Flickr is a social photo blogging service invented from the outside in
As I said in a comment to Steve's post, Flickr *is* a blogging service. In fact, Flickr is a social photo blogging service. And it's re-invented from the outside in. Rather than creating a blog service and bolting on photos, Flickr created a service to upload and share photos and then added blogging infrastructure around it. Flickr has reverse chronologically sorted posts, flexible categories through tags and RSS and Atom: all in all everything you'd want in a blogging service! And BTW Steve, if you can influence the Rojo powers that be, I'd love to try out Rojo!
From Flickr to Esther’s to Chance.:
It's interesting how Esther's Flickr blog is emerging as the repository not only for photos but descriptions and even posts like this one. The resulting metadata combines with the more opaque multimedia forms to create a new cooperating layer of applications. As attention comes to the RSS desktop, I've moved from NetNewsWire to Bloglines and the private beta Rojo, where I followed an RSS search feed created in Bloglines and bubbled up as a new post in my Attention channel within Rojo.