welcome to the cult Russell, is it a coincidence that the family is happy together and he now is all Mac, i don't think so :-) ! - "By the way, I'm writing this on my new 15" PowerBook G4 I got for work. I've finally done the complete switch to the Mac an
is feedburner e*il, i don't think so but i don't care if they go out of business because i only use it on dogma radio which has 4 :-) readers
fraser speirs rocks, pay him for the iPhoto flickr export plugin! - "If you use iPhoto to manage your digital photo collection but really dig Flickr%u2019s handling of photo publication%u2014tagging, photo sets, a photostream, and comments%u2014the Flickr
it's starting... - "Fortunately, Todd Carpenter of Lenderama decided to help compile a parallel list on his new Real Estate & Mortgage Blogs Directory. If you don%u2019t get enough real estate blogs below, go visit Todd."
This site is dedicated to linking any blog related to the the Real Estate and Mortgage Industry. If you have a related blog would like to add it to the roll, drop me an email at todd@lenderama.com. In return, please link this site and/or lenderama on your
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