After my previous post about Structured Blogging, I had a great chat with Bob Wyman who I presume is the blogger behind the Structured Blogging blog (and who also left a great comment about my post).

As always Bob convinced me that what they are doing is generally valid and not e*il (and if somebody like Jon Udell likes it, I am definitely on board! Which is not surprising since I have always supported structured blogging in my blog posts about it since 2003!).

I left a bit feeling a bit uneasy until I read Mark Bernstein's post which I've excerpted below. Yes, please identify yourself when you blog (I know the default WordPress install doesn't do this but it should) and please link more often; this is or should be "techno-blogger" etiquette: link and identify!. I can excuse non linking from non tech savvy people but not from technical people.

Regardless of "techno-blogger etiquette" which I am sure Bob will fix quickly, let's keep the structured blogging momentum going and see if we can reconcile this latest effort from PubSub with the RVW RSS 2.0 extensions and other structured blogging prior art without compromising the simplicity of blogging as Paolo suggests.

From Mark Bernstein: Structured Blogging.:


I find the advocacy site a bit vague. The underlying message is one of the driving forces for Tinderbox blogs. In Tinderbox, it's easy to create a BookReview post, which is distinct from a LoveStory post, a Diary, a TravelNote, or whatever you write about. You just say, "this is a a prototypical TravelNote", and then whenever you add a post you can select "TravelNote" from a popup menu to make a new post "just like that one".

Please, people: sign your weblogs! There's an entire page in this site about Who's behind it, which never gets around to saying just who is behind it. You've got to go over to PubSub, and then follow the About tab, and then find and follow the Management category, before you ever get to a name.


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