Simply awesome. Flickr please implement some more cool stuff from this!

From FotoNotes Image Annotation Specification And Tools - FotoNotes. (via Marc):


FotoNotes describes what's inside a digital photo.

More technically, FotoNotes is a framework for the managing a digital image as a plurality of objects. This is different than managing digital assets as objects. By plurality of objects, FotoNotes is referring to the individual persons, places, and things depicted (and even implied) by a photograph.

Pratically speaking, this framework translates into a data schema, a reference model to point (e.g., link) to parts of the data stored in the schema, various user interface conventions, and a common API across different platforms.

FotoNotes is a specification. Anyone may implement FotoNotes's intellectual property royalty-free provided they maintain compatibility and proper attribution. FotoNotes available royalty-fee to provide a defacto standard for image region annotation and describing the image information space. The longer goal is to make FotoNotes an international standard. FotoNotes's intellectual property is defended in order to insure the community can develop an open standard without it being hijacked by proprietary interests. You can help with that goal by adopting and supporting the FotoNotesSpecification.


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