Daring Fireball in a silly stylee!

I supported Daring Fireball (who I believe paved the way for Kottke et al) last year (and intend to do so again) and will definitely be supporting Kottke and the the Burningbirdster :-) soon! Who's next? Jeremy? Robin Good? Still wish Al would give it a go but I understand why he didn't!

From Sponsorship and Client Lists.:


Based on all of this, I'm in the process of creating a Sponsoring Burningbird page, and if you have time, could you check it out and tell me what you think? In addition, I would like to build up a page containing links and small snapshots to sites that I've helped in the past - either with design and/or web development. If I've helped you in the past, and you wouldn't mind being included in this page, could you drop me a comment or send me an email?


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