- iPod Shuffle review iPodlounge | All Things iPod
forgets to mention the fact that it is almost indestructible so that people who have iPods and people who don't will buy them for sports or uses where a normal iPod would just be too fragile
Tags: apple, ipod, ipodshuffle
- AdWords API Blog: AdWords: Code it your way
Very cool, more companies should have blogs for their APIs! - "Hello, and welcome to the AdWords API developer blog! We'll be using this blog as an easy way to make announcements to the AdWords API developer community. Just to get things started, here's our official public launch announcement."
Tags: adwords, blogs, google
- Blogging for fun and (not) profit - Scott Rosenberg's Links & Comment
We do it because we must and because want to. Money would be nice but it's not required for a lot of bloggers! - "But there is still, I think, a gulf in understanding between journalistic professionals and blogging amateurs. Professionals have been conditioned for life into thinking that "reach" equals value and that news and information that is not commercial is news and information that is not significant. Amateurs typically don't care as long as they get to do what they love. (Some amateurs do care, but they are not true amateurs -- they are simply aspiring professionals, pros who just haven't yet been hired.) So pros fail to understand the significance of the vast reaches of the blogosphere that do not compete with pro journalism and don't wish to. These multitudes may have tiny followings; they may desire slightly larger followings -- who doesn't want to be heard? -- but they don't dream of stardom or of quitting their day jobs. (Not, at least, in order to blog.)"
Tags: bloggerssvsjournalists, blogs
- Wired 13.02: VIEW - Why Wilco Is the Future of Music
The record industry is killing music - "Yet there's something hollow about the earnest rage on both sides of this debate. Hollow, as in inauthentic. It is artists who make music, not the industry that markets it or the technologies that take it. But artists independent of the industry have been as rare in this debate as kids who don't file-share music. Of course, there are the "rebels" - those who have made it in the old system and who call for something new. But they know, as we all know, that they will be fabulously successful, regardless of what they do now. They risk nothing, and thus their message means less."
Tags: music
- iTrip maker readies 'smart' iPod car adaptor | The Register
operate your ipod from your cassette deck controls - cool! if you actually have a tape deck in your car that works!
Tags: ipod
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