- a good idea which seems to have forgotten about the prior art
My friends at PubSub have introduced a blog at that is cool and all but seems to have forgotten about prior art, namely (apologies in advance to those who I have inadvertently omitted):
- Seb Paquet's Towards structured blogging posted March 13, 2003
- Seb Paquet's Structured blogging: first steps posted November 4, 2003
- The RVW RSS 2.0 extensions for syndicating and aggregating reviews (movies, recipes, etc.) that are actually built into the very cool Blogware system.
- Phil Wolff's usual subversions about structured blogging, August 4, 2003
- Phil Wolf on Semantic Blogging and the HP demonstrator August 23, 2003
- Structured blogging has also been called component blogging
- Jonathan Peterson's post about the Blogware RVW support on November 2, 2003.
- And of course Marc Canter, ever the visionary, has been talking about this alot for a long time: Reviews and Topics from January 20, 2003
- Finally, my thoughts on structured blogging and component blogging which are basically just remixes of the above and date from 2003 as well