- PBS | I, Cringely . High-Tech is Going Through Another Revolution, and Ms. Fiorina Couldn't Keep Up
Don't agree with much else in this post, but this is true: real broadband to the home (i.e. 10Mbps symmetrical) will trigger a lot of economic growth through apps and services we can't even imagine in today's bandwidth starbed world of 1-3 Mbps up and 128-640K down - "The coming tech revolution comes down primarily to bandwidth -- leveraging the dark fiber that was stuffed underground in huge quantities five years ago to support communication services that weren't economically feasible at that time but we were all so stoked we didn't care. "
Tags: bandwidth, howtodevelopsoftware, rbth
- Opera to MS: Get real about interoperability, Mr Gates | The Register
opera fud but makes good points
Tags: howtodevelopsoftware
- Two-Finger-Scrolling with pre-2005 PowerBooks and iBooks
cool hack, but i won't be using this since i am a paranoid about scr*wing things up
Tags: coolhacks, macintosh
Excellent, looking forward to cool Flash apps on Series 60 Phones - "Nokia (NYSE:NOK) and Macromedia (Nasdaq: MACR) today announced a licensing agreement that will integrate Macromedia Flash technology into Series 60 Platform. Series 60 becomes a reference platform for Macromedia’s mobile Flash technology, and Macromedia will implement new versions of its mobile Flash technology on Series 60. Nokia has also agreed to support Flash in its other software platforms."
Tags: flash, howtodevelopsoftware, nokia, series60
- A VC: Blogging 1.0
Amen - "But its safe to say that we saw a lot of parallels to the Blogging 1.0 businesses that were built almost ten years ago and we think that some of those dreams will get realized in a much more meaningful way in Blogging 2.0."
Tags: blogs
- ninetyninezeros: the official story, straight from the source
mark jen gives us side on getting fired by google 'for blogging'
Tags: blogs
- Techdirt:Fired For Blogging? Not Exactly...
Sounds about right - "Now, of course, you can argue that what they said should not have been a firable offense, and that companies need to recognize that employees now have much louder virtual megaphones to use in bitching about their employment situation, but people aren't getting "fired for blogging.""
Tags: blogs
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