Thursday 24 February 2005 Bloggers dinner in Downtown Chicago
LATER: our hotel is the Chicago Crowne Plaza Hotel Silversmith 10 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 312 372 7696 and the room is booked under Susannah Garner's name.
Chicago area bloggers (the only one I really "know" is Rick Klau of Socialtext). I, along with Susannah Gardner and Travis Smith will be in Chicago for business starting tomorrow.
How about a bloggers dinnner in downtown Chicago on Thursday 24 February 2005? I don't know where we are staying exactly since Susie booked it and she's at lunch now but I think any place within an easy cab ride of downtown Chicago (we are staying at one of the Crowne Plaza hotels) is fine).
WHAT: Bloggers Dinner with Roland Tanglao, Susannah Gardner (Buzz Marketing with Blogs author), Travis Smith
WHERE: ? need recommendations from Chicago people on a good place an easy cab ride from our hotel (Chicago Crowne Plaza Hotel Silversmith 10 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 312 372 7696one of the Crowne Plazas)
WHEN: Thursday 24 February 2005, meet at our Crowne Plaza Hotel at 6:45p.m. (Chicago Crowne Plaza Hotel Silversmith 10 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 312 372 7696by the time you RSVP, I should know which hotel we are at!), then walk or cab to the restaurant
RSVP: email roland AT or call 604 729 7924 or leave a comment
WHO: all welcome, bloggers and non bloggers alike!