- Diamonds in the Rough at Redmond :: AO
9 people making cool stuff at the social computing group at M*cro$oft
Tags: blogs, coolhacks, socialsoftware
- Economist.com | Face value
Right on, PR is dead! - Bruce Lowry, PR head at Novell - "He can imagine blogs completely replacing press releases within ten years."
Tags: blogs, prisdead, scoble
- Victor Laszlo Moholy - Strut This Way
Struts, we don't need no st*nkin' struts! - "I'd like to show in practical terms exactly how to adapt an existing web application to use Laszlo. I'm going to do all of this without using Struts (or, in fact, any MVC framework) but hopefully you'll see how this is relevant to a more complex example. "
Tags: howtodevelopsoftware, laszlo, richinternetapps
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