flickr id move from Flickr id to Yahoo id was not communicated well
As usual, the Flickr crew are doing a stellar job of answering people's flames :-) It could have been communicated better (I read the blog and flickrCentral post and thought it was confusing and still do) as in:
- Your photos will still have the same URL and you will still have the same moniker on flickr
- But you will have to get a Yahoo Id to login
- Why? Because having two systems to login doesn't make sense. the time we spend maintaining a separate Flickr id is time that we don't have to add cool new features. using the Yahoo ID to login will give us more time to add cool new features.
From Wired News: Flickr Fans to Yahoo: Flick Off!.:
Butterfield, who posts with users in Flickr forums, explained that site members would not have to represent themselves using their Yahoo screen names, which would just be for signing on.