I'm on the AO/Technorati Open Media 100
It's good to see that the AO/Technorati folks have a thick skin and sense of humour and put The Bird and I on the list even after my sarcastic (well I didn't really mean it to be sarcastic but it comes off that way; I meant it to be funny) post and The Bird's usual insightful post on these awards. I am uncomfortable with awards like this; not because I don't think people should make lists, but simply because blogging (and online expression through social software) is a big tent (e.g. what about The Dooce? Her blog was, is and will continue to be amazing). Since it is a big tent encompassing tons of tribes it's impossible to categorize people and in the end lists don't matter; what matters is expressing yourself online to whomever you want in whatever way you want (text, photos, audio, video, etc.) and at the moment in 2005, blogging in all its forms (photoblogging, text blogging, audio blogging/podcasting, video blogging) is the best way to do that.
From Introducing the AO/Technorati Open Media 100 :: AO.:
AlwaysOn and Technorati are pleased to present the first annual "Open Media 100," the power list of bloggers, social networkers, tool smiths, and investors leading the Open Media Revolution. If you fancy Vanity Fair's annual New Establishment list of the media and IT titans who matter (like we didn't already know), you might think of the Open Media 100 as the new, new establishment - people you may not know but probably should. Although many of these folks may never grace the pages of the high-gloss pubs, they will most certainly be keeping an independent eye on those who do. As we've all witnessed, this is already happening. Both Dan Rather and CNN news chief Eason Jordon were handed their walking papers after being busted by bloggers.