There is no mobile platform even in Asia
Read the whole thing. Sad but true. I really want Nokia to be the mobile platform of choice, but J2ME just doesn't cut it (and neither does PalmOS). Maybe Python or flash or Laszlo or ...? I'd like Nokia or somebody besides Microsoft to have a viable mobile platform and developer community. Peace, love and open media to Bryan from Vancouver!
From The Life of Bryan: Update from Bangkok.:
I've come to realize that mobile media is a joke. Carrier data fees are out to lunch, J2ME is a development nightmare and every manufacturer adheres to a slightly different official standard. Last year we were amazed at how many people in Asia were constantly playing with their phones, however within days of arriving in Bangkok back in June we immediately noticed that very few people were doing anything with their smart phones beyond voice and texting. Mobile games and video are advertised, nobody seems to be buying/playing.
Peace, love and open media