I can't use HeyPix because you can ONLY upload photos if you have Windows which s*cks! Flickr has proved that NON cross platform photo sharing and organizing web apps like HeyPix are obsolete.

From <a href="http://radio.weblogs.com/0001011/2004/12/15.html#a8896"

Flickr has new competition: HeyPix - Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger</a>.:


Flickr, don't look over your shoulder, but there are some new photo sharing services coming that are looking pretty darn interesting.</p>

First one is HeyPix!

Someone should write up a review of all the photosharing apps out there. Flickr is definitely the market leader, at least among the blogs I watch.

James Park, founder of Windup Labs, the folks that just shipped HeyPix today, gave me a demo of HeyPix about a week ago and it had several advantages. The sharing app was easier to use and had more features.

I'll put up a Flickr and a HeyPix site and let you see the differences.


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