- Mac Tablet, Media Macs, and iTunes Movies (predictions, that is) | B. Mann Consulting
hmm - "Om's post about the Sonos Digital prodded me to write up my Mac Tablet prediction (and Media Mac and movies from iTunes)."
Tags: macintosh, predictions
- Joi Ito's Web: Another example of Japanese anti-foreigner bullsh*t
it's not just Japan. Lots of European countries have similar anti-foreigner issues! - "Ugh. We're going to figure out how to make foreigners more welcome in Japan before we turn into a bankrupt and forgotten country with a lot of starving old people."
Tags: howNOTtodevelopsoftware
- ongoing · More Patent Funnies
more bogus software patents - "Perhaps just now it’s unfashionable to grumble about patents, given that Sun and IBM are showering the world with bucketfuls of ’em (and a fine thing, too), but if you want a loud, ugly, wake-up call, start at VarChars, which is offered by someone who apparently wishes to be known only as “rayg
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