ROLLYO needs to generate combined, filtered RSS feeds
Hmmm. Rollyo is cool (combine several Yahoo search feeds, and filter what you want), but it would be a lot cooler if you could get a RSS feed of the combined, filtered feed! Anyways, this is not (YET) a business model but rather a cool feature methinks. What Rollyo does could be done with the built in Drupal 4.7 aggregator module and a tiny bit of code (use a regular expression to filter on the title and description of each RSS item, so simple even I could code it!). So in other words: Rollyo coming to a Drupal 4.7 site near you real soon now :-) ! The relentless commodification of open source continues.
Rollyo puts the power of Yahoo! Search in your hands, by giving you the tools to create your own personal search engines - with no programming required. All you have to do is pick the sites you want to search, and we'll create a custom search engine for you.