- Deep Green Crystals: the difference between Technorati Tags and Del.icio.us and PubSub and google.
I like 'em all! So far Jots seems like a cool thing because it automatically posts to your blog. If del.icio.us did that, I'd switch back! - "So, which do I like better? Well it depends on what I am looking for. If I wanted a javascript sidebar that shows me the latest news/posts about biodiesel, I would stick with Technorati or PubSub since they do a better time with the real time posts. If I were looking for a good list of general biodiesel resources, especially the most authoritative SITES, I would use Google or maybe del.isio.us. Would be nice if I could take any or all of these lists and have them auto javascript sidebared for me. That would be a cool service."
Tags: del.icio.us, google, jots, pubsub, tags, technorati
- Amazon Web Services Blog: Amazon DevCon - Joel Spolsky
ramble on - i suspect a podcast of this would be much more entertaining
Tags: howtodevelopsoftware, joelspolsky
- cogdogblog: New Amateur Bloggers Association: Biff's On Board
excellent satire from the levine-ster!
Tags: cogdog, pba, humour
- Diary of a Dying Inbox
email is dead, long live RSS - the post is actually about spam and how it's becoming a problem and how to deal with it!
Tags: emailisdead, rss
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