- mezzoblue ยง Redundancy vs. Dependency
CSS is coding which is why a lot of designers have problems with it! They don't have the coding mindset. - "CSS forces you to make a choice in your coding techniques, a choice that becomes more obvious the larger a site grows. As the amount of variance between different templates increases, you can go in one of two directions: you can either code for redundancy, or code for dependency."
Tags: css, howtodevelop, software
- The Mike Matas Blog: How to make a Life Poster
cool must try this with pictures of the kid!
Tags: coolhacks, iphoto
- Starting January 28, 2005
"So, here we have another design criteria for a type of successful system: Guiltlessness. No only should people just need to do what's best for them when they help others, they need to not need to always do it."
Tags: howtodevelopsoftware
- Joho the Blog: Burningbird on why tagging can't violate the Second Law of Thermodynamics
hmmm - "So, I think you can get more out of a tag than someone put in. But I don't know how and I don't know if we will."
Tags: tags
- hackdiary: Stemming tags, and one website to the tune of another
excellent toys -" del.icio.us is still giving me food for thought. Here are two toys I've made recently: a tag stemming tool that helps you tidy up your tagging using the Porter algorithm, and a (Flash) screen-recorded demo of del.icio.us seamlessly embedded in the BBC Radio 3 website."
Tags: blog, del.icio.us, rss, tags
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