming out even though he was still a wee bit sick.
Here are my photos: before at Steamworks, during the dinner, and finally the blogwalk afterwards!
From Darren Barefoot - Technical Writer, Playwright, Raconteur, Miscellanist:
Tonight, in a small Vietnamese restaurant on the east side, about twenty people had dinner with Dave Winer. I accidentally ate tripe, and intentionally tried frog legs (yep, like chicken). A good time was had by all. Here are the attendees. Let me apologize in advance to those I missed, or whose URLs are missing. Please comment or email me and I'll amend this list.