Quest for a mobile podcasting setup part 1 iRiver ifP-7xxx or iRiver H320?
I'm leaning towards the iRiver H320 because it seems a lot more versatile according to David Berlind! I wish David would post an update! Patience!
From Steve Holden's Weblog: Mobile (Battery Power) Podcast Recording Toolset (via email from Mack Male, thanks!).:
I have posted a picture of my "new" portable podcasting setup.
For input I am using: Sony ECM-MS907 microphone; and Samsung YP-T5V MP3 Player for music & audio input.
Mixer is the: Rolls MX56S.
The output goes into my iRiver iFP-799 player for recording and I can listen to the mixed output using my Koss QZ headphones.
The small mic stand is from Radio Shack.
All of this is battery operated, and with no computer in the loop for the actual recording of the content. ;-)