Britt is a friend and a great writer with great insights. Read the whole thing.

From Camp Fire Pearls - Escapable Logic.:


During most of our history, there hasn't been much conversation except camp fire talk, and I'm not sure we accept any talk that doesn't pass the camp fire test. It's a tone that's almost impossible to fake, and it's certainly the only tone that one willingly endures for more than a few minutes. Camp Fire Talk is part of us, grafted onto our nervous system so thoroughly that speakers stray from it at their peril. We all know what it is and, better, what it isn't. Blogging is forcing us to remember how to do Camp Fire Talk.

Blogs are so constant and frequent and informal that we're being forced at last to drop the stridency and expert tone and false eloquence that orators, and their progeny, corporate communicators, have felt obliged to use.


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