MUST READ if you are interested in VoIP or Skype. Stuart Henshall strikes again!
Userid is morespace, password is morespace. Must read from Evelyn Rodriguez!
Somebody created a patch to make "$" a valid character in Drupal URLs. Must find this post and post a comment here.
This is very cool! It could have been done faster and quicker with one Bryght site but in the end that doesn't matter; the more experiments like this out there, the more we all succeed
Go Robin go! - "In this interview Robin explains all the key elements; ranging from what NewsMastering is, how companies can benefit from it, what it takes to publish NewsMaster RSS feeds (News Radars on specific topics) and the entire process of preparin
RSS rocks. This is yet another great RSS application - "Just as you might voluntarily subsribe to RSS-based newsfeeds in a news aggregator, or podcasts, or videocasts, you can also subscribe to software updates."
Would you like to create RSS feeds without ANY programming at all? FeedFire will take virtually any web site and convert it into a RSS feed, suitable for use in web pages or RSS news readers.
thought provoking and mostly true - "The upshot is that in many knowledge businesses the employees often do better than the shareholders"
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